
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs


"You cannot be serious Peter, he's among the best new actors to work with us, why will boss want our contract with him terminated?" Peter questioned.

"You don't dare to question the boss's orders Simon, except you want to get fired" Peter respond as he took back his phone which he used in snapping the actor and showing his photo to Simon. Simon sighed and shook his head, he knew Norman to well and he dare not disobey Norman's orders.

"Fine. I will contact him right away," Simon said and he took out his phone and called his assistant to email a report of cancellation of contract with Chris Melvin and getting a new replacement for him immediately, so as not to delay the movie they were almost thru shooting.

Chris assistant got the report first and he immediately called Chris who still sat in the cafeteria with Jane telling her about his past relationships and how girls had always mistake him as a Casanova and flirt, just because he was handsome and misunderstood everything blaming him as a cheat and using his acting as an excuse.

Jane was just laughing so hard as he cracked her up and Norman's brow furrowed from where he sat staring at them.

"What's taking peter so long in completing a simple task?" Norman questioned and just then Chris phone rang.

"Hello Joseph what's up?" Chris asked as he spoked to the caller.

"I just got a report now that your contact deal with the Silver house has been terminated and they're looking for a new actor as your replacement," Joseph informed.

"WHAT!" Chris screamed as he abruptly stood up, startling Jane who stared at him in worry.

"You cannot be serious Joseph?" Chris asked and just then he got the text message and email notification on his phone.

"I will call you back Joseph" Chris ended the call and quickly read thru the message sent to him and truly his contract with the Silver house has been terminated.

"No this cannot be happening!" Chris murmured as he stared and read thru the text.

"What's wrong Chris?" Jane asked as she stood up staring at him in worry.

"Am sorry babe, but I have to go upstairs now and see the management. They've just cancelled my partnership and contract with them" Chris informed her.

"WHAT!, WHY?" Jane asked him staring at him in worry.

"I don't really know and they said they will compensate me but they don't need me in their premises anymore and i should leave and not breach else they will be forced to used the security on me."

"You cannot be serious," Jane refused to believe him, but Chris shook his head and quickly stepped out from his plastic seat.

"I will see you later, I have to go now!" Chris told her and hurriedly went out of the cafeteria going upstairs.

Jane stared at him until he disappeared from. her view and she was indeed worried for him.

She stepped out from her plastic chair too and just as she looked around at the people staring at her, she saw the familiar man on hat seated alone on a seat not too far away from where she stood.

Her heartbeat accelerated and she hurriedly walked out from the cafeteria.

Norman clearly saw her leaving. He stood up and followed her and Jane rushed downstairs going out from the building as she was thru with her shooting and signing out for the day as they were still arranging for the new sight they want to use in shooting the remaining parts of the season movie.

Norman took the private elevator and got downstairs before her. He went to her car and waited as he knew she was going to her car.

Jane wanted to wait for Chris to be thru, but seeing the man on hat, she was no longer comfortable and she didn't know when Chris will be thru either.

She rushed to her car and as she got there she saw Norman standing beside her car. "How did he?" Jane swallowed as she bite on her lower lip and approached him.

"Hi, how're you doing Jane?" Norman asked and Jane swallowed as she approached him and greeted ,"good afternoon."

"I have been calling you since to let you know I was around but it seemed you were preoccupied with the actor," Norman said and Jane quickly shook her head.

"No, his just my friend. I thought to give you a call but that's when I get home." She told him.

"I see. So am not of importance to you then." Norman said as he walked away from her car approaching her, she took two steps backwards and continue moving backward as he approached.

"No, not that, I really meant to call you. I didn't want to inform Chris about you. The last time I told him about you, he said probably you lied to me about being the boss, but I was really meaning to call you after I sign out for today."

"Hmm.." Norman hummed as he approached and now stood in front of her.

"Am not worried about that, but I will be looking forward to seeing you tonight, What do you say? "Norman questioned.

"Okay, I will be there," Jane quickly replied wanting him to leave as she wasn't comfortable with him.

"Hmm, I will send my driver to pick you. See you tonight Miss Jane" Norman told her and walked away while she sighed and walked back to her car. She decided to wait for Chris to return as she couldn't understand why the company decided to cancel his contract with them.

Jane stood waiting but Chris wasn't showing up, she thought to call him and inform him but just then Chris came out and walked towards her as he was also leaving with his assistant.

"Jane.." he called her name as he approached.

"What really happened?" Jane asked him.

"Is a long story. But they really meant to cancel it. I will just have to call my team and inform them I cannot be treated this way not after the shooting will soon be over, I have rejected their cancellation and will speak with my lawyer about it. Is not just about the money but my fans as well.." Chris continued to rant.

"Am sorry, I can understand, but I just think you should take it easy and try and recheck with them."

"No Jane, not to worry I will chat with you about whatever decision I take. You leaving now right?."

"Yes, I have to go now, see you later," Jane hug him bye and Norman stood at the top floor watching them.

"Hmm.." his brows furrowed at her.

Jane got back into her car and drove off while Chris still stood contacting his lawyer before he left in his car with his assistant. He couldn't understand why they cancel but the manager had told him it was orders from the big boss and they didn't know why as well. Chris sighed and drove out of the company.

Jane got back home, she had to prepare for her date. Ashley wasn't home for her to inform her about it. It seemed to her like Ashley had gone to her best friend place. She sighed and went to take her bathe and dress up. Just as she stepped out her father returned and stared at his wristwatch time.

"Going out Jane?" Mr Dot asked as he climbed up the balcony.

"Yes father, am going out to see a friend," Jane told him and Mr Dot sighed.

"Don't keep late night today," he informed her and she nodded and left.

Ashley returned back home as soon as Jane left. She meet her father in the living room downstairs and she greeted him as she got into their mansion. "Good evening father."

"Welcome back," Mr Dot replied. He was still angry with her and didn't want to speak much to her. Ashley sighed and walked back to Jane's room first to chat with Jane before retiring to her room. She walked into her sis room, not seeing Jane she went back to her own room as she didn't want to ask her father about Jane

Jane drove out to the location of their date. When she got there she parked her little car and came down. Though Norman had informed her his driver would pick her but she wasn't interested in such pampering, she needed to underestimate him first and know what he truly wanted from her before she would fall prey.