
Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two

Having doubts in one's mind is a really confusing venture, but then, what do I know.... 

Jay Martins hurriedly finished what he had been doing to while away time and headed back to Charlie's office. The latter did not seem surprised to see him and somehow, Jay wished that he had the answers he was seeking. Dealing with an amnesia was bad enough but then, dealing with lies, he was not sure he could handle that anymore. 

"I was told you came in earlier on ", Charlie said to him observing his friend whom now felt like a stranger. Something actually tickled his fancy, just as always had been his habit, Jay sat down without asking any permission. Something's never change now, do they, Charlie wondered and gave a side smile. 

"Oh yes I did Charlie, it's Charlie right? ", he asked him not in form of respect actually but to establish his dominance as always. 

Speak of an all rounder asshole and he would readily point out this one sitting opposite him and gazing at him intently. "Yes it is Charlie, Charles Bunker actually ", he said waiting for the tiger cornering him gradually. 

"I do not care about your name Charlie, Charles or whatever. But then, I really need your help with matters of great concern to me ", Jay said. 

There goes the tiger Charlie was talking about, always on his neck. He never seemed to want to beg for anything, it has always been his priorities first. How could he tell him right now that he had better shown some respect, least he stopped helping him. Charlie smiled. 

"Well, I think we could talk about this matter over drinks, what say you? scotch? ", he asked and moved to his fridge to get the drink. 

"I'm not here for drinks ", Jay said harshly, Charlie smiled.

Nevertheless, he returned with the drink and two glasses. "Actually Jay, I was not seeking your permission, you'll be needing this as always ", he said and poured out their drinks. He dropped Jay's in front of him and went to sit, not on his chair but the one close to his friend. 

The scene felt familiar to Jay and he picked up his drink, eyeing Charlie, he took a sip. Something in him awakened, it felt like this was his favorite brand, no it did not feel like it. It was his favorite brand, this guy knew him quite well, and obviously he must have been coming here often. He smiled a little and took a little more. 

"Actually, I came here because of the girl you all mentioned the other day, the Bella girl, I feel there's more to her than an ordinary maid ", he said to Charlie. 

"And you feel I'm the right person to ask those questions? ", Charlie asked him. 

"I do not feel so, I know so ", Jay said. 

"What makes you think I have the answers you seek? ", Charlie probed him. 

"Because for some reasons best known to me, I trust you ", Jay said with such seriousness on his face. 

Charlie smiled, this was his friend. He could remember the first time Jay had said he trusted him better than anyone else around him, it had been in this same setting and same drinks actually. Jay had come over asking him to assist him with a deal, Charlie had been surprised. He wondered why Jay would bring such a deal to him, what if he made away with his money. That same smile had appeared on Jay's face as he said these words, "Actually Charlie, of all the idiots around me, I trust you and believe in our friendship ".

Charlie knew that this was really a dangerous thing to, telling Jay about that which he must know. Jay was one with an uncontrollable temperament and he could do really scary things should he discover that he was being cheated. But then, Charlie also felt this tugging in his guts to talk to him. Somewhere out there in the world, Bella was probably seeking for Jay. He had spoken to Madeline earlier that week to determine whether or not Bella had said something to her, the tutor had no answer to this as she heard nothing. But then she said something to him that got him anxious to find Bella. 

"Actually, I suspect she might be pregnant ", the tutor had said. 




Hey reader, I hope you're enjoying the book and that I'm taking your imagination places. 

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Also, I'd appreciate it if you looked up my other books:

1. Wanita's diary 

2. Broken and pierced 

I'm sure they'll be worth your time.