
A Wife turns into a step sister?

Matty was a beautiful girl.

She was first my wife, and I married her sometime in my last life. I wasn't sure why she was my step sister in this life. It felt like this was a terrible joke, but we were both aware of it. It was me and Matty's little secret.

We could've been wrong about our past, however, we both remembered our vows, the first night we had s**, and the night we died in a car accident.

Yes, me and Matty somehow reincarnated together… She was so beautiful, and looked more exotic in this life. The most striking features were her eyes, which were golden.

She was a bit of a tease… making me wait until we were eighteen. She always had a thing about waiting till we were married, and I succumbed to her request after trying. I didn't want to be that guy… I could be an utter asshole, but… she was still eagerly waiting for it.

Occasionally, when our parents left, she'd kiss me, and cuddle me. We'd tell stories about our past lives, but I never told her about my own little secret.

I had something called a system, but what it required was love… It was hard to understand how love could be measured. Such a thing was impossible wasn't it? But this system… It would use my relationship with Matty to bless me with gifts.

The first night we would have s** was worth a hundred points… However, this was true for all women, and my damn loyal self was so satisfied with her… I couldn't even look at any relationship app, nor anything besides our past.

This was especially the case at night when Matty would sleep in my bed. She was so hot… and the system rated her an A+… as in… almost an S, and better than anything below it. The relationship system rated girls… and I was somewhat not used to it yet.

So, what happened? The system kind of came to me one day after kissing Matty. It been sleeping expecting this step sister, once married couple, to get it on immediately and awaken it.

It was supposed to be shared by them, but… well, Matty was…. still a virgin, or should I say back to being a virgin?

Everyday we went to class… We were in class 101 both planning to go into cultivation when we graduated. The dantian was slow growing like the brain, and you could only start cultivating at eighteen. There was a lot of things I could only do at eighteen… including my step sister…

She did occasionally walk around naked when our parents weren't home. It was one of those old marriage habits, and I did the same thing. Occasionally, she'd even get close to letting me in, but in school, like we were today… I was just her step brother and a girl was looking at me.

"Alex, will you go out with me?"

"Ding! Level one Confession has been detected!"

"+10 Relationship points…"

"Favorability is rated at 80%... chances of s** on third date are at 86%!"

Alex was my name, yup, and this system kept track of things like this. If I only stayed with Matty, I wouldn't get many points, but my best friend Mike was staring at me eager for my answer."

I could almost hear his voice in my head, "Dude, she's the hottest girl I've ever seen, bang her and stop thinking about your crazy step sister!"

The only reason he thought she was crazy was because she turned him down twice! However, I, with the dumb name Alex Armament, smiled at the girl in front of me. I was sure to her I seemed charming, perhaps perfect even, but my voice might have grated her heart.

"I…I'm sorry, but I'm already with someone else."

Angie Angel, that was really her name, bit her lip and seemed to take it hard. She dropped the letter in her hand, and then a tear fell down her face.

"…I…I'm sorry for your loss," she said and then a frowning smile happened. Almost in madness, she actually started crying as she ran off… and the system gave me a point for her crying.

"+1 Relationship points… First rejection!"

Now, I didn't want her to feel upset about this… So, I yell, "Can we be friends?"

She shook her head and then ran away dropping the letter on the floor. Inside of it were tickets as I would show Matt… Very expensive tickets for a play at the Argonaut Stadium. Mike laughed and came up to me patting me on the back.

He was certainly going to say something like you fool… you jerk… he said all those things actually, but then he pointed to the guy she was kissing as she turned towards me.

What kind of turnover was that?!

Well, welcome to my lovefest world… where everyone is crazy about love, and s**. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm the only one with a system, and why I have a former wife who's my step sister. Then I wonder why I have to be in high school still when I died at sixty-five?

Also, did she really have to use tongue… and the way he's groping her. Ugh, what a girl! She's not seventeen she's a succubus!

In fact, perhaps she was a succubus. They existed, but, Matty walked by now with her stolid expression on. She got confessed to a lot more than I did, and when we were at school. Ugh, she was hard not to grab.

I wanted to take her into the boy's bathroom to vent my frustration. Actually, I'm pretty sure that girl Angie Angel just took her new boyfriend to the bathroom. What they did in there was none of his business, but then Matty turned the corner.

Next, the bell rang, and Mike followed my tail out of the building.

We had a habit… go to the store on the corner, and talk about girls… All types of girls… all you can eat girls, the nice girls, the saving themselves girls, and the dirty girls…

Actually, in this world, the girls here were pretty lewd. When I think about earth, only a few girls would be willing to kiss you on the first date, but here, it was much more common.

In fact, each date was like a test, and if you passed that test… by the third date… uhm, the system said it all. 86% chance of doing the dirty… Filling the sheets with each other's bodies, and singing till the sun comes up!

However, again, my stepsister and I were once married… Ugh, reincarnation blues at its best.

"You know… she's a good girl… Matty… Why doesn't she want to date anyone? Are you two secretly secret agents or something?"

I couldn't even begin to understand his reasoning, but the waitress bent down and offered me a drink. Also, at this time, two cultivators walked into the room with long robes on, and I could only sigh at the yellow robed man.

The yellow robe was the sign of someone called an imperial cultivator. They were quite rare, but in this diner, I saw him all the time. I was pretty sure he liked one of the waitresses, but I didn't realize he was looking at me.

The system said his name was Dee King, but it didn't have much else on guys… All the girls were chalk full of stats… Whether it was what to buy them on their first date, or suggestions on locations. Well, it got a lot dirtier then that, but… not right now. Only Matty could make me open that tab.

Well, at least until that cultivator showed up at my table. He had the nerve to take my coffee and wrap his arm around me.

Yup, I was talking to Mike, and then a cultivator… who I'd find out had been waiting for me for months… and literally was only staring at the waitress every time I looked… wanted to make me incredibly strong.

Apparently, he somehow foresaw my system in a deck of terra cards, and now he already had all the girls he needed for my training school… Yup, this guy knew everything about me including how many points I got for second base.

In fact, he was pretty sure this would help me turn into the most powerful cultivator in the world. However, I had Matty, and he whisked me away from her! The damn bastard brought me to another school… where all the girls were undercover and wanted to be under my covers.

Yup, if that wasn't bad enough, they were all SS ranked girls. They were more pretty than Matty, and she was so beautiful!

Be that as it may, I didn't really have a choice because this was a cultivation school, and the military guards all knew about me. It seemed the whole building was in on me becoming a playboy besides the guy students, and darn it… I couldn't even see Matty!

My step sister, my wife, my beautiful angel who was worth a 100 points… The girl who I'd been waiting for forever… She was gone, and now beauties wanted to tear of my clothes so they could make me stronger… Under the guise of the country, I was their bait and my plan was to survive.

I was just a young man loyal to his step sister…

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