
Chapter One Hundred and twenty-one

He began wondering what exactly was the reason  Jay Martins had come looking for him, had he gotten his memory back. They were great friends but Jay rarely visited him and somehow, it pricked his soul that his friend could not even recognize him again. All the way from school, they had been close and standing firm for each other. He knew everything about Jay and his business world and he also had his own fair share of back deals. From the moment Diego had come into the picture, he reduced whatever deal he had with Jay as he was not going to allow himself be caught in the middle. Diego had did his best to really establish himself between them both and was gradually encroaching. From then, Charlie had stepped down a little and decided to watch events unfold by themselves, there was more to the guy than meets the eyes but that he was yet to figure out. 

That day when he had come to visit Jay and saw Stella, he knew something was off but from the way Diego had replied, he could tell that someone was really trying hard to bury every trace of Bella from Jay's sight. He just wanted to understand why. As he did not want to draw any unnecessary attention to himself, he had made no fuss about it but simply went home and looked up Bella. No one had a hint on where she might be as they had all the same answer. She had left with her biological father whom they had no lead on where he stayed, not to mention that her phone had been off since that day. Something seriously was amiss and it had a lot to do with the circle of person's around Jay. They were wolf's in sheep's clothing and he knew that his friend was not safe around them. He was going to help his friend solve the mystery pending whenever his memories returned. 

Jay was not comfortable at all as he really needed to clear whatever doubt layed there in his heart. Something was definitely fishy and he needed to find out. He was a relentless man and would give even if it would entail everything he had to finding out just what was amiss, memories or no memories. He had to keep the ball rolling. He had gone earlier on and Charlie had been absent so he decided to go check on other things in his office that required his attention. He had tidied up everything quickly as he was hell bent on sorting out everything as soon as possible. He decided to go check again, this was after he had timed Charlie. He got there soon enough and was ushered in by Charlie's secretary. The guy was on a call when Jay returned and rounded it off as soon as he saw his friend enter. He told Jay he had been told that the latter had come looking for him and demanded to know why. 

"Actually Charlie, I'm here because of Bella ", Jay said and Charlie's eyes widened. 

Bella was actually more excited than sad at the prospect of carrying a set of twins. All her life, she had prayed for one but then, it was so unfortunate that just when she was gifted one by the hands of providence, it had been in such a wrong time. The whole thing was just wrongly timed and she did not know whether or not express gratitude or distress but whichever the case would be, she had to learn to deal with it either way. She could not wait to break the news to her father and see what reaction he was going to exhibit. She could tell already that Jonathan was skeptical about the whole thing even though he tried really hard to disguise his emotions. But then, she had spent most of her life studying her mother's attitude even when she did her bestest to confuse those around her, how much more him a really bad actor. She had pretended not to have taken notice of his behavior but the truth be told, she read meaning into everything. It was quite unfortunate that he had to be classified as a puppy who tucked in its tail and ran at the face of adversity. She wanted no puppy but rather a real man who really cared about how she felt. A man like Jay only difference should be that this one meant everything. 




So a lot of water has gone under the bridge and we're expecting twin babies. Do you seriously think Bella is up for whatever is coming her way or do you think she's going to give up. 

Give me your feedback by either clicking on the three dots below the book on the shelf or long Press on the book cover and give me those ratings and comments. 

Also for your entertainment, you could look up my other books; 

Broken and pierced 


Wanita's diary. 

All by shalom amarachukwu 

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