

Dominick's POV

Maria glanced at me with a raised brow, and I shrugged, striding towards the bar. "Don't look at me like that, Maria. I have no idea why she's behaving that way."

"Dominick, come on, she's obviously hurt. At least go check up on her," Maria insisted.

I took a glass and poured some whiskey into it. "We were just ambushed and escaped narrowly. I don't have time for any fucking tantrums."

Maria walked up to me, drawing a deep sigh. "Miss Sol has always been a strong lady, but seeing her in this vulnerable position makes my heart ache. Something must be bothering her."

"She's startled from all the attacks and also sad that the boss didn't even bother to check up on her," Nina announced out of nowhere.

Honestly, I don't know why they're fucking telling me all this.

"I don't care how she feels," I rolled my eyes, chugging at my drink.

Maria breathed a deep sigh. "Dominick, I've raised you since you were young. Everyone else may fear you, but not me. I know more about you than you think. And right now, I'm telling you, you actually care."

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Maria," I moaned, raking a hand over my hair in frustration.

Yes, I know she's right. Maria is like a mother to me, and Nina a sister, but they seem to believe they know my heart more than I do myself.

"If it were other women, you would have gone off on them. But with her, it's different. I see it in the way you look at her."

"That's because she's weak and always needs protection," I kept that to myself, though.

"Come on, boss, just go see her. I'm sure she'll feel better if she sees you," Nina noted, smiling wryly.

"Fine!" I dropped the glass on the table with a little more force than necessary. "I'm only doing this because I'm tired of your rants." They both chuckled as I took lazy steps upstairs.

I drew a deep sigh before reaching for the doorknob and opening the door. Luna was sprawled on the bed, crying softly. She didn't even bother to look up.

I hesitated, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. I wasn't quite sure how to react to this.

"Are you alright?" I asked, waiting for a reply but getting none. "Luna, look at me."

"Leave me alone, please," she replied, still refusing to face me.

What did she want me to fucking do or say to her? She was so childish. What a waste of time!

Annoyed, I turned and started walking towards the door until her frail voice called me back.

I faced her, and she was now sitting up on her bed.

"How could you turn back and leave?" Her voice broke as she sobbed. "After what you did today."

I folded my arms across my chest. "What did I do?"

"How could you take me to such a place without giving me a heads up? A place where I was threatened to be tortured and almost lost my life!" She choked out, her chest racking with sobs.


"No, you listen. You didn't even bother to check up on me after everything. You just focused on your phone!" She yelled, and I felt a tug at my heart.

She was right. I hadn't even looked at her in the car. I didn't realize the extent of her hurt. I was even surprised to hear her curse for the first time.

"You're always doing this, Dominick. You're always keeping me in the dark! I want to be strong, not weak, but I can't do it with you constantly treating me like crap and a nobody."

I nodded, striding towards her bed. "I'm sorry, Luna. I should have at least given you a heads up. You're right to feel hurt," I confessed, staring into her teary gray eyes.

She looked so lost, so innocent, and so hurt at the same time. This was all my fault for thinking she could handle everything.

Maybe I should just let her go, tell my family the truth about Sol. Luna doesn't deserve to be caught up in all this fucking crap.

"It's alright," she wiped her tears with the back of her palm. "I'm sorry if I went overboard." She turned her gaze to her duvet, reverting to her normal timid self.

"Should I call Nina to come keep you company?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. It felt weird because I always knew what to say.

"It's okay, I'll just take a rest," she muttered, biting at her lower lip.

"Okay," I nodded, and started walking away.

"Dominick," she called back. Turning to face her, she fiddled with her fingers nervously. "Can... Can you stay with me a little?"

I wanted to say yes, but I found it hard to open my lips to actually say it. I couldn't afford to be swayed; it was too dangerous, she was too innocent.

"I'm sorry, I've got some important things to attend to right now," I simply stated, not missing the slight tightening of her lips.

"I understand... I'm sorry for bothering you," she stated before lying back down on the bed, making sure to turn her back to me.

I took a step, wanting nothing but to hold her in my arms and caress her, but I hesitated. She might take it the wrong way.

"Good night," I told her and headed out of the room. She only replied after I was out of her room.

I went straight to my room, slouching on the bed tiredly. Why did Luna's tears bother me so much? Why did I feel the urge to go straight to her room and embrace her in a bone-crushing hug?

I knew the answer, but I wasn't ready to acknowledge or admit it. It would be chaotic. I couldn't afford to let a woman sway me. I've come a long way as the Don of the Phoenix Dynasty Mafia.

Standing up from the bed, I peeled off my jacket and made for the bathroom until my phone began ringing. I reached for it on the headboard, and it was an unknown number on the screen.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hello, Dominick, it's me, Sol... Please, help me!"