
The Machiavellian Monarch

Ethan Cole was just an average college student with a taste for dark fantasy novels until he’s inexplicably thrust into the heart of “The Eternal Sovereign,” a brutal, high-stakes world he once read about with fascination. Now, trapped in the body of Kael Ardent, a scion of one of the most powerful cultivation families, Ethan is no longer just a reader; he’s a player in a deadly game of power and manipulation. In this new reality, Ethan has no intention of mending the broken legacy of his family. Instead, he embraces his ruthless, pragmatic side, driven by a singular goal: personal domination. Armed with intimate knowledge of the novel’s plot, Kael leverages every opportunity to advance his own interests. From stealing pivotal opportunities to orchestrating the fall of influential characters, Kael’s methods are ruthless and unrelenting. He’ll betray allies, eliminate rivals, and manipulate events with a cold, strategic mind, all to carve out his own path to power. With each move, he transforms the intricate world of cultivation and politics into a battlefield where he reigns supreme. In a realm where every decision could mean life or death, Kael’s ascent is marked by calculated cruelty and self-serving ambition. As he navigates treacherous alliances and uncovers dark secrets, his quest for power becomes a high-stakes gamble with no room for mercy. Will Ethan’s ruthless pragmatism and deep knowledge of the novel’s plot make him the ultimate sovereign, or will his relentless pursuit of personal gain lead to his own downfall?

westernsaint · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Destiny Villain Valtor Arcanis

The banquet had reached its zenith. Nobles of all ranks indulged in decadent feasts, veiled flattery, and hidden rivalries, their refined words masking the ambitions that swirled beneath the surface. Kael watched it all from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with cold calculation.

To him, this was more than a mere social gathering. It was a battlefield. Every noble was a piece on the chessboard, some pawns, others knights, but none truly grasped the larger game at play. He had already begun his ascent, stealing the future that once belonged to Robert Voss, and now Isabella was within his grasp.

But the night was far from over. Kael knew that his true test was still to come.

A sudden hush fell over the banquet hall, the idle chatter dying in an instant. All eyes turned toward the grand entrance, where the heavy doors creaked open, and an overwhelming aura of power swept into the room. The tension was palpable, as if the very air itself trembled in the presence of the newcomer.

Kael's gaze sharpened. He had been waiting for this.

Through the doors strode a tall, imposing figure, his steps as commanding as the aura that followed him. His silver robes shimmered with arcane symbols, each one more intricate than the last. But it wasn't just his appearance that caused the nobles to shrink back in awe. It was the sheer magnitude of his power.

Valtor Arcanis.

The name alone was enough to make even the most powerful noble tremble. He was the heir to the Arcanis family, one of the oldest and most revered bloodlines on the Odyssian continent. But what truly set him apart was the Primordial Chaos Body—a rare and ancient physique that granted him dominion over the Laws of Chaos, the most destructive and powerful law in the universe.

Even in the vast world of cultivation, the Laws of Chaos were feared. It was said that those who mastered chaos could bend reality itself, unraveling the very fabric of the cosmos. And Valtor, at the peak of the Soul Transformation Realm, was well on his way to achieving such mastery.

Behind Valtor stood a figure cloaked in shadows, his aura no less terrifying. A Saint Realm cultivator, likely Valtor's personal guardian. The nobles could barely contain their awe as they realized the magnitude of power that had entered the room. The Arcanis family had sent a Saint to ensure Valtor's safety—an unmistakable display of their influence and might.

Kael observed the scene with growing interest. His eyes, however, were not on the Saint. They were fixed on Valtor.

The Primordial Chaos Body. The Laws of Chaos.

These were not powers that could be taken lightly. Valtor was far more than a mere genius—he was a walking calamity, a being whose very existence challenged the natural order. But Kael was not intimidated. On the contrary, he saw opportunity.

"So, he's finally here," Kael muttered under his breath, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

Robert Voss, standing nearby, visibly tensed at the sight of Valtor. His pride as the so-called "genius" of the banquet took a hit just by Valtor's arrival. Kael could see it in Robert's clenched fists and the tight smile he forced onto his face.

This was perfect.

The tension between Robert and Valtor was already palpable, and Kael intended to exploit it to the fullest. He had no interest in playing peacemaker. He would let them clash, weaken each other, and when the moment was right, he would swoop in and devour them both—just as he had with Robert's future.

Valtor's eyes scanned the room, cold and calculating, much like Kael's own. But when they settled on Robert, a glint of disdain flashed in his gaze.

"Ah, the so-called genius of the Voss family," Valtor said, his voice dripping with condescension. "I've heard much about you."

Robert's jaw tightened, but he forced a smile. "And I've heard much about you as well, Valtor Arcanis. The heir to the Arcanis family." His voice held a trace of defiance, though Kael could tell it was all for show.

Valtor's smirk widened, his gaze flicking over Robert as though he were a mere insect. "I see. I was expecting more." According to original timeline Robert should have been peak of Soul Transformation realm same as Valtor but due to arrival of anomaly Ethan as Kael changed everything he didn't got the devouring sword and remained at nascent soul realm.

The insult was subtle, but the meaning was clear. The nobles around them stiffened, sensing the brewing storm. Kael, standing in the shadows, couldn't help but chuckle. This was exactly what he had hoped for.

Two titans, both destined to collide. And Kael would be the one to profit from their downfall.

"The Voss family has been in decline for years," Valtor continued, his voice filled with mockery. "It's no surprise that their so-called 'genius' can barely hold his own."

Robert's face reddened, his pride wounded, but he managed to keep his composure. "I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you, Valtor."

"Underestimate you?" Valtor chuckled darkly. "I'm not underestimating you. I'm simply stating facts."

The nobles around them exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to react. No one wanted to be caught in the crossfire of two powerful heirs, but at the same time, they couldn't tear their eyes away from the unfolding spectacle.

Kael's mind raced as he watched the exchange. Valtor's arrogance was unmatched, but Robert's defiance was equally noteworthy. This clash would be the perfect opportunity for Kael to drive a wedge between them, to further weaken Robert's standing while sowing discord between the two.

But Valtor was no ordinary opponent. The Laws of Chaos were unpredictable, uncontrollable. Even Kael, with his Heaven-Devouring Body, knew better than to challenge such power directly. Yet, Valtor's arrogance could be his undoing.

"Let them fight," Kael thought, his smirk growing. "Let them tear each other apart."

As the night wore on, the tension in the room continued to build. Robert and Valtor exchanged veiled insults, their words polite on the surface but laced with venom. The other nobles pretended to continue their conversations, but their eyes remained fixed on the two powerful figures at the center of the hall.

Kael, meanwhile, remained in the shadows, his mind racing with possibilities. Valtor's Primordial Chaos Body was a treasure beyond measure. If Kael could find a way to devour it, to absorb the power of chaos itself, he would become unstoppable.

But for now, patience was key. He would let Valtor and Robert weaken each other. And when the time was right, Kael would strike.

Valtor's gaze shifted briefly to Kael, and for a moment, their eyes met. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension. Valtor's eyes narrowed slightly, as if sensing something off about Kael, but he quickly dismissed it, turning his attention back to Robert.

Kael's smirk deepened. "You're not even aware of the true danger in this room, Valtor."

As the banquet continued, Kael felt the power within him stir. The Heaven-Devouring Body hungered for more, and soon, it would have its fill.

For now, though, he would watch, wait, and plan.

The banquet was only the beginning.