

"mmm,Liam I....". Emma tried to speak but Liam stopped her halfway.

" point of correction it's Mr Russell not Liam". Liam interrupted and continued his work which made Emma embarrassed.

"Mr Russell please don't tell Darien what you saw yesterday please".Emma begged on her knees but Liam wasn't even moved by the apology.

"oh so you can really be like this".Liam scoffed.

"Mr Russell please, I'll do anything".Emma said as she stood up going in the direction of where Liam was and sat down on the table exposing her boobs immediately Liam pushed her from the table and she fell.

"are you mad?,what the fuck was that".Liam shouted and stood up and crouched down to her level and used his long hands to wrap round her neck making it difficult for her to breathe.

"are you tired of living you bitch".he asked as he tightened his grip.

"I'm sorry please let me go it won't happen again please".Emma begged with teary eyes trying to breathe from her already opened mouth. Liam released his hands from her neck and went back to his seat.

"Get out".Liam said as he pointed to the door.

"what!".Emma exclaimed

"are you deaf or something?, I said get out of here right now".Liam ordered and immediately Emma got up took her bag and was about to leave when Liam stopped her which brought a smile to her face but when she heard what he wanted to say she became angry.

"I want you to break-up with Darien today, and please shut the door when you're ready".Liam said and continued his work.


"babe why did you want to see me today"Darien asked as he sat down on the opposite chair.

"Darien I know it's going to be hard for you to accept this but let's break-up we were never meant to be". Emma said and stood up to leave when Darien held her hand looking at her.

"you don't love me anymore". Darien asked in a cracky voice.

"I never loved you Darien".Emma replied.

"fine let's break-up". Darien said and released her hand and immediately left the cafe leaving Emma behind.


Darien drove his car violently into the compound slamming the door shut he strode to the front door banging the door when a maid suddenly opened the door.

"Matilda what took you so long to open the door". Darien asked as he smelled of alcohol. he sat on the couch.

"why do you always come here after bathing yourself with alcohol". Liam asked when he saw it was Darien.

"geez,bro sit down here". Darien said still tipsy as he tapped the couch. Liam sat down looking at his drunk brother.

"I want to tell you something". Darien continued.

"and what can that be".

"you know Emma right, the girl I introduced to you and mum". Darien asked.

"yeah what about her". Liam asked.

"we broke up". Darien said and lowered his head using his hands to cover his face.