
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs

Stripped Ashley Naked

Seeing her looked away from him, Dave collected the broken plate pieces away from her right palm, and he spoked to her gently,

"Why so naughty and stubborn? When you know you cannot escape from here?. I can ask my men to kill you or have fun with you if I wish" Dave said, as he continued to stared to her face, wanting to make her scared, but Ashley still looked fearless, as she stared at him calmly, not minding what he said..

Seeing she wasn't scared about what he said to her, Dave smiled, but still squatting so close to her view and admiring her pretty yellow face again, he subconsciously raised his right hand up and touched her chubby cheek, wanting to feel her soft cheeks again on his hard palm, as he had touched her cheek before, and just then Ashley quickly pushed his hands away and warned him ,"Don't you dare to touch me!"

Dave only smiled and stood up, while Mark stared at him angrily, for being lenient with her.

"Fine, Tell me, Who sent you here?" Dave finally questioned her, but she looked away from him, not wanting to respond.

Ashley wouldn't told him that she was his fiancee, and they will soon marry. And Dave thundered "Speak!," but Ashley only ended up smiling, confusing him the more.

"You cannot threaten me to tell you anything, Mr Dave" Ashley said his name in a seductive tone, and looked away from him, while Dave felt his heart skipped a beat, as she spoked so calmly to him.

Dave sighed and drew back to her and he squat in front of her and said, "I can see you are tough and can fight, but don't think that will stop me from torturing you. Now tell me, who sent you here to us? And why you're here and I will let you go. Are you a spy sent to monitor us, or who hired you?."

Ashley stared away not responding, and seeing she wasn't responding to him, Dave stood up and he walked to sat on the chair in the room, and he ordered, "Aaron call the cleaner to come tidy this mess up first."

"Okay Boss" Aaron left, remaining only Mark and another guard, that assisted Aaron, while Dave stared back to Ashley.

"I see you want me to torture you first, and I will ask you again, for this last time. Who sent you here?!" Dave raised his voice and Ashley finally stared back to him and replied, "None of your business, Go on and do whatever you want, I won't tell you anything."

"Really?" Dave smirked, as he stared at her.

"Mark!" Dave summoned, and Mark stepped in.

"Strip her off!' Dave commanded, wanting to scare her, but Ashley smiled and remarked, "Is that what you want to see Mr Dave? My n*kedness?. Go on, I won't tell you anything."

Ashley looked away and Mark approached her, while Dave was already feeling restless as he stared at her for the last time and he didn't wanted to torture her, but she was proofing to stubborn for him to handle too, and he replied, "Don't think am joking with you. I will ask you for the last time. Why are you here?. And if you refused to speak then I will have my men to strip you off and torture you now."

Ashley stared back to Dave angrily, And she thought, It was better to be tortured, than have a man controlling her as his wife in the name of marriage. So he should soiled her image, so he will reject to marry her, when he finally found out that she was his fiancee.

Ashley bited on her lower lip, as she thought about it and she finally replied him, "Do your worst Mr Dave, I wouldn't tell you anything!."

Dave stared at her angrily and he ordered, "Mark! strip her off!."

Mark went to Ashley's side and he grabbed her roughly and pulled off her leather jacket, as he held her tightly remembering the kick that she had given to him before, but to his surprise Ashley didn't struggled with him, nor refused him stripping her either, as she stood still, while he zipped down her leather jacket, and pulled it off, and away from her shoulder, exposing her inner singlet.

As she was now left in her bra and singlet top, with her big boobs pushup up their views, and her cleavage partly exposed and showing on top of her chest, as she have bigger breasts.

Dave gulped down the hard lump that hard formed in his throat immediately as he stared to her huge chest, As he hadn't expected for a slim girl like her to have such big boobs.

Seeing that was why she wore the leather jacket to hide all her God given asset, and hadn't taken it off since she was caught, Ashley stared to him coldly, meeting his gaze on her chest. And she saw it clearly in his eyes, that her boobs was indeed affecting him, as she knew she was naturally endowed with bigger boobs, the more reason why she used to cover up her chest with sweat-jacket to hide all her God given package, as she hated men drooling over her, so she preferred dressing like a Tomboy.

Dave hadn't expected for things to turnout like that, as he only wanted to scared her to confess to them, but she was ready to go nude in front of him and he was sweating really badly.

"Boss, should I take off her top and bra too?" Mark asked, seeing his boss was sweating.

"Stop!" Dave thundered, as he couldn't witstand seeing her partly exposed big breast, talk more of removing her bra and stripping her completely bare too in front of him.

Dave didn't even like how Mark was holding her so closely to his chest, and wanting to made his way towards touching her breast and stripping off her bra, and Dave spoked to her,

"For the last time, tell me who sent you here?!"

Ashley meet Dave's gaze on her, seeing he was sweating seriously, and she pitied him and truthfully replied to him, "No one sent me here."

"Really? So why are you here?" Dave questioned, as his eyes narrowed at her unbelievably. And he was becoming more and more uncomfortable, seeing her slightly exposed chest, but she didn't responded.

Mark asked him, "Boss should I strip her off completely nàked?."

"No Mark!" Dave replied heavily, and he stood up from the white plastic chair to leave her cage room, not able to withhold his triggered arousal anymore, as his body was heating up and reacting badly seeing only the top of her exposed bare chest.

Dave quickly exited her cage room, as he walked out, leaving them inside, to went out and received some cool air, to cool down his urge, as he hadn't slept with a woman before.

"Boss!" Mark called after him, but Dave didn't responded, nor turned backward to stared at Mark.

Dave left to his room, as he walked thru the corridor, going back to his private chamber to get a cold water, to cool down his arousal and to distracted his mind, as he felt his rod hardening and wanting to explode.

Mark stared back to Ashley coldly in front of him. As he could saw it clearly, that she was indeed affecting his boss, but she wasn't affecting him in anyway. And if not that Dave had instructed him, not to hurt her, and he could've dealt with her and gotten the information they needed from her.

He could tell Dave probably has some hidden feelings for her, As to why Dave was treating her nicely, and he walked over to her side and glared at her coldly as he sneered,

"Don't think if the boss refused to torture you, I wouldn't."

"Now tell me who do you work for?!" Mark questioned out, and quickly brought out his gun from his trouser side pocket, as he stood back and closer the cage room door, and he pointed his gun towards her head.

"Tell me now!. Who are you and what's your name?!" Mark thundered, and Ashley shuddered a bit and glared at him too, but hearing him choked on the trigger.

Ashley wasn't ready to die yet, and so she told him, "Am Ash.."

"Ash who? Speak up!" Mark commanded, choking his trigger again, like he wanted to shot her, as he saw her shudder a little in fear, thinking he wanted to kill her too.

"Ash, Ash.." Ashley replied to him coldly, not wanting to mentioned her full name, nor her father's name either. As she knew, they would know her father.

"Who's your father?" Mark asked her, and she shook her head and stared away angrily.

"You wouldn't know him, As my target is your boss, and I will kill him myself. So stay out of my way!" Ashley threatened. And Mark stared at her angrily, as he would had slapped her pretty face hot now, for daring to kill Dave, if Dave hadn't warned him not to tortured her.

Mark kept down his gun by his side, still holding it, and he turned and walked out of the cage room, going straight to saw Dave in his chamber, and to took proper permission to dealt with her, so she would confessed to them, while Aaron locked back the cage room door.