
The Love Story of the Daemon and the Angel

An Angel has been sent down from Heaven, she goes by Samariel. Her superior, Michael, told her to report the damage unruly Daemons, under Hell's rule, have caused. She needs to fix what they have done. Lucifer has sent a Daemon to help Samariel. The daemon who was sent goes by Vol'garoth. He was told to kill the Daemons who has caused so much trouble. Vol'garoth loathes Angels. Will Vol'garoth help Samariel? Or will he leave her to deal with the Daemons herself? Why does Vol'garoth hate angels so much?

Gothic_Alchemy · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Samariel- Samariel pronounces her name as Sah-Mah-RE-el. She has ashen-gray hair and emerald-green eyes. She wears a dress the shade of a mallow flower. She also wears pale purple sandals. Her wings are as white as snow. She is kind and beautiful. She can hide her wings, making her be able to blend in. She calls Vol'garoth, Vol-gar. How she says it, it sounds like she's saying vulgar. Her alias is Duma Kitoma.

Vol'garoth- Vol'garoth pronounces his name as Vol-Gar-Roth. He has black hair and crimson-red eyes. He wears a black shirt with a black jacket and blue jeans. He also wears black boots. He has horns protruding from the top of his head. His horns are that of a ram. He has bat-like wings. He is harsh but as handsome as a movie star. He can deceive his appearance, making him seem more 'normal'. Since he hates angels but doesn't want to be punished by Lucifer, he calls Samariel, Sama. It's the only way he can stand being around her. His alias is Himiko Sagara.