

Underground Society

A term most appropriate to use to describe the over all civilization of criminals in the whole world, their own world where devilishness resides. They may be scattered around but they belong in the same group of bad, merciless and unruly human beings with no conscience left to beg for.

Mafia families is multiplying across the world. Their population increasing as well as their victims both known and unknown. As soon as the government founds out that these increasing number of crimes isn't just a simple crime in the streets, they made a move to wipe out the suspects and criminals including their Godfathers wherein they only end up communicating with them. The government's forces wasn't enough compared to these Mafia's connections therefore these supposedly heroes with a help to cry for are no longer there. Them, choosing to just better have an agreement where they both benefit and let the criminals move along with limits and of course with money and services in return for the both sides.

Even the infamous Deepweb that we can tell the internet of the Undergrounders that is hardly accessable but only by them, the government lose the battle of hacking and chose to be one of it. This contains the hidden informations and facts about everything in the world including every single human's entire information in life, also it has this online market, called the black market, a online store of illegal products and services like drugs, fake identification cards, passports, shoot to kills, explicit videos or personal experience offers to satisfy people's unhumanly desires etc.

So as said, the victims are helpless.

It's like, there is no solution left for this problem.

A truth about the world, the bad side will never fade-out. Like Satan itself where God can destroy anyways yet is still there.

But, goodness as well will never be out in every picture.

There will be an act of goodwill that will grow in the devil's den.