
The Luckiest Person Ever

Yang Hua, a college graduate-to-be who had had terrible luck since birth, was dialing the phone for a job when he suddenly heard a wonderful female voice on the other end of the line: Hello, hello, this is the Luck Management Center... From the most unfortunate person in history to the luckiest person was only one phone call away. From then on, his life changed... Harem? From a childhood sweetheart to a sexy office lady. Wealth? Inexhaustible. If there was one thing he regretted most, it might be that he could never experience failure again.

Joking · Ciudad
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40 Chs

Mysterious Phone Call (2)

Traductor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"What's the matter? Is there a fire? Won't it be over if you go and get a fire demon to deal with it? Am I the King Yama or a regular ghost if everything needs to be dealt with by me!" King Yama was busy, and he felt agitated. Hearing the "secretary" yelling in panic again, he also impatiently shouted at her.

"No! King Yama!" The operator looked at King Yama so anxiously that she almost became a resentful soul.

"What's that? Speak up!" King Yama kept moving his hands but sighed and asked helplessly. After all, he is responsible for everything in the netherworld. If anything goes wrong, wouldn't he be blamed by the Heavenly Court?

"King Yama, it's the Luck Management Center! A student has called our center!" The operator lady finally caught the opportunity to speak clearly.

"Huh? Why are you looking for me for such a small matter!" King Yama continued to wave his arms. "You go and find..." At that point, King Yama's arm, holding the official seal high, suddenly hung in the air.

"What did you say? Say it again?" King Yama turned his head fiercely and stared at the operator.

"Just now, a student called our Luck Management Center!" The operator lady stepped back in fear and nervously looked at King Yama.

"He... is he the family of some immortal?" King Yama blinked his eyes and asked dully.

"I don't think so," replied the operator lady immediately. "No immortal family members have entered the human world to reincarnate now. Most of them have gone to the other world now."

"No? Then how did he call in?" King Yama also shouted angrily.

"King Yama, I... I really don't know." This time, the operator lady was almost scared out of her wits.

"Go check and see what's going on with him!" King Yama angrily reached out and put the official seal back in the box. He reluctantly glanced at the mountain of official documents, and finally walked out behind the operator lady.

The two netherworld administrators did not take much time to arrive at the Luck Management Center. Soon, all the famous scientists who had died around the world spent thousands of years researching it, and all the talented engineers who had died around the world spent hundreds of years manufacturing it. The ultra supercomputer that was recently delivered for use appeared in front of the two people... Oh no, two ghosts.

The ghosts in the Luck Management Center immediately knew of a major incident when they saw King Yama appear. They put down their work and followed King Yama to watch what was going on.

"Lucky one!" King Yama immediately shouted as he rushed into the operation room. He doesn't have time to deal with the little ghosts following him now.

"The voice identification has been completed, and the identity has been confirmed. Dear King Yama, hello." A dry mechanical voice was emitted from the computer's loudspeaker.

"Check what is going on with that guy named Yang Hua!" King Yama anxiously looked at the computer's voice input system. This new gadget was good, but King Yama always feels that it is not as smooth as those Ox-Head and Horse-Face. If it's Ox-Head and Horse-Face, after he finishes speaking, he immediately kicks them to work. How awesome was that! But now, he dares not even touch this thing, for fear that if he breaks it a bit, he will be subject to complaints from those maintenance engineers.

"Please enter his detailed address and age to facilitate the identification of the person," the computer replied.

Without waiting for the order of King Yama, the operator lady quickly stepped forward and entered Yang Hua's address and age.

"Name: Yang Hua, Age: 23 years old and 4 months old, Address: Student Apartment, No. 8, Lianhua University, City T, Province Z, China. Please confirm."

"Confirm, hurry up!" Listening to the computer's verbosity, the anxious King Yama almost wanted to smash it.

"Searching, please wait a moment." The computer made a random click, and then a row of data was displayed on the large screen in front of them.

"Name: Yang Hua, born on September 27, 19**. Used Luck Value: Career Luck -78455 points, Love Luck -113383 points, Money Luck -54872 points. Combined Luck Value -82236 points." The computer quickly reported the first few rows of data.

"Fuck!" King Yama couldn't help but swear, "What did that kid do in his last life? How could he have such bad luck in his early 20s? I remember when Hitler was killed by a car after his reincarnation, he only lost more than 50000 points. He's only in his 20s, and how could he have more than -80000 points? Was he Hideki Tojo in his last life?"

"Hideki Tojo has reincarnated, and now he has lost more than -60000 points for Combined Luck Value." The operator lady obviously still has memories of this extremely unlucky person and immediately continued King Yama's words.

"What's the matter with him?" King Yama couldn't understand, and he shouted to the computer again. "Continue to investigate, and show the information of his previous life and the luck value of this life."

Soon, after a roar, the computer displayed the information that King Yama wanted on the big screen. When King Yama and the operator lady saw the information, they were both dumbfounded at the same time.

"Yang Hua, the reincarnation of a good person for ten generations, should have a luck value of 131072 points." The computer reported the results of its search in a consistently smooth voice.

"Damn it!" King Yama stared blankly at the screen. According to the computer theory, Yang Hua should be a lucky guy in this life that even immortals would be jealous of! But how could he be unlucky enough to lose more than 80000 luck value? Is it because he wants to achieve his great cause, so he has to work hard first? But even Confucius and Mencius, such sages never had so much negative luck! And since luck management has been handed over to computers, modern people who achieve great things won't lose so much luck. Computers don't have the time to arrange such ups and downs in life!

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and call the maintenance engineer!" King Yama, frightened by the numbers, quickly shouted to the operator lady again.

That must be a joke! Even Dou E couldn't be compared to him! If a person's true luck differs so greatly from his deserved luck, his resentment would soar when he dies. When such a great amount of resentment rose in the sky, the vibrations that would arise between heaven and earth would lead the Jade Emperor to withdraw him as King Yama.

The operator lady responded and floated out of the Luck Management Center again. Within a few minutes, she and the maintenance engineer floated in quietly.

"Hurry up, see what's wrong with this machine!" King Yama anxiously kicked the maintenance engineer in front of the damn computer.

The engineer carefully examined it up and down for a long time and finally pushed his glasses to explain to King Yama. "There is no problem with the hardware. If there is a problem, it is the software."

"I don't care if it's hardware or software, hurry up and fix it for me!" King Yama anxiously grabbed the engineer and shook him back and forth.

"But I can't handle software issues."

"Who can handle it?"

"This... originally, its software was compiled by a guy named Money Gate."

"So where is he now?"

"He was reincarnated over forty years ago."

"What! What shall we do?"

"King Yama, in my opinion, it must be the Anti-grievance System we recently introduced from Heavenly Court that is working, and that's why that person could call the management center." The engineer pushed his glasses again and finally came up with a suggestion that satisfied King Yama. "You can try switching to manual operation. Just find any Ox-Head and Horse-Face to take charge of his luck and turn over his luck for the rest of his life. That'll do the trick."

"Hmm!" King Yama snorted heavily and glanced behind him. Upon hearing that King Yama was about to assign a task, the ghosts who had been following him to watch the excitement immediately disappeared. Only the operator lady next to King Yama was still standing there not knowing what to do.

King Yama's gaze twirled around the operator lady, and then he said, "I'll leave this matter to you."

"Ah, I... Yes!" The operator lady wanted to refuse, but when she saw King Yama's face, she swallowed the word "no".

In this way, after nearly an hour of chaos, the Luck Management Center finally regained calm.

"Mr. Yang Hua, are you still there?" The sweet voice of the operator lady reached Yang Hua's ear through the phone line.

"Hmm, still here. I'm still here." Yang Hua quickly replied.

"We have already understood your situation. Please enjoy every day of your life in the future. Thank you." After saying these words that made Yang Hua puzzled, the operator lady hung up the phone.