
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs

Second date

Jane walked into the Royal silver hotel and the hotelier ushered and took her to the third floor as she showed them her invitation card, thru the image Norman had sent to her photo.

"This way ma'am," The hotelier took her to another private room and Jane sat waiting as the table of two there was empty. Few minutes later Norman stepped in and Jane felt his presence.

"Sorry I took so long in arriving,* Norman spoked to her as he approached their dating seat and sat down across to her.

"Jane," he hummed her name as he stared at her. Jane kept her gaze lowered and he asked, "You seemed not happy to be here with me?."

"Yes, I just want to know what you want from me," Jane replied as she raise her head up to meet his gaze.

"Hmm, I can understand. but you see I really like you and I have told you, I am looking for a wife." Jane stared at him in disbelief and he continued.

"My father isn't happy about my singlehood and he wants me to get married, so I thought of getting truly like you." Jane was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to say to him. She was even scared of him and here he was proposing to her.

"What do you have to say?" he asked waiting for her response and she felt chill ran down her spine. She wasn't comfortable with him and she wondered how she would build a relationship with a man she wasn't comfortable with.

"I don't know yet, probably you should give me some time to think," she replied.

"Why?. is it because of the actor?," Norman questioned and she immediately shook her head.

"No, not him. This has nothing to do with him, beside I barely know you and I haven't even seen your face to be sure who you really are," she said.

"Really you want to see my face, well you know am a wanted man and I have to many enemies, but there's no problem. I can take of my hat for you, but that's wouldn't be today," he said.

"Why?, but there's no one here, I just want to see your face," Jane said and she saw his lip twirls upward in a smile.

"I see," Norman stood up from his seat and he walked up to meet her.

Jane turned to face him and fears was written all over her as she move the chair backward.

"Tell me the truth, are you in love with the actor because I saw how you where smiling comfortably with him, but you seemed so scared of me?" Norman asked as he leaned closer to her. She blushed and kept mute.

Seeing she wasn't responding, and looked downward. Norman raised her chin up to face him. What he felt at the moment was to kiss her but he composed himself and he knew she was scared of him.

Have looked away from him and said, "He's only my friend."

"Okay, I won't argue with you on that, but I will await your response on my proposal."

"What proposal?" she asked him in confusion as she stood up.

"You mean you didn't get all I have been saying to you since?," he asked as he turned to face her.

"No, I ." Jane stared at him in confusion and he walked back to meet her while she moved back and collided with the table of two set for them.

She almost stumbled and fell, but Norman quickly cut her. "Careful there," he told her and he helped her stand properly.

Jane blushed and quickly get away from him. She was all smiles and she picked up her bag as she stared at her wristwatch time.

"I have to go home now, is almost getting late," she informed him.

"No, you just arrived, let's have some drinks before you go back home," he said.

Jane sighed and sat down back. He ran the bell for the waitress to come serve them. The waitress came in and immediately took their orders, she left and cane back with two bottles of drink.

Jane tooks hers and the waitress opened it while Norman opened his own and drank directly from it.

Jane continue to steal glances from him, admiring his broad chiseled chest that had some of top button opened. He was handsome and masculine, dark bronze and hairy. She kept staring at him thinking he wasn't seeing her as his hat covered his eyes, until she heard him asked her, "Why are you gawking at me like that, admiring me?."

Jane quickly swallowed and poured out her drink into her glass cup. "No I wasn't, how were you able to see what I am doing without staring at me or removing your hat?."

Norman smiled and removed the bottle from his lips, "Let's say I can read your mind to know what you're doing and about to do," he respond and she frowned.

"You're not blind right?."

"No" he replied. "I can see you're putting on a short gown that's V-neck and you had your blonde hair braided," Norman said and she frowned, how was he able to see thru the hat, or dies the hat has hole and transparent inside that made him to see outside and that's why she couldn't see him.

"You don't have to frown, am too handsome and I don't want all the girls gawking at me or flirting with me, so you shouldn't worry about how I look," he said and Jane bite on her lower lip and finally held up her cup to take a sip. She didn't respond to him again and after drinking a little, she stood up and told him, I have to leave now, I don't want my father worrying about me.

"Okay," Norman stood up and escorted her downstairs to where she parked her car. Lexi was already there waiting as Mr Dot had informed him to follow Jane down to wherever she was going too.

Lexi stared at the man in hat, taller than his little sister and huge like Dave and he thought probably he was dreaming, probably Jane came out to hangout with Dave, but before he could walk up to meet them, the man already turned and left, while Jane walked passed him as her mind was focused on her car

"Jane," Lexi quickly called to her attention abd she turned to face him.

"Oh, Lexi, what are you doing here?" Jane asked him with a faint smile as she was horribly going to her car and had told Norman goodbye

"I should be the one asking you, who was that man you where with, Dave?," Lexi questioned.

"No oo. Not Dave" Jane quickly replied, "So who's he?," Lexi asked as he thought the man was Dave seeing him at a distance, but Dave doesn't wear hat.

"He's a friend you wouldn't know him, so there nothing to worry."

"Like seriously, don't let it be that you're hanging out with Dave, just because Ashley refused to marry him."

"No!" Jane screamed at him and hurriedly went to her car. She was irritated fir him to think she would want to have anything to do with Dave after seeing him and her sister in bed naked, she has always tried to forget the scene but she couldn't as she saw his bare back and Ashley was underneath him. She quickly got into her car in anger and drove away leaving Lexi behind who stared at the Royal silver hotel building, before going back to his car and drive back home. He needed to see Dave for himself and question him about it.

Jane got back home and cane down from her car after parking, she immediately walked into their living room and meet her father seated on the dinning table with Ashley. "Where's Lexi?," Mr Dot questioned, "His coming father, I saw him at the hotel."

"Hotel?," Ashley questioned.

"Yes, I went their for a business meeting," Jane quickly dismissed the topic as she was still irritated with Lexi thinking she would want to have anything to do with Dave.

"I have to go in now and change, I will be back to join you both for dinner," Jane quickly said and she left.

"Hmm.." Ashley hummed as she saw her younger sister moody. She wondered what could have possibly provoke her to be very upset.

Few minutes later Lexi stepped into the mansion and went upstairs to his room, Mr Dot invited him to join them for dinner as he was still his adopted son. Lexi didn't oppose. He came back downstairs and took his seat, just then Jane returned and stared at him angrily. Mr Dot and Ashley saw Jane angered gaze on Lexi and they both silently wondered what Lexi had done to provoke her.

Jane sat down on the opposite and she started eating as the maid already dished out her food immediately she saw her arrived.

The dinning table was silent and after they were thru, Lexi was the first to excuse them while Jane stood up next

"What's the matter Jane?," Mr Dot Kones finally asked.