
General Ryker's sanity cut loose R18+.

When General Ryker heard Nova scream, he stormed out of his room and walked straight into her room, he sat on her bed and saw Nova trembling with fear.

"What's wrong, Milady? Is it a nightmare?" he inquired, attempting to calm the terrified Nova.

Nova shook her head in disagreement. 

"I noticed someone observing me from behind the curtains. And when I sat up, she vanished."

"Nova, calm down. It could just be an illusion or a dream." 

General Ryker gave her a pat on the back and told her to bring it up with the Lycan king. Together with General Ryker, Nova got out of bed and left her room. They made their way to King Alex's room and gently knocked.

When the door opened and Alex noticed that Nova was trembling in General Ryker's arms, he became concerned.

"What happened to her?" Alex asked, leading them into his room.

General Ryker sighed as he positioned Nova on the furry chair and turned to face Alex.