
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Ciudad
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86 Chs


<p>Ashley Kones, a fair in complexion 24 years old lady wore a black leather jacket, black boot and black trouser, As she hide and sneaked her way into the secret black Mafia Group <br/><br/>Her father had insisted that she must marry his best friend son - Dave Harry, to protected her.<br/><br/>Ashely is a trained skilled fighter and she doesn't need any many to protect her.<br/><br/>She rejected marrying Dave, but her father refused, and this led her into coming into the black Mafia temples, to find their boss and to kill him.<br/><br/>Ashley was angry, as her father had also shown her photos of Dave.<br/><br/>She hides and observed the black temples, she could see some cars driving out, so she followed closely and soon, she was inside the black Mafia premises.<br/><br/>She stared around and was sure that she wasn't been followed, as she noticed that most of the men, had gone into the hall for a meeting.<br/><br/>Ashley arrived at the entrance door, as everywhere was silent, and gradually turning dark. <br/><br/>She bent to peep through the keyhole of the door, but she was caught from behind by a man that she didn't know where he crept out from.<br/><br/>"What?! Let go off me!" Ashley exclaimed as the man behind her back gripped her waist tightly, He pushed the hall entrance door opened and drags her into the temples hall, and towards the front throne, where their boss sit.<br/><br/>Dave Harry, the current CEO and gang leader of the secret black Mafia Group, sat on his throne at the front of the mighty hall, and smoking a cigarette in his right hand.<br/><br/>He watched as his personal assistant, Mark Douglas barged in, dragging a hot blonde beauty by her waist, lifting her up and dragging her to the front where he sat <br/><br/>Dave dragged and puffed his cigarette, as his eagle like eyes were focused on the lady.<br/><br/>He saw how she struggles and kicked to break free from Mark's hold.<br/><br/>Reaching his front, Mark stopped, but the stubbron lady, kept struggling and kicking to break free from Mark's hold <br/><br/>Her blonde hair were scattered covering her face, and Dave could not see her face clearly.<br/><br/>Dave stood up from his throne seat, and he thundered "Who dares to intrude my territory?."<br/><br/>Ashley stiffened as she heard his thunderous masculine voice.<br/><br/>"Boss, I spotted her wandering around the black gate, and I caught her sneaking into the temple, and peeping on us, through the keyhole" Mark replied.<br/><br/>"Hmm" Dave hiummed.<br/><br/>He stepped down from his throne and walked up to meet Mark that is still holding the hot blonde beauty forcibly by her waist.<br/><br/>Dave hadn't yet seen the hot blonde beauty's fsce. He could not tell if she is yellow or a black lady.<br/><br/>Dave approached and stopped in front of the lady, as Mark was still holding the lady tightly to his chest, even as the lady had stopped struggling, she hadn't yet raised up her head to stared at Dave's face.<br/><br/>Dave draggrd and puffed out of his cigarette first on her face. He questioned her "Ain't you afraid of death. How dare you sneak into my temple and create a nuisance?."<br/><br/>Ashley finally waves her head upwards, swirling all her blonde hair backward and away from covering her face, as she stared at Dave's face.<br/><br/>She was star struck by his handsomeness, as he look so handsome in real, compared to the photos of him that her father had shown her...<br/><br/>Ashley's jaw dropped as she stared at the black skinned man, that is standing in front of her. His face look so handsome, and his jawline and cheekbones, and his eyes. She was mesmerised by his handsomeness, that her pretty yellow face, ended up having a cute blush.<br/><br/>Dave was also surprised by Ashley's look. As she look so cute, so soft, and so pretty for a stubborn little girl like her.<br/><br/>He jaw clenched as he sees her admiring him and scanning him from his face and down to his chest and down his trouser, As her eyes rather settled on his crotch.<br/><br/>Dave subtly coughed and that made Ashley to snapped out from her admiring him, she raised her head up again and laughed out surprising Dave.<br/><br/>"Who should I be afraid off? You?? Hahaha" Ashley laughed out, even as Dave was standing at her front.<br/><br/>She spat "I am not afraid of God, so I cannot be afraid of a man, Tueh!" Ashley spit out her saliva on Dave's face, surprising all his men in the hall, and they stood up immediately, ready to deal with her.<br/><br/>Dave subtly raised his left hands upward, signalling to all his men in the hall to retreat and not got involved as he saw it clearly that the stubborn pretty lady in front of him wasn't afraid of death, as she dares and spit on his face.<br/><br/>Dave eyes continue watching Ashley, as he took out his white handkerchief from his trouser side pocket, As he wore a red shirt and black plain trouser with black shoes.<br/><br/>Dave wiped off the spit that Ashley spit on him off, and he returned back his handkerchief into his trouser side pocket.<br/><br/>Dave saw that Ashley looks so tough, so timid and so skilled like a fighter in her black leather jacket, black trouser, and black boot. As she held a wicked grinning on her face.<br/><br/>He grabs her by her chin, pressing her jaw hard, as he subtky shook her head and spoke to her right ear. <br/><br/>"I see that you're not afraid of death, but I won't deal with you yet, not until you to tell me, who sent you here? And why you're here in the first place?."<br/><br/>Dave finally let go off Ashely's pretty head, and he took some steps backward and walk back to his throne seat.<br/><br/>Ashley was lost of breath at a moment ago, due to Dave's closeness to her. As his masculine scent had penetrated and forced it way into her nostrils and subtly disrupting her brains...<br/><br/>Ashley watch Dave walked back to his throne seat again. He sat down facing her and looking breathtakingly handsome as he pull a drag out from his cigarette again and puffed the smoke into the air above.<br/><br/>Dave ordered "Mark, take her away and lock her up. Leave her to me, I will personally deal with her later and teach her some brains, to be afraid of men."<br/><br/>"Okay boss" Mark replied.<br/><br/>"Hmm..." Ashley glared at Dave, as he is her target..<br/><br/>"Let go off me!!" She screamed out again as she want to break off Mark that is dragging her again.<br/><br/>Dave was surprised to hear her voice again, he kept watching her, as Mark drags her away to exit their black temple halll, and he will admit that he finds her attractive.<br/><br/>Dave continue smoking his cigarette as Mark drags the pretty lady away, but to all their surprise, the pretty lady elbows Mark backward, and as she broke free from Mark's hold, She swiftly turned to face Mark, and kicked Mark hard, in between his thighs, and kicking his crotch ..<br/><br/>"Oh!" Mark exclaimed, as the kick sent him flying to calm the pain in between his thighs.<br/><br/>Ashley stared at Dave and charged forwards him to attack him.<br/><br/>All the men in the temple hall, rushed out to hold her, but as she's a trained skilled fighter. She dodge some of their attacks, elbowing some backward, as she also kicked some in between their thighs, until she was finally caught by Gape, One of Dave's strongest men in the hall.<br/><br/>He caught her right leg, and drag her up to his chest, as she kicked his crotch too.<br/><br/>Dave was surprised by Ashley's fighting skills, as she fought so hard and so skilled like a trained skilled fighter. Fighting impressively and beating almost half of his men in the hall..<br/><br/>Dave finally stood up from his throne, as he was impressed by the beautiful stubborn lady in front of him fighting skills. He clapped his hands approaching her.<br/><br/>"Impressive! Very impressive fighting skills" Dave said, as he threw his empty cigarette stick to the floor, he matched it off, and stared up at the pretty face.<br/><br/>"I can see that you're very tough like a tigress, and can fight pretty hard like a man, so this time you won't just be thrown into the cage room, but you will be chained, as you have succeeded in beating almost half of my men. What's your name?" Dave asked, but Ashley looked away from him, as she didn't want to tell him her name.<br/><br/>"What's your name silly?" Gape shook Ashley to respond, As the place that she has kicked him in between his thighs was still hurting him and Dave also doesn't like to be kept waiting.<br/><br/>"Why should I tell you my name? I hate you and I am going to kill you by myself" Ashley threatened.<br/><br/>"Hmm" Dave eyes watched her. He frowned as he sees that she didn't want to cooperate with them.<br/><br/>Dave turned to walk away to his seat again. He paused and said "Gape, take her away and make sure you lock her up using the chains. I am sure that you saw that she's very skilled, and she might escape if given a chance to wander freely, chain her up."<br/><br/>"Okay boss" Gape replied, and he carried Ashley away, even as she struggles and cussed out to break free.<br/><br/>"Let go off me! Leave me alone! I am gonna kill you all!!"..<br/><br/>Gape left with her and Dave frowned the more, wondering who had sent the pretty yellow cute lady to attack him.</p>

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