

WARNING! ( MATURE CONTENT) A prophecy is revealed by the moon goddess that Ellie, the werewolf princess of the pure heart clan is mate is to Nathan, a forbidden vampire from the circle of elders and their union was to stop a werewolf and vampire war that would take place in the future. It is forbidden for a vampire and a werewolf to be seen together, what will happen when they fall in love with each other? Will they be able to fight for their love and succeed in preventing the war from happening?

JennyBlaze · Fantasía
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149 Chs

Chapter 106(Asking questions)

King Valerius and his queen, Greta were both surprised by the sudden and unexpected question asked by Ellie. They looked at themselves in awe before they returned their gaze back to her. It wasn't an odd question but it was definitely the least thing they expected to hear.

"I wasn't expecting that, Princess." Valerius spoke as he waited for her response.

"I just need to know, father. I have been studying lately coupled with my warrior training and I just feel a need to have the knowledge of what happened many years ago." Ellie lied.

"If you are talking about werewolves and clashes with clans then we should be looking at the particular time it occured because the werewolves and the vampires have had lots of clashes more than any other clan." The king replied.