
The Luna's Replacement

Making someone love you is a good thing, but when she found out he only loved her because she looked liked his past love, will she go on? Or will she join forces with him anyway to fight of the evil about to consume the pack?

Chilk_jun · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Choosing a bride

Lucas' pov

" My Lord, the army general is here to see you" Bernard, the chief guard announced.

I nodded slightly as I shifted uneasily on my chair. Rex doesn't visit often to give me reports but when he does, they are rarely joyful ones. Lately, his visit has become frequent and I learnt to expect bad news every now and then.

Rex stepped in, a grave expression written on his face. I Instantly braced myself for the worst.

He came to me and bowed

" My Lord, the attacks on the pack are becoming more than we can handle. The guards at the East quarters are groaning in complaints as they are not capable of taking care of the situation alone. They plead for your intervention" Rex stated bitterly.

I clenched my jaw in anger.

These assassins are biting more than they can chew. I didn't know it was this serious. I needed to step in to resolve this issue but I must first know the extent of the damage that has been done.

"What's the situation?" I asked tenaciously.

" The attacks have risen from happening once or twice a month to being weekly, mostly targeting the males and the young ones. This week, we have recorded four casualties" He sat down, his face clearly showed he was pained.

Although Rex was a beta, his heart was weaker than his physical strength and physique. He was always emotional and easily broke down in tears when he faced ugly circumstances, especially something like this.

I didn't like the sound of this one bit. A month ago, 30-man army was enforced and sent to the borders of the Howler's Nest, to put the situation in check and bring back peace. But the feedback wasn't as I thought it would be. The perpetrators ended up overpowering them and since then, there has been one attack after the other.

I needed to do something before this gets out of hand.

" What do you think it's the next step to take Alpha?. If i may suggest, I advise you send the men directly from the palace to the borders. We all know they are among the strongest warriors we have in the pack. The assassins won't be able to over power them" Rex said

I stood up slowly from my seat. Sending the men from the palace sounded like a good idea, but it wasn't the best one to take at the moment. Besides we don't know what's out there or who's behind it; it would be best if we tackle this situation with smart rather than strength for now.

" I will come with you. Take me to the borders , let me access the situation myself" I announced suddenly.

Rex looked suprised. I was sure he didn't expect me to offer to go with him. Besides, as the head of the pack, I should be at the forefront, guarding my people not cowering in this huge mansion like a coward.

Rex looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

"You'll come with me?. Why? " he chuckled.

" Why shouldn't I" I asked dryly

He picked at a piece of lint on his pants leg.

" I thought you we're on a break, as a result of the bride choosing ceremony."

Ah... I groaned. I almost forgot that was coming up this week. The damned bride choosing ceremony where I was meant to choose a mate.

Turning 25 this year was a great feat but at the same time it came as a reminder to my sorry ass that I was still unmarried and without a heir. I wouldn't hear the end of it from my mother if I miss this event for anything.

" You were the one who asked me to intervene. I am doing so now, prepare your men, then we can go" I walked steadily to the front window. The weather looked nice and the sky was clear. The perfect time to catch a criminal.

Rex stood up from the sofa he was on and joined me at the window.

" Alpha Lucas, there's no need for you to come. The situation there isn't as worse as I made it sound like. We can handle it with just the palace warriors" he dusted the shoulders of my shirt, as if arranging it. "Just prepare for the ceremony, you know the head mother, she's going to eat you alive if she find you not prepared. He gave me a weird, irritating smile.

I shrugged his hands off my sleeve.

" It seems like you have forgotten who I am. I am coming with you and that's final. You don't have a say in this.. I glared at him. Despite the ranks we have, it never broke the bond between Rex and I. We had been close friends, way long before I succeeded my father as the new Alpha. The hierarchy was just a title between us. But we still respected each other's boundaries when due.

" ..... Welcome, Head mother" I could hear the palace staff echo.

Sharp, strong footsteps could be heard approaching, growing louder and louder towards us.

I looked at Rex. He looked back at me. He didn't need to be told what I was about to do.

I stepped through the door.

" Are you coming or what?"