
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs


Jane drove back to the Silver house for her shoot. She hasn't forgotten the previous night where she meet with a man whom she was told was their boss. She couldn't concentrate on her shoot as she kept turning her neck to see if she could see anyone on hat that came to observe her team shoot. Frustrated she didn't see him, she kept her gaze focused on her acting skills.

She was still surprised that the White Copper Entertainment house would actually give her a direct call, calling her to inform her personally to resume for a shoot with them, even after they had previously emailed her that her slot has been cancelled.

Jane sighed as she walked over to the cafeteria to get something to eat, just then Chris Melvin whom was also a supporting actor in the new movie they were shooting walked over to meet her at the cafeteria.

"Jane.. Jane how're you doing today?" Chris asked and she smiled and took her seat, while he sat across to her on a plastic table of two chair placed in the company's cafeteria for their clients or workers to relax and eat.

"So tell me, did you still go out on the blind date you told me about yesterday?" Chris asked as he picked what he would like to eat from the list of food the waitress came to take their orders.

"Yes I did," Jane faintly smiled and replied him as she stared up to his face. She could see his eyes narrowed in sadness.

"Is anything the matter?" She asked him in a soft voice.

"No I just seemed to be worried you don't know who the person was, or did you later find out who was the person that actually sent you the anonymous text?."

"Yes, he said he's the boss here, that's what someone told me here yesterday before I left," Jane replied.

"You must be joking right. Or you're actually playing prank on me?" Chris asked as he started eating his food which was a fried rice and chicken sauce.

"No.. Am not, I meet him here twice yesterday but I never knew he was the boss," Jane said with a faint smile as she remembered how the man had caught her and saved her from falling of the stairs and Chris immediately coughed in irritation as he saw her blushing thinking about the person she had gone on a date with.

He subtly coughed {COUGHS COUGHS}. And Jane quickly apologized to him as she helped him opened up his bottle water, "Here!" she handed him over his bottle water and he drank from it.

"Thanks," he said as his throat finally soothed.

"You shouldn't believe anyone that walk's up to you and claim to be the boss of the Silver house. The Silver group is too big and no one knows the real owner or CEO," he told her and she frowned, remembering the man she had went out on a date with was also wearing a hat to cover his face.

"Okay," she softly replied him as a deep frowned settled on her face. Chris smiled seeing that he has destroyed whatever fantasy she was having about the strange man that wants to spoil his chances.

"Not to worry, I can keep you company over on the weekend, how about we go on a date or I invite you over to our family house to meet my parents and sisters?" Chris offered

"No thank you, My sister will be coming back home this weekend and I have to be at home with her to welcome her atleast," Jane replied him and his smiles faded

"Is alright, we can fix for the date for some other time, I can understand," Chris said.

"Thank you," Jane replied and they both continued eating their food In silence.

Norman assigned an assistant to monitor Jane performances and the friend's she made at the office. He didn't show up but got photos report of her eating with one of their new male actor. He sighed and half bent his laptop as he stared at his phone.

He thought about firing the actor and dismissing him from his company but that will be too obvious. He decided to monitor the actor and use him to know if Jane was a loose woman or a type of woman that sleeps with any dick and harry she saw, as the actor was a very handsome well to do guy, even though he was new in their firm.

Norman kept down his phone as he was in his home office and decided to call on Peter to come give him new report about their search for Flora.

"Come into my office now!" Norman said as he hung up.

"You sent for me boss," Peter responded as soon as he stepped into Norman's home office.

"Yes, how far with the boys on their search have they found her yet?" Norman questioned as he stared intently at Peter.

"No boss, actually we couldn't find any trace of her in this town..." Peter replied with a frown as they had searched everywhere and couldn't find Flora, including some other hotel homes, incase she ran away from their own club and went to join another group.

"Okay, I will handle it from there then. Ask the boys to stop the searching, I will see to it myself."

"Okay boss," Peter responded and he left Norman's office.

Norman was quiet after Peter left him. He thought of calling the young lady that had told him Flora was from her village, but what if the young lady was a trap used to get him by his enemies?. He smiled faintly as he thought about the possibility of Sophie being a setup.

He sighed and stood up as he took a walk in his large chamber. He walked and walked and walked about in his room thinking and after a while. He decided he will call Sophie to come over, so he could get to know the type of lady she was, before agreeing to travel with her. And secondly he didn't want anyone to know how seriously bothered.he was about Flora, more reason he went on the date with Jane.

He decided to give Jane a call, calling her directly with his phone contact and it rang.

Jane was already thru eating her meal as she requested for a porridge yam and fried egg sauce. She stood up and was walking back to the company to join other actress that stood waiting and Chris still didn't want to leave her side to go join the rest of his mate that were calling him. As he was quiet famous and has been acting before compared to Jane whom was new in the industry.

Her phone rang as she was still walking with Chris and she quickly brought out her phone telling him, "Excuse me," and she quickly walked out from the first floor and went out to receive the call.

Chris followed her from behind and he stood waiting for her to be thru with her call, as he didn't want to leave her side for a minute.

"Hello," Jane said to the caller as soon as she picked up.

"Hello Norman speaking," Norman said and Jane felt her breath seized. She swallowed not knowing what to say next.

"Humm.. Yeah, Good afternoon, good evening, good day," Jane stammered to reply and Norman smiled.

"Jane good afternoon, how have you been doing, how's your shoot today?," he asked.

"Almost thru," Jane replied as she tried to catch her breath, she turned and saw Chris standing behind her and approaching her.

"Oh, that's good. I just thought of giving you a call. Thanks for honouring my proposal to go on a date with you," Norman said.

"Oh, is no problem," Jane replied.

"Okay, then how about we get to see again. I really like you and want to get along with you. When will you be free again to spend some time with me?" Norman asked but Jane kept mute for a while, thinking about the fact that Chris had told her probably the person she went out on a date with was fake and only parading himself to her as the boss, as no one knew the real boss.

"Humm.. I don't know yet. I will be occupied this week, and next week I don't know.." Jane said given him silly excuse and Norman quickly asked, "Why, what do you intend doing?. I can send my workers to pause whatever they are doing and do all your works for you."

Jane swallowed not knowing how to respond again.

"Is not about my works, I will be busy," she lied

"Jane.. let's meet this weekend" Norman suggested authoritatively and Jane quickly responded, "No!.. My elder sister.will be returning back and I have to be home to welcome her."

"Hmm, okay next week then, and no more excuses this time," Norman said as he almost ended the call waiting for her response and Jane swallowed and didn't say anything.

"What do you say?" he asked her.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Good then, see you on Monday." Norman ended the call and Jane sighed.