
THE MAFIA LORD CAPTIVE MATE :You are mine , little mate

"We start with one million," Gio voices echo into the room as chatters and whistles fill my ears. My leg is trembling and my hand is unable to move. "Gio !" I called, ignoring the audience, whom I could not see. All I could feel was the fact that I was standing in front of many people. I was in an auction stand, to be precise. The room was as quiet as an empty, abandoned room. The atmosphere, judging by whatever is going on, looks terrifying enough, especially when I'm blind-founded. Forcefully claimed by a Ruthless Mafia boss, Luna would do anything to make sure she pissed him off and out of her life . But will she succeed when he has another plan for her?

Doreen_emo · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 1~Her Bidder


"We start with one million," Gio's voice echoes into the room, as chatters and whistles fill my ears.

My legs tremble, and my feet refuse to move.

"Gio!" I call, ignoring the audience I can't see. All I feel is the awareness of standing in front of a crowd.

I'm on an auction stand, to be precise. The room is as quiet as an abandoned building. The atmosphere, from what I can gather, is terrifying, especially since I'm blindfolded.

"Two million!" Another voice bids, and my ears are bombarded by the shouts of different voices. My hands are bound tightly, and fear grips me as I fidget backward, struggling to free my tied hands.

"Three million." Another voice echoes.

"Gio!" I whisper, scared and astonished, still unaware of what they are bidding on.

Being part of the Thiago clan, where my father once led the Mafia clan, I know that when meetings like this happen, and a price is set, someone is going to be sold.

I silently mumble a prayer, hoping that whatever I'm feeling is just in my head.

"No! A Thiago cannot be sold out." I try to reassure myself, unwilling to accept the reality that's unfolding.

Martinez, Gio's father, has always been like a father to me until now. Even though he is strict, I can't believe he'd do this.

He supported me from the beginning when I chose to take my father's case into my own hands, especially after they closed his death without proper investigation.

"I guess she's going for three million," Gio's voice breaks through my thoughts.

"Gio," I call again when he makes the last announcement.

"Fifty million." An unfamiliar voice declares before I can say another word.

The room falls silent. The husky, deep voice that bids fifty million seems to hold power over everyone.

"I'm sorry, Lun. Forgive us; we have no other option," Gio whispers in my ear.

"No, GIO, this can't be happening," I mutter, fighting back tears which are  threatening to fall from my eyes. I struggle to keep my composure.

"Where is Mr. Martin?" I ask, reaching for Gio's hand. He holds onto mine tightly.

"You'll be fine, Lun. I heard he's merciless and ruthless, but I hope and pray you overcome it all," he says, patting my hand.

"I don't want to share my possessions anymore." A deep, serious voice speaks from behind us, causing me to shiver.

"She isn't a possession; she's someone special," Gio defends me.

"Well, you should have thought about that before tossing her like a commodity with no value; she's not even worth the money," the man responds, his tone intimidating.

"Lun, you'll get through this phase, trust me." Gio tries to comfort me, still holding onto my hand.

"Gio! No, you can't do this to me!" I yell in pain as tears I've been holding back fall freely.

"Take her away immediately," the deep voice commands again.

"Yes, boss," another voice responds as someone grabs me from behind, ready to drag me away.

"Wait," Mr. Martin's voice interrupts.

"She's someone special, and we can't send her off like that," Mr. Martin says, and a small sense of hope blooms within me.

"You should have thought deeply about this before selling her off," the unfamiliar voice challenges.

"Can I have a word with you, Lun?" Mr. Martin asks.

"Yes, Mr. Martin, but not while I'm blindfolded," I mutter.

"Please, excuse us for a moment," he requests.

"What's mine is mine, and I won't allow you to share her with me," the man remarks with a smirk.

"She is not a possession, remember?" Gio insists.

"I paid handsomely for her, remember?" the man retorts.

"Gio, this isn't the time for this," Mr. Martin intervenes as the man's footsteps recede.

Gio takes my hand, and along with his father, he leads me into a room. Mr. Martin follows us, and once inside, they untie my hands and remove the blindfold.

"Mr. Martin, I'm sorry for everything, but please don't sell me off," I plead.

"Quit the act; you're an adult," Mrs. Martin mutters from behind.

"I'm sorry, Lun, but this is the only way to uncover the truth. You're not going as a possession; there's a mission waiting for you," Mr. Martin says.

"And what is that?" Gio asks before I can speak.

"Be a spy; watch his activities and report back," Mr. Martin reveals.

"But Dad, isn't that too risky? You can't send her into danger just for your mission," Gio protests.

"Isn't she capable of completing her assignment? She owes us, and now it's time for her to repay," Mrs. Martin snaps.

"So, being useful means selling her off and turning her into a spy for your alliance with Maxwell Cooper?" Gio argues.

"Dad, we all know how dangerous he is. What if he finds out? She might not survive." Gio warns.

"What if I told you he killed your father and I want revenge?" Mr. Martin declares, and I go silent.

"You don't mean it, do you?" I ask, anger rising within me.

"He did, and he's gone unpunished while your father is seen as a criminal," Mr. Martin states.

"Don't you want to clear his name and prove that he wasn't the murderer everyone believes him to be?" he asks as I clench my fists.

This is my first book on Webnovel,To my dear readers who would follow this book up .Thank you in advance.

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