
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs

Surprised Call

Riding back home in silence, Jane got back home together with Lexi, whom drove behind her in his own car. He wondered whom Jane must have gone out with on a late night date, he also wondered why her father allowed her become an actress, knowing it was risky and they had many enemies. It wasn't even in his place to stop Jane as Jane was a calm and sweet girl compared to Ashley whom was ruthless.

Lexi parked his car, as he came down and walked over to the building.

Mr Dot Kones stood by the entrance building with some other of his boys as they had some late night shipping to do with the black copper, Jane approached him, as she greeted him first.

"Good evening father," Jane greeted as she was going back into the mansion.

"Okay, you know what to do boys, I will see you guys later," Mr Dot dismissed his boys and turned to stare at her as she already walked passed him.

"Hello miss, what took you so long to this hour?," Mr Dot Kones questioned as he teased her as he tapped his walking stick on the floor waiting for her response.

"Father, nothing, I went out to see a friend," Jane replied looking shyly.

"Really, seeing a friend in a hotel Jane.. Wow that's very impressive of you. Am sure this friend of yours is a male friend, Am I correct?," Mr Dot questioned and Jane smiled and replied, "Not what you're thinking father, we didn't do anything, just gist and some drink."

"Well, walk back with me into the mansion then," Mr Dot Kones said, as he started walking back into their mansion.

"You see Jane, I want you to be happy that's why I allowed you become whatever you want or wished to be, but sometimes I think I made a mistake as I wasn't able to protect your mother, knowing she was also a model and a beauty goddess like you are.." Mr Dot Kones paused as he opened the mansion door and stepped into the living room.

"Jane," Mr Dot hummed her name as he called her slowly. "I already entrusted your safety to Lexi and some other of my boys, whenever Lexi is on duty, you should always try to give him updates of wherever you might be going to, so if you are in any trouble, he will come there to protect you," Mr Dot Kones said

"Father I can't get into any trouble, but I will try to give Lexi update on my whereabouts," Jane replied with a frown.

"Not try Jane, Not try.. Am not asking you to try, but for you to always give him updates, on wherever you are going to and whomever you're visiting and when you are at work," Mr Dot Kones stated.

"Okay father," Jane responded with a sigh.

"Good, Come let's have dinner, I know you might have already eaten outside, but I haven't as I was waiting for you to return before I have mine, so let go," Mr Dot Kones gestured for her to join him for dinner, as he walked over to the dinning area and called on the maid to come serve their dinner.

"Your mother was an epitome of beauty and had heads turning backward just to stare at her and admire her beauty," Mr Dot Kones said as he shifted out a dinning chair and sat down on it, Jane did the same too as she sat down opposite him.

"Sometimes I wish I could just turn back the hands of time and catch whom it was that murdered your mother, but up till date I still don't know who raped and killed her, so you should be careful," Mr Dot Kones said, as his eyes reflected nothing but pain of the past.

"I will father, you shouldn't worry much about me," Jane replied as she has heard her mother's painful death story from her sister, and it brought tears to her eyes, wanting to change the topic as the maid serve their meals, she asked, "Father have you spoked to Ashley yet, she will be coming home this weekend, you wouldn't be bored again," She said and Mr Dot smiled.

"Oh, I will prefer your sister to stay longer with Dave, atleast I will be less worried about only you," he replied her sarcastically, and she smiled. Even when it expected of Jane to frown, she smiles sweetly to everything, that's it so difficult for one to detect her mindset or real mood, she was born an actress and always on the act, was the more reason why he allowed her act.

They ate their food in silence and after dinner, they greeted goodnight and retired back to their different chambers.

The following morning Jane got an email from White Copper entertainment, to report to the receptionist desk for an interview. She was shocked to read thru the email, as she had previously gone to them for an Interview but was dragged out by Dave.

And they had also emailed her before, that due to her failed interview meeting with their boss, the company as picked on other available actresses to act on the lead role, so why were they waking her up now with a text?.

She went thru the email again thinking it was a mistake and wanted to delete it, just then her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello..." Jane spoked to the caller.

"Hello, this is the receptionist calling from White Copper entertainment house, your have been employed and you are needed at the company to sign an agreement with the firm," said the receptionist.

"What!, What nonsense are you talking about, do you know whom you are speaking with?," Jane questioned in disbelief as she was preparing to go out to the silver house for her remaining shoot.

"Yes, Am not mistaken madam, isn't this Miss Jane Kones, the 22yrs old model whom had previously submitted her application letter for a spot at the audion of star and championship the movie," said the receptionist of White Copper.

"Yes, you're right," Jane calmed.

"Well, our boss had gone thru your credentials and had given you a free spot without any need to audition again, you are to come to the company to see it for yourself and sign with us," said the receptionist as she had been instructed by Thomas assistant to call Jane directly.

"Oh, okay, but am sorry to disappoint you, I have already gotten a job elsewhere and as I speak with you now, am already getting late for my shoot, probably some other time, I will love to work with you guys, thank you and accept my apologies." Jane apologized to them as she wanted to end the shocking call.

"Okay, Miss Jane, thanks for you time, I will let the management and team know about your response, thank you," The receptionist replied.

"Okay thank you, bye," Jane ended the call and stared in space. She had wanted to work with them before and had even showed up at their company for her own audition on that fateful day, only for Dave to stop her and dragged her out like she was a little girl and his blood kid sister. She smiled and got ready to prepare for her shoot in the silver house as her assistant had earlier sent her a text to show up early, so she rushed out to have breakfast with her father, before informing Lexi about her schedule for the day.

"Good morning father," Jane greeted Mr Dot, whom already sat at the dinning table waiting for her, she seemed to be in a hurry.

"Good morning my child, you seem to be in a hurry today, come lets have some breakfast together," respond Mr Dot, and Jane quickly pulled out a chair and sat on it, while the maid poured out her tea.

She ate few slice of bread calmly before drinking her tea, after she was thru, she wiped her lip with the table towel and stood up, "Father, am leaving to work, we have early shoot today," Jane said as she checked her wristwatch time.

"Okay, you should stay safe, and be careful always," Mr Dot replied as he continued eating his breakfast.

"Okay father, see you in the evening, I will inform Lexi over on the phone," Jane said, but Mr Dot quickly responded to her, "Not when you are driving, I will inform him myself, you shouldn't worry about that."

"Okay thank you father bye," Jane walked over to his side and peck him on his cheek, and she turned and left the dining area, while she drove out of the compound in her little car.