
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Hell Shook

Michael motioned for the girl to enter his car. He felt a little suspicious, about whether this girl had evil intentions. But his little heart said that this beautiful creature was not dangerous. Michael even used his power to read the heart of the girl next to him, but of course, it couldn't and the girl smiled because she knew what Michael was thinking.

"I am Aqliya, a descendant of the Elf Moredein who lives in the mountains southwest of the city. You certainly don't expect this, do you?" This girl saw her pointy ears which had been covered by her potato-yellow hair.

Michael blinked several times because all he knew were elves were just mythical creatures in fairy tales, not real as they are now. "Oh, it doesn't make sense to me but, you are real and of course I am shocked," Michael said looking awkward, not knowing what to do.

"Am I scary to you?"

"Oh no of course not because you are ... Beautiful." This girl blushed when the end of the word gave a deep meaning to her.

Michael smiled awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed when faced with a beautiful girl who came from a different creature. For a moment they were silent, making Michael impatient to know the purpose of this girl to meet him.

"If I may know, what do you mean to come to me?"

"Don't you see the change in this city, I mean the humans. They used to be human beings full of love and compassion with sincerity and great dignity. But now, they have no shame in doing something immoral in a public place."

Michael nodded and complained similarly, which is why he went to the police station so that the humans would be disciplined and not commit acts that would be disgraceful for everyone to see.

"It's useless for you to report that to the police because they can also do that, because they are human."

"You mean, is this Cupid's doing?"

Michael immediately said this, even though he was doubtful but it turned out to be true because Aqliya nodded her head. She explains the actions of Romeda who kidnapped one of the cupids and made her a slave to influence humans to go astray through black arrows.

"We must unite against Romeda, the Demon Queen."

"I have no strength, how can I fight it, even the holy water that I have doesn't work to ward off bad influences in my work project."

Aaliyah frowned, "Forest? Do you want to cut down the forest Romeda lives in?"

Just as surprised as Aqliya, Michael is surprised to learn that the Demon Queen inhabits a forest that is difficult for him to cut. "No wonder the trees over there are hard to cut down to protect the Demon Queen. Is there any way to fight it?"

"The only way is you."

"I am? " Michael pointed at his face, confused and Aqliya explained,

"She likes you, she wants to have you, she wants to channel her desire to make love to you, therefore only you can trap her with fake love."

"How do you know if she likes me?"

Aqliya pointed at Michael's chest, "Your chest and your genitals have been touched by Romeda's finger."

Michael's eyes widen and he remembers the strange thing that happened last night. His desire that suddenly came out without doing anything turned out to be disturbed by the lust of the female devil.

"Does that mean I'm not pure anymore?" Michael was confused because his mother's message was that he must not sin so he could save this city from the devil's attack.

"Not really and well, your body must be purified again in the bathing pool at our place, so that your strength doesn't disappear because the touch leaves an imprint and absorbs into your bloodstream, sucking up all the holy power that is in you."

"Now?" asked Michael and Aqliya nodded. Michael was excited without caring if it was a cold night.


"Aaaaarrgggghhh, my hands, my hands!!!"

Romeda screamed hysterically like a child crying over her broken toy. Her hands were burnt and blackened, and even only her bones left her angry and annoyed.

Romeda always doesn't accept that a part of her body is damaged or injured. Elf has made her body broken bit by bit. Romeda's anger even shook the entire castle and her screams of pain were heard to the bottom of hell.

"Your Majesty the Queen, control yourself."

"How can I control myself huh? My hands have no flesh, you see, are you looking at this, how disgusting, argh!!"

Again, the roar of her screams made the castle collapse in half. The heads of the bodyguards suddenly detached and reattached as Romeda's voice dropped.

"Why is this castle shaking, who built this place huh? Incompetent!"

"Your Majesty the Queen, no matter how sturdy this building is if your anger reaches the bottom of hell then nothing can last long."

Not long after, a guardian of hell, her father's messenger, came to face her. "Sincerely Your Majesty Queen Romeda."

Her anger could not subside until her voice was still sharp and her eyes were wildly gripping, "What else do you want to tell me, is hell destroyed and there will be no more hell because of me."

"Your Highness Asmodeus, have warned you to focus on humanity and not tempt the Elves or even harass them."

"I have important business with him, you see my hand, without flesh! My flawless skin must be sore and disgusting. I'm not beautiful anymore and he must be responsible! Or you can bring me that damn Elf sweat to treat me!"

Romeda moved restlessly, watching her body from behind the mirror and the reflection of the moonlight. She groaned back "Erggggghhhhh, why are you quiet huh!"

"Elf sweat?"

"Yes, he said so! Right now you can take it, can't you huh, you won't dare face it!"

The creature groaned with bloodshot eyes, offended when Romeda's mouth insulted him that humans are so afraid of. Even the King of Hell is always kind to him, the other incarnations of the King of Hell also need him, only Romeda doesn't respect him.

"The sweat of holy beings like Elves isn't easy to get unless they've exhausted themselves. You can use something else to heal the wound."

"What, in where? "

"Water creatures that are half-human, you can rub the scales to treat your blackened skin while your fleshless hands can be taken from the flesh of the body."

"I eat humans?"

Romeda seems to shudder at the thought of eating herself. However, human nature is still attached to her.

"They are a kind of fish, just form."

Romeda shuddered, "I don't want to!"

"That's up to you, I step aside Her Majesty the Queen, and don't scream anymore or the King of Hell will tear your mouth apart."

Romeda doesn't care about her father's threats, still frozen in front of the mirror, watching her messy self. It growled and finally gave an order to its loyal bodyguard. "You look for that creature, I want to eat it!"

There is no other choice, for the sake of her beauty she will do anything.