
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs

Embarrassed Moment

Ashley was so embarrassed and wished the ground to opened up and swallowed her, but Dave stepmom quickly pointed to her,

"And you, can't you greet, or didn't your parent taught you how to greet?."

Ashley quickly bowed her head lower in embarrassment, and quickly greeted the elderly woman, "Good morning ma.. Good morning all.." Ashley greeted, as they were all staring at her.

Dave wanted to placed his hand on her shoulder to calmed her down, but Ashley quickly removed his hand away from her shoulder and move aside.

Thomas was quiet all thru, as he stared at the beautiful lady in front of him, that Dave was kissing just now, As her bossom magnet his eyes and his eyes couldn't shifted away from her to even look at Dave.

Dave saw Thomas's gazed on Ashley, so he said to them, "Fine, since you all have seen her, can you all leave now?.."

"Dave! are you sending us away?. We haven't even spoken to her yet and you are sending us away, really?" Thomas finally asked Dave, as he walked up to meet Ashley where she was standing away from Dave

"Hi Angel, what's your name?, and don't mind we caught you two in such manner is nothing actually.. Am Thomas Harry, Dave's brother and that's Luke and my mom".

Dave stiffened, as he heard Thomas introduced himself to Ashley as his brother. When did they become brothers?, Dave thought as his fist clenched.

"Am Ashley.. Ashley Kones" Ashley said, looking downward and not able to meet their gazes.

"Oh! Mr Dot Kones daughter!" Thomas exclaimed.

"We know you to well before in the past, but now you look so beautiful more like you mother when she was still alive. Now I remember you" Mrs Jeff said, as she went to gave Ashley a hug, while Dave stood aside watching them.

"I have been wondering, where I had seen your face before, but now I remember you. How's your father doing?" Mrs Jeff asked as she approached Ashley and hugged Ashley a little.

"The last time I saw you, was on your Thirteen birthday, and you were still young then and not this beautiful, wow" Mrs Jeff smiled sweetly to Ashley, but Ashley was she nervously shy from Dave having kissed her.

*Thank you," Ashley faintly replied, still feeling embarrassed as her lips still tasted of Dave's lips.

"You can always come over, to the mansion to greet us there, now that we have meet, or don't you remember us again?" Mrs Jeff asked Ashley as she moved a little away to stared at Ashley's pretty yellow face.

"Off course ma, I do, but the security guard outside the door, won't let me to go out of this house or cross over to the mansion" Ashley said, and Mrs Jeff turned to look at Dave.

"Is that so Dave?, So you intentionally did not want her to come over and to greet us?." Mrs Jeff questioned, as she stared at Dave angrily but Dave didn't responded to that, as he was still angry that they interrupted his first kiss with Ashley.

Dave scratched his head and rake his fingers thru his hair and said,

"Well Mom, since you all have already seen her, Can you all excuse me now, as I have somethings important to do now" Dave looked towards the exit door in his parlour as a signal for them to leave his apartment.

"Really Dave? So you are trying to send us out, so you can continue from where you stop in kissing her?" Thomas questioned out irritatedly, and Ashley look away.

"Come with me dear, I still want to discuss with you, as it has been long I lastly saw you" Mrs Jeff said to Ashley, but Dave immediately stopped them.

"No mom, She's not going anywhere with you, just tell her whatever you want to tell her here and leave.." Dave said.

"Hmm.." Mrs Jeff stood staring at Dave, to her sons and she looked back at Dave, and asked, "Are you saying she shouldn't go with me?."

Dave sighed and went to opened the main exit door , pulling it widely opened for all of them to leave.

"I did not said that, but for now, she's not allowed to leave this apartment, nor step foot outside, until she has completed her task here, so leave?" Dave said to them as he stood by the door, opening it widely for them to leave.

"What task Dave?, kissing you?" Mrs Jeff asked out, but Dave blushed as a smile curved up his lips, as it was his first time kissing a woman.

Mrs Jeff and her sons frowned seeing Dave smiled, while Ashley looked away as she wanted to leave them all.

"Off course not, she's not allowed to leave here until one month interval, then she can come over to the mansion.and greet you all as she wished. But for now, she's not allowed too.. So you all should excuse me, As I have some important things to do now, Am sure you all aware about the recent attacks , so leave.." Dave countenance changed, and his stepmother gulped down all she wanted to said, including Thomas and Luke and they turned to stared at eachother before leaving.

Mrs Jeff took Ashley hand and said "Don't worry my daughter, I will come over to visit you myself.." Then Mrs Jeff left, casting a quick glare towards Dave whom still stood by the exit door, and waiting for them to leave, before closing it shut, after they left.

Dave locked the door and turned back to his parlour, but Ashley already rushed back into the corridor, going back to her room as she was so embarrassed.

Ashley has never been so embarrassed in her whole life, like how she felt embarrassed just now, and immediately after Mrs Jeff turned to leave, she quickly ran back inside to her room and lock the door. As she couldn't stood there, having Dave staring at her lustfully with the instense looked of desire, clearly burning in his eyes. As she felt prickled all over her body and she threw herself on the bed totally ashamed of what just happened between herself and Dave.

Ashley sat up back and touched her lips then she walked up to the mirror to stare at her swollen lips, as Dave kissed and sucked on her lips so instense.

Ashley was staring at her face and touching her lips, when she heard the knocking on her room door.

"Ashley! open the door" Dave called out, from standing in the corridor as he knocked on her door.

Ashley ignored his knocking and continued staring at her lips, as she heard him knocked again calling her name, and she turned and walked up to the door but didn't opened it

"What is it?," Ashley ask Dave from within, inside her room as she didn't wanted to opened the door.

"Open the door, why did you lock it?" Dave asked her, almost sounding impatient.

"Why shouldn't I lock it, is it not my room, please go back to your room, As am tired and want to rest" Ashley said, feeling her heart beating loudly in her chest.

"Is that so? Okay fine, I will let you rest but let me see you first as I need to discuss something with you?" Dave said to her, but Ashley still refused opening the door.

"No! go away! You want to kiss me again.. Just leave me alone or tell me whatever it is that you want to tell me from there, as am listening" Ashley insisted, not willing to open the door.

Dave sighed and left and he went back to the dinning room closer to the parlour to have his breakfast, as he still had other important meeting appointment to catch up with, so after breakfast he went to his room to dress up, And decided to pass the warning message to the guards outside of his flat, and warn them never to allow any of his step-siblings or parent into his apartment, whenever he was not around, Then he went to his car and got into it as he ignited on the car engine and drove out of their residential villa, and off to the black temple.