
The Mafia Boss's Ineffable Need

Ethan Mondragon, aka "Storm" lost faith in love as it was the reason that he lost his perfect life and family, turning him into a heartless monster that killed everyone getting his way without mercy. He swore to never submit to love. It wasn't until Julia Natividad came crashing into his life like a fireball— melting his icy heart and awakening his ineffable desire. Julia Natividad came to his life for one purpose— to redeem her sister's blood debt.

Skyra_Lee · Real
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16 Chs

Watch Out

6 Months Later…

In the forest of Alaya, about 25 people were marching towards the heart of the said forest. They were all armed, and were cautious with their movements. Among them was Snake. He was the big boss of the group. He wore a bright orange suit, and an arrogant face. There was a big scar crossed diagonally on his face, making him looked hideous and scarier.

This fat man looked bored and dog-tired from walking for so long. As he saw a felled huge tree, he immediately crawled on it, and ordered through gasping, "Stop here! Let those assholes wait for us there! Damn it! I'm exhausted. When the business is done, kill them all!"

"Yes, boss!" Everyone answered in chorus.

"Gecko, hand me water!" Snake proposed to the man who was carrying a backpack on his back and a black suitcase in his hand, unhappiness plastered all over Snake's ugly face. The man quickly walked up to him and went through his bag. As he handed the bottle of water, Snake gritted his teeth, and kicked the man on his stomach for no reason, "Why are you so slow? Do you want to kill me through dehydration?"

Gecko propped his hands behind to support himself on the ground. That was painful, but he didn't move away. It would only aggrieve Snake and he was doomed. He lowered his head and apologized, "Forgive me, Snake. I won't do it again."

"Trash! Stay out of my sight!" Snake attempted to hit Gecko again, but the latter already tottered his way out of his sight. Snake spat a saliva and stated irritatedly, "Dumbass!" He chugged the water and when he was done, he crumpled the bottle and snorted at Gecko, who was silently standing five meters away behind him. "How long before we will arrive there?"

Gecko checked his watch and the compass with a slight frown. "I assume, we still need to walk for fifteen minutes."

"You assume?" Snake emphasized these words. "So you're not sure?"

"No. No, Snake." Panic plasters on Gecko's eyes. "What I mean is, we still need to spend fifteen minutes before we arrive there."

Snake shut him a cold look, yet threatening.

Gecko gulped a lump in his throat, and emphasized his answer. "I'm certain."

Snake smirked creepily. "You better sure, or I'll sever that useless tongue of yours." He propped himself up and roared, "Go on your feet, and move!"

Hearing his order, everyone quickly rose to their feet, and continues on their journey. As they were trekking, they surrounded Snake as if he was some big figure or famous idol that couldn't be touch by others.

Exactly fifteen minutes, they reached their destination, a camp, similar to a military camp. There were several men guarding the place, and a boiling soup in a giant pot that is guarded with some men as well.

Snake glanced at his own watch and leered as he read the time. "Just like you assumes, we spent fifteen minutes. You're pretty lucky, Gecko."

"Boss, they're here!!" The watcher from the other group informed their master through a shout. 

Snake's men escorted Snake in their camp's yard. 

In no time, a robust man, wearing an old military outfit and a cowboy hat, came out of a tent with a smoking pipe on the edge of his mouth.

"Snake." The man slightly bowed his head on Snake and smirked as he blew the smoke from his mouth. He was no longer that little sheep when he was facing Snake, unlike before. "It's good that you manage to find here. Knowing who you are, I feel so bad for you. I hope… you didn't think I'm bullying you. And think of killing me."

Snake stiffly snorts. "That's depends on your performance. If your goods can still please me, I'll forget that it's hard to find this rathole of yours."

The man chuckled, but it was obviously fake. It displeases him to hear being called rats. He sternly glanced at the other man with a face covered with thick beards and orders, "Go, show Snake our best goods."

"Yes." That man immediately left to carry the order.

"Well, Snake. Why don't you come sit and have some tea with me?" The man offered as he spread his arms, indirectly showing off his territory. "You can have everything you want here."

"Oh, really?" Snake's tone was mysterious.

"Of course, even women." The man chuckled again, showing his yellow teeth. "But something is wondering me. Hope you can enlighten me."

"Speak." Tension suddenly aroused between the two groups. Though they were yet aiming their gun against each other, the opposing air was perceivable.

The man blew a smoke out his mouth again, and said, "Why did you come here personally? Are you too free and wants to take some breath?"

Snake eerily snickered. "I'm here to check if you truly turn into someone I hate."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean… this." Snake suddenly pulled out a gun under his suit and pointed it to the man. However, before Snake could pull the trigger, the opposing force started to shoot Snake's group.

Gunshots filled the camp. Dead bodies from both sides fell one after another.

Snake underestimated the man. When the fights broke out, the man suddenly kicked Snake on his stomach. And he fells on his back with a loud thud, because of it, he luckily managed to save his life from the bullets that should be wheezing towards his head.

"Damn, Snake! What is this for?" The man roared.

Snake's face turned green in anger as he crawled his way towards the trunk, hiding himself behind it. His face contorted in disappointment and rage, "You know clear why, Max. I want to kill you myself! For planning to betray me!"

"I'll kill you, fatty!" That man rumbled furiously.

"You're too weak to do that, bastard!" Snake peeked his head out, and shut several people dead. Snake searched for that man, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Snake prowled his way out of that trunk. As he did that, the man that he was searching was also sneaking his way towards him, creeping in the bushes.

Shortly after that, roars of sport bikes approached the scene. When that man was about to shoot Snake right on his chest from behind, a sports bikes leaped in the air towards Snake and jumped off as he blocked the bullets, screaming, "Snake, watch out!!"