
The Lustful Goblin

KayIsBored_1 · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Listen to me idiots

Note: (I added illustrations of the characters.)


"Wow, there are so many goblins!" Kene exclaimed as she entered the village and saw goblins repairing the damage the village had sustained the day before.

"Garw Garw" (There were many more goblins compared to this when I first came here, but most of them died in yesterday's battle) Leo mentioned while he looked around, trying to find a certain goblin.

'Ah, there he is' At some distance from him, a goblin is seen barking orders left and right at other goblins. He then turned his head toward the group.

"Garw Garw Garw" (Alright guys, I will be explaining things to those idiots, so I will need you all to just stay quiet until I am done.)



"Garw Garw" (Go Go!) A goblin with an axe in his hand shouted at the others, ordering them to work quicker. Before Leo leaves, he has appointed him as the sub-leader, giving him command over all the other goblins. Not wishing to anger their new leader, the other goblins obediently followed his instructions.

"Hehehe" The goblin snickered, feeling great about having power that he thought he would never be able to get his hand into.

"Garw Garw" (You seem to be quite happy about your role.)

The goblin jerked in surprise at suddenly hearing a voice from behind and spun around to see the new goblin chief with an additional three individuals trailing behind him.

"Garw Garw!" (Chief back!) He shouted out loudly enough for all the surrounding goblins to hear him. In the next second, all the goblins kneel and pay respect to their new chief.

""Garw!"" (Chief!)

"Garw Garw" (You all did a fair job at clearing the battlefield while I was away; however, there is still more cleaning to be done, but first...) Leo paused to check if the goblins were listening, but all he saw were them drooling and gazing lustfully at Mia.

Mia frowned, feeling uncomfortable about being stared at like that by tons of goblins, and moved behind his back, which acted like a shield, blocking all the gazes.

Vines appeared on Leo's forehead from anger. 'These idiot….'

The aura of an evolved monster descended upon the goblins, making them break down in cold sweat and groan from the intense pressure that was pressing them down.

"Garw Garw Garw!!" (Do you all want to die? Listen to me, fools, and don't you dare lay your eyes on the thing that belongs to me!) Leo growled.

They diverted their eyes from her and fixed them on the ground, trembling with terror, realizing they had messed up, and infuriating the chief.


After who knows how long, the pressure subsided, allowing the goblins to breathe a sigh of relief as Leo composed himself to continue, "Garw Garw Garw" (listen, fools, I want this place to be cleaned! And I want everything, from that shitty-made wall to these ass-looking huts, to be revamped. Nod if you all understand!)

The goblins all nodded quickly, afraid of enraging the chief if they nodded too slowly.

"Garw Garw Garw" (Before you all get started working, if any of these three order you to do something, you do it. Their words are my words!) He declared and pointed toward his two children and Mia.

The goblins all nodded once again.

"Good! Now then...You!) He then pointed to the goblin that he had appointed as the sub-leader.

"Garw?!" (Yes?!)

"Garw Garw Garw" (Since you did quite a good job leading them, I will let you have that axe and assign you as the head of the goblins. Your job is to report to me any problem that arises.

"Garw! Garw!" (Yes! Okay!) The goblin answered joyfully. He was thrilled about receiving such a role.

Leo then assigns several other goblins, that he deems to be good enough, a role. After that, he took some time to go over the expectations, duties, and rules with them. Soon finishing what needed to be said, he dispersed the goblins for them to carry out the tasks that had been assigned to them.

While the goblins went to do their task, Leo began exploring the village, with Mia noting down where everything was, as previously he didn't have the opportunity to do.

The reason Noah and Kene were not with them was that they had decided to go hunting and brought a few goblins with them. Despite Mia's objection to letting Noah go hunting, saying he should still rest for a few days, she eventually agrees after he insists that he is fine and will be careful.

They soon came upon the prison-like structures as they strolled through the village; they had an entrance with stairs going down to an underground area.

'Now that I remembered, they must have imprisoned some humans' Leo thought, recalling the three half-goblins from the match.

'Wait…' It was then that something came to his mind. If there are humans down there and they are being used as breeding tools, how will Mia react to this?

Previously, she didn't say much about the fact that they had killed some adventurers. However, if she were to come face-to-face with some humans who are suffering excruciatingly, He is 99% sure she would plead for him to free those humans. If he were to disagree, there is a chance that she would sneakily try to help them escape. And no matter how hard he tries to conceal the fact that people are being held captive down there, she will, in one way or another, eventually find out.

'Hmmm, if it comes to that, perhaps I will just command her to not help them.' He mused. Mia has given him complete control over her as a result of the contract he accepted, and she is powerless to defy him. She, therefore, won't be able to ignore any orders he gives her.

'Well, let's see how she will react to this first.'

As they proceeded toward the structure, a nasty stench entered their nostrils, causing a frown to appear on their faces.

'Don't tell me they never clean this place.' Leo showed a disgusted expression. He made a quick reminder to tell the goblin to clean this place.

"What is happening down there for it to smell so bad?" Mia had a grossed-out expression, and she quickly covered her nose. "Um… Can I not go down there?"

"Garw Garw" (nope, you're coming down there with me) Leo smirked, grabbed her, and went down the stairs.