
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs

Rushed To The hospital

Mr Dot Kones got reports on the last recent attack at one of the blacks warehouse, as Lexi was briefing to him the news, as he didn't had the chance to attended the last recent meeting, as he had being spending time in doing papers to fly his younger daughter abroad and to go on vacation with her, as she complained of feeling lonely since Ashley wasn't around.

Worst was Ashley wasn't with her phone so there was no way for him to contact her except thru Dave, and he didn't wanted to contact Dave, so as to avoid annoying Dave or making him change his mind about marrying Ashley.

"Boss, the recent attack was deadly as most of the goods were destroyed. They bombed the place over night" Lexi spoked

"What! why am I just hearing about these news now, what's going on, is it still battle between Mr Jeff children?" Mr Dot questioned.

"I don't think so Boss, from one of men we planted working with Dave, it seems more like another group are after them" Lexi explained

"Hmm, the matter can only get worse if the root isn't uprooted, which gang are you suspecting to be behind these, I also invested millions with Mr Jeff, and yet he seemed relaxed and hasn't even called me to narrate these incident, he seemed not bothered because Mr Jeff would have called me first to ask for my assistant" Mr Dot spoked while Lexi remained quiet.

"Find out who is behind the attack, if possible reach out to Dave and try to see how you might be off assistance in helping him discover the gang" Mr Dot said.

"Okay boss!" Lexi immediately stood up and as he was about stepping out, Mr Dot spoke, "One more thing, tell Dave to pass my regards to my daughter and if he needs help, he shouldn't hesitate to call me directly."

"Okay boss!" Lexi closed the door behind him and went out to the garage and drove back to Mr Dot company, as he still had some important works to do, being the new CEO.


Dave decided to went back home to the Jeff's mansion since it already weekend, as he has just two more weeks more to spend with Ashley. As he has been away from home for a week plus, and he couldn't bring Ashley to come stay in his black temple with him, as he didn't wanted to be distracted, knowing a lot was ongoing in their company.

Dave didn't even knew if the blacks temple will soon be the next targeted attack, of those attacking his warehouse, so he agreed on Ashley staying safely at his apartment, knowing there were also security guards there to protect her.

Dave drove back into the Jeff's compound, As it was already Sunday, so he drove straight to his own car park in front of his apartment and parked.

As Dave came down from his car, he saw Thomas standing out in front of their mansion while talking to someone, but he ignored them, pretending like he didn't spotted them and wanted to go in before Thomas called him back.

"Dave, Dave!" Thomas yelled, and Dave frowned as he stopped and he turned back and see Thomas already walking up to meet him.

"What's the matter?" Dave asked with a narrowed look.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what the matter is. So you have been the one attacking father's company secretly behind and also pretending to be Norman," Thomas smacked Dave on his face, as he spoke and grabbed on Dave's collars.

Dave looked at Thomas in surprise, and he asked Thomas, "What's the meaning of this Thomas? how will I attack father's property and why? let go off my collars now!," Dave warned him as Thomas dragged him accusing him.

The noise from Thomas yelling at Dave and attacking Dave, alerted the guards who rushed to the both men to separated them. Just then Mr Jeff was also coming out and he hurriedly rushed to have look on what's going on, likewise his wife. Seeing Thomas gripped on Dave cloth and smack Dave, Mr Jeff yelled at Thomas as he approached them.

"Thomas what's it you are doing, let go of Dave this minute!" Mr Jeff commanded as he came forward quickly, but the guards already separate them. Ashley also came out and saw how Thomas hit Dave and grabbed him, but Dave didn't hit him back, her heart ache to rush and comfort Dave and separate them but the guards immediately separated them. As she heard the sound of Dave car arrived and she wanted to rushed back inside her room, not until she heard Thomas screamed out Dave's name, that she turned and rushed out as Thomas sounded very angry calling Dave.

Mrs Jeff seeing that Thomas was the one whom held and hit Dave smiled to her son, as she walked up to meet him and to ask him what's wrong.

"Thomas, what's the meaning of this why are you embarrassing us?," Mr Jeff questioned as he walked up to Dave to check if Thomas hadn't injured Dave.

"It okay Dad, Am fine," Dave said as he wanted the matter to end, so he can go inside, as he turned and saw Ashley standing by the door staring at him with hurt in her eyes, while he stiffened as he wasn't expecting to seeing her outside.

"It can't be okay Dave, Explain to me right now Thomas, what's the meaning of this?. Why did you attack Dave just now?," Mr Jeff questioned out as he turned to face Thomas sounding annoyed.

"Father don't pretend like you don't know what am talking about, this gay bastard son of yours is disguising himself as Norman and has been the one attacking your company from behind wanting to destroy it.." Thomas said.

At the mention of Norman, Mr Jeff felt his heart seized and for a moment he collapse to the ground in a blink, making Dave and his stepbrothers whom stood there to rushed up to to help him.

Mr Jeff was immediately rushed to the hospital as he got a panic heart attack and was admitted.

Thomas immediately threatened Dave to get away from the hospital and leave, threatened him, "If anything happens to father I will not spare you too!."

Thomas continue to yell at Dave as him and Luke stood outside of the private ward waiting for the doctors to finish attending to his father, and to keep him stable. Luke tried to calm Thomas down.

"Is okay Bro, Dad will be fine, you shouldn't have told him that yet" Luke said as he was also panicking nothing to happen to their father, he was also surprise that his father whom he had known to be very strong and intimidating could just faint and passed out after hearing just a name.

"Don't tell me to calm down, ask this bastard to leave here!" Thomas yelled at Luke whom kept his cool, Brown was also standing next to Dave as he waited for the doctor's report too with their mother, whom he was comforting and he said nothing all thru. Brown also disliked Dave but that wasn't the time to blame Dave, as they stood there waiting and soon the doctor came out.

"Doctor how his he?" They all chorus as they rushed up to the two doctors whom just came out of the private ward Mr Jeff was laying in.

The doctor calmed and spoke, "Please you all should calm down, his already in a stable condition now, I will like to see the head of you all to come with me to my office," One of the doctor said while his assistant walked away to attend to the next patient waiting for him.

Thomas quickly step forward "Am the head doctor, can you please tell me all is well with my father?"

The doctor looked at him, "Sure all is well, but you all can't go in to see him now, allow him to rest first, can you please come with me to the office I will like to brief you on his condition." The doctor quickly walk away, going back to his office while Thomas followed him from behind closely.