
Chapter 191: Setting Boundaries (Gyeong-Gye Seoljeong)

Seo Hwi liked meat, but not seafood and he wasn't a big drinker. Seo Hwi liked his clothes pressed and to be infused with my perfume scent that he lovingly picked out for me before marrying me. Seo Hwi needs this time and space to practise his fighting skills in the morning every single day right before breakfast and he expected me to have a full spread ready on the table for him every single mealtime. I had the freedom to roam around the village and explore everything and I was given a modest daily allowance for a little shopping, but he always wanted to see me when he was home. He practised in the morning, he did odd jobs for the Prince and was still in the process of making investments in businesses to bring us a new income and help his father's village thrive. He spent the evenings documenting everything as per his sisters orders and even devoted a little time for studying business and upcoming trending topics in the palace so he could avoid embarrassing himself for lack of knowledge and to be taken more seriously other than just a henchman for the Third Prince like his friend Jeong-Beom was. Seo Hwi didn't like to wear hats and liked to keep his hair out in the open just like his sister, he didn't like anyone touching it at all unless it came to baths. I made him soak for up to 30 minutes in the bath with all of the minerals that I could find locally and he was a light sleeper. I had to be very still when I slept in his arms and he liked to play with my hair until he fell asleep. We were also supposed to put on this banquet soon for his friends and contacts, but we were so stuck in the newlywed stage that we didn't really want to be apart from each other for a very long time. And as for our intimate moments, well we couldn't really hold ourselves back from each other. It was no wonder why Yeon was so angry in the brothel, I really could not imagine how I could survive even a single night away from my husband who loved to touch me as much as possible.

"It has been almost 2 weeks now, tell me that you have a plan for these damned servants." "I do in fact husband." I straddled myself on top of him in my sleeping robes that kept falling off of me, much to my husband's delight. "I have ignored them as much as I possibly can and done everything on my own, even though it is hard work…" "You have worked hard wife, and I promise you that I will find you some servants soon…" "There is no need husband, please hear me out. They will go to their madame sooner or later to complain about this since they haven't done any work to get paid for, and it is then that I can showcase exactly why I do not trust these people at all." "Do you need my help? They will probably expose your past at some point…" "with what proof? Thanks to my sister-in-law, I can live my life as your wife in peace with constantly worrying about meme exposing that I was kidnapped to a brothel, unless they want to expose themselves." "Good girl" he replied to me before tuning over onto his stomach so I could give him a massage that he so desperately needed.


"Good morning Madame, may I ask what brings you over to my residence so early in the morning?" "I am here on behalf of the servant that I have sent over and I am here to make sure that they are well-trained enough to serve you…" "Forgive me for asking, but what makes you think that I am having any trouble with the servants at all?" I asked her as I poured her tea ever so graciously that it surprised her. She must have known where I had just come from and no doubt, she must have trained my servants to fully take over my household chores so that the Third Prince could slip in some future concubines, but that wasn't going to happen, not on my watch.

"Well, everyone in the neighbourhood has seen how idle they are and it churns up unpleasant gossip on our end. So we need to test them to see if they can serve yourself and your husband well, will you please call him out to the breakfast table." I couldn't help but to smile at this fatale mistake that she just made; my husband might have been a light sleeper, but he absolutely hated being woken up more than anything else in the world. But who was I to deny a palace official's request? I could only send one of the new servants who I couldn't help but to notice kept staring in the direction of my husband's room, and even I surprised myself with how angry I was at this internally. "Don't you EVER in your life make another person make you sweat, especially another woman. Internalise your anger and use it to throw it back int your enemy's face."

"These are the maids that have no place in the palace since they had been turned out by their mistresses, but they have apt hands and are attentive…." "But not attentive enough to serve their stresses well?" "Wife! What on earth is going on! Why would you send a girl into my room to wake me up when I have you!" Just like I had expected, my husband came out in a rage, which wasn't really like him, but I could understand it. Private life, happy life, that was what he believed in. But his anger came in handy when I wanted these people to take me seriously and even fear me in some respects, just like everyone did to Yeon when she could simply read their personalities with a single look. Buy my husband had the servants all shaking in their shoes from how angry he was already becoming and I could tell they were plotting their own escape when they kept looking at each other."

"Young Master Seo! Forgive me I just…came in to test the maid's efficiency…on behalf of the…." "These damned minds are nothin but little opportunists that like to spy on me for every little thing that I do. Hear me and hear me now woman, I have no intentions of taking in concubines as I have a hard-working wife who can do everything for me!" "But Young Master! Look at the sheer size of this home! She cannot possibly take care of…" "Husband, why don't you go back to bed and let me handle this. These people are from the palace dear, we need to at least give them a fear chance." "Handle this properly wife, before I go to the market tomorrow and find my own servants." My poor hardworking husband, he had no idea what a life of nobility entailed clearly, since he was still unused to all of this attention that he was getting that he was uncomfortable with. His sister knew how to handle it better than him, but I could tell that these pair of siblings just wanted to live modest lives in modest homes with no servant and no-one prying into their lives.

"Like I was saying, Young Mistress Seo, we are giving you these maids to prevent you from running around and exhausting yourself." "And for that, I am eternally grateful from the palace." "And everyone needs a little help in managing a household as large as this one." "Greetings to the Young Mistress, may you prosper." They were very pretty girls who were around my age and still kept looking over at my husband's room with keen eyes, and it was making me more angry.

"Madame, please excuse me for a second whilst I give my husband some water to drink." I excused myself before she could say anything and I headed straight over to him where he was waiting for me with a sour look on his face. "I am sorry that I shouted at you…" "Forget that. Wake up, look at me and tell me that you love me enough to keep your promise to me." "What promise?" "Tell me you love me enough not to get tempted to take in concubines and be deducted my maids?" "My love, I kept my virginity as I approach the age of 30 years old, what do you think? I am not the sort of man who can be tempted, unless have emotional bonds with that woman, which is what we have." "I need courage to face them and get rid of them, so please tell me directly." I couldn't help but to pout as I made him laugh. "I drift to brothels and say there in my spare time and I haven't touched a single woman in my lifetime. I love you enough not to take in any concubines. Now go and sort this out for us." His low alone gave me enough courage to walk back to the Madame from the palace and sort out these servants once and for all.

"So, I shouldn't hear any complains abut how stupid and clumsy these women are," "Of course not, we all have the highest esteem for these palace girls. So first of all, let us start with making some breakfast when for my husband when he wakes up. He usually likes to have a lot of fruit, but he is a hard worker, so let us see what you girls can come up with." They all set off before I could even finish my sentence, and not a single one of them asked me if I wanted anything for breakfast, as if I didn't exist at all. These people were all here for my husband, but I wasn't going to let this happen either.

"It will be their great fortune if they can be of any use at all, but if they cannot bear to forget their old Master's, I do not wish to hold anyone back." "Young Mistress, please fell free to show them Moore guidance in the future if you are still unsatisfied." "This is a new courtyard, so they will serve a new Master with a new set of rules. Each and every moves needs to be chartered and they must have faith to do tether duties and not embarrass their Masters. We certainly do not want any fights or issues and no-one can enter he main bedroom unauthorised. That rooms my duty alone and I do not want it pushed off to others…"

"Mistress, forgive me, but I do not understand, what constitutes as an issue in this household?" I went over to the maid who asked me that questions, who seemed to be the youngest girl of all and looked like she already had her future planned out in my household. "A person needs face and a tree needs bark. If on my first day I allow mockery to beat a mess. It is a small matter if I lose face, but not for anyone else. Even if I offend you, I will have to take my stand. Just make do and gloss over. My husband and I are insipid people who dislike conventional affairs."

That certainly shut everyone up as they continued to try to make breakfast for my husband, but I could hear them whispering about my speaking with sharp prickly words. Before my time in the brothel, I never would have thought myself capable of this. But now that I had become a hostess of my own home with a husband who adored me and a potential to grow and raise my own family, there was a lot at stake now that I really wasn't willing to let go of.