
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs

Seeing Ashley Naked

Dave eyes were fixed on Ashley, as she walked passed him and sat on the bed, while he followed her and sat besides her too on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Ashley asked him as he sat besides her on the bed.

"What does it seem to you like am doing or about to do?" Dave questioned, while Ashley gulped and looked away from him, and she finally replied, "I don't know."

Dave said, "Good."

"So what do you want to discuss with me about?" Ashley impatiently asked him, while Dave was lost in his thought at the moment, as he didn't properly heard what she asked him, As his mind had gone berserk seeing her tying only towel with her thighs partly exposed, and he couldn't think of anything else, other than how sweet she would tasted.

{Why am I even having these crazy thoughts?!} Dave inwardly asked himself, until he heard Ashley called him by his name again "Dave!."

Ashley yelled at him, looking angrily at him, as she has been waiting for him to talked to her, on what's so important that he came to her room to discussed about, at that early hour on a beautiful Sunday morning that couldn't waited till noon.

"Didn't you heard what I just asked you now?" Ashley inquired, staring to Dave's face.

"Sorry I didn't?" Dave honestly replied, as he looked up to her face too. All he felt at that moment was to pulled her closer and kissed her hard on her lips, as his eyes were fixed on her lips and looking down to her breasts and he gulped.

Ashley became utterly embarrassed seeing how his eyes were scanning and travelling all over her body, and she slapped him on his shoulder and stood up from the bed.

"Why're you staring at me like that?" Ashley questioned, as she stood and folded her arms around her bossom, glaring at Dave.

Dave smiled and blushed, as she had caught him off guard, and he couldn't helped but admired her beautiful physic and at that very moment he wanted the towel off from her body, to saw her beautiful physic very well.

Dave gulped as he stood up smiling and he walked up to meet her..

Ashley took two steps backwards, seeing Dave was approaching her as she stood in front of him and she said, "Just leave my room Dave. Leave as we can talk later or just give me few minutes to dress up first.."

Ashley was nervous, as she kept moving backward seeing that Dave was still moving closer to her, and she got stuck by the room wall behind her again, and couldn't move backward either.

"Dave just leave.. I don't like this" Ashley stated, looking annoyed at him, as she wanted to stepped forward and to pushed him away from her room, but Dave laughed out and Ashley became amused to saw how handsome he looked laughing..

And she really admired him and blinked her eyes multiple times, before she frowned back and stared at him sternly, and she said to him authoritatively, "Just leave Dave. I need to dress up now."

Dave drew more closer to Ashley, resting one of his hand by the wall behind her head, and he leaned forward to her face and spoked to her,, "Fine I will leave you to dress up now, but you should first give me a kiss."

Dave smiled as he positioned his lips in front of her, in a kiss like manner to her face, but Ashley frowned and said, "No" As she wanted to walked away from him, but Dave caught her by her waist and pulled her back to the wall, while Ashley staggered back to the wall again, and her towel loosened and before she could struggled to properly tied it back, it fell off from her body and to the ground, revealing her bare smooth shining yellow body and her big breasts to Dave's viewed..

Dave eyes widened as he swallowed the hard lump that had formed in his throat, and Ashley wanted the ground to open up and swallowed her immediately, as she couldn't bent to picked up her towel that had fallen to the ground, as Dave was standing so closed to her, and in front of her, As if she bent her body would still touched his and she didn't wanted that.

Ashley saw Dave's eyes widened in admiration and she frowned, wanting to beat him up, but Dave was quick to dodge her attack as she almost hit him.

Dave caught her hand and pulled her towards himself, as he swirled her around with her back resting on him, and he seized her two hands behind her back and holding her tightly while Ashley struggled to broke free and away from his tight hold.

"Leave me alone, I hate you and don't you dare to touch me!" Ashley warned as she screamed out, struggling to broke free from Dave's hold, as she was bare and Dave pulled her tightly closet to his chest.

Ashley could felt something poke her below, behind her back, in his shorts poking her lower body and she wanted to pulled away from him, as she felt it was his rod, but Dave held her bare body tighter.

"Stay quiet!" Dave said to her ears, and Ashley calmed and tried to tilted her head to looked at him, but mistakenly her lips brushed passed Dave's cheek, kissing him on the process.

"Get away from me!" Ashley screamed out and Dave only smiled and he asked her "Why?," and still holding her.

"What do you mean why? Leave me alone and leave my room, let me dress up, you are hurting me" Ashley said to him, almost breaking down in sobs and Dave wanted to leave her thinking he was truly hurting her, just then Ashley elbowed him backward and as she turned to face him, she kicked him hard in-between his thighs after releasing her.

Dave staggered backward, as she was indeed tough, but he wanted to used the opportunity to looked at her naked body very well before she would closed it.

Ashley quickly turned, and spotted her towel on the floor, and she rushed back to picked it up, and she struggled nervously to tied the towel back properly around herself as she was nervous and still looking for the towel edge.

Dave laughed at Ashley, seeing how she was struggling to tied back her towel, as she spoked curses word to him that he couldn't heard, but he teased her instead and said, "There's no point of you covering it up, have already seen it, as you look better naked than in cloth."

Ashley cursed him out hearing what he said and as she was still struggling to find the edge of the towel. She became frustrated that he has seen her completely naked, and she stoned him her towel and screamed out "Get out!." With her big boobs bouncing up and down as she stomped her feet to the ground and pointed to the room exit door.

Dave smiled and stood up straight, as Ashley really kicked him hard but luckily it wasn't on his ball, as that would have sent him to hell.

Dave's face turned serious and he looked sternly at her, and walked towards her.

"Just leave" Ashley said, but Dave eyes didn't want to leave her body, as he stopped and stared at her properly. Her big breasts where extremely larger now that she wasn't wearing any bra, and Dave's eyes scanned her down, from her chest and down to her navel, as her stomach was completely flat, and she had a fancy ring clung to her belle button, and down to her waistline, as she had a multi-colored waist beads tied around her waist, then he stared down to her cameltoe.

"You pervert!" Ashley cursed at him, as she rushed up to him, to pushed him out of her room.

Ashley couldn't bare to saw Dave scanning her naked body again and she meant on beating him up this time, not minding she was still naked.

Dave was quick to avoided her attack again, as he dodge her punch and caught her fist, making them fall as he tried to catch her while she missed a step.

Ashley fell backwards, making Dave to fall on top of her too. Mistakenly landing his head on top of her bossom.

"Get away from me!" Ashley screamed out, as she tried to push Dave away from her, but Dave was stronger than her, and she couldn't, as she wanted to use force.

Dave kissed her lips hungrily, seizing her two hands above her head, as he pushed his tongue deeply into her mouth.

Ashley wanted to bite him, but she loved the way he kissed her and the taste of his lips as she hadn't forgotten how Dave kissed her hard, when his stepmother and stepbrothers came in and caught them kissing.

Ashley wanted to pulled Dave closer and deepened the kiss with him but Dave already seized her both hands above her head, thinking she would attacked him or stopped him from kissing her.

Dave licked Ashley's lips as he pulled away from the hot kiss and stared into her face.

Ashley finally opened her eyes seeing that Dave had stopped kissing her and she looked at his handsome face, while Dave continue to stared at her for a while and she could felt the heat burning in his skin.