
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Elf Versus Romeda on Wild Desire

"That wound can only heal with my sweat and I refuse to heal it." This man turned around and wanted to leave before the deal was made because he couldn't last much longer. Being alone with Romeda in a room this big is like being locked in hell.

Romeda tried to keep holding this man so she could produce sweat so that her wound was covered. Hot, lust-burning passion and dimming her sacred energy. Wrong, if he was the one facing Romeda, he should have sent a woman who was capable of facing a woman as well.

"And then you can give a little bit, maybe."

"My sweat doesn't flow like saliva, you see. We'll talk about that some other time." Romeda confronted him with both hands stretched out and of course, this man saw Romeda's whole body which was so sexy and tempting.

Moreover, this half-demon woman's body was not covered by a single sheet. "I can't sir, you came here without coercion and want to get out without giving me any benefits, I don't want to lose."

Looking down, his head felt dizzy seeing Romeda's body swaying in front of him. Want to use timeliness to dodge but instead, come into contact with Romeda.

"Harsh, you need warmth Mr. Elf's, your body is too cold to produce sweat."

Romeda's hand stroked his face, his heartbeat rose and fell, and his breath hitched. His hand wanted to draw a sword but was held by Romeda who immediately pressed her lips on this man's lips. This divine being was unable to dodge as the heat continued to course under his skin, merging with his bloodstream.

Romeda's kisses full of passion surged over her body. With his eyes closed... he tried to hold on, but a few seconds later he also returned Romeda's kiss heavily and hastily.

Romeda grinned between their hot kisses, feeling successful in influencing this handsome man who is considered a holy creature on this earth. She threw the man's body onto the bed that was suddenly available beside her and the man's sword was thrown back.

"I'll show you how pure passion is. Your people only use skin-to-skin contact, don't they, without emotion and soul uniting."

"You don't mess with me!" he snapped harshly. The man's body turned to attack when he was pinned down by Romeda by strangling Romeda's neck tightly. Unleash half of his remaining strength to attack and finish Romeda.

Romeda laughed, "You can't fight me completely, it turns out that Michael is stronger than you holy creatures, because I can touch you," she mocked, belittling the man.

Michael and Elf are certainly different. Elves who are called holy are creatures without grudges and emotions. If war will always win without having to do cunning. While humans have a high level of emotion, if they have a negative side they can become wilder and vice versa, a large positive side makes them protected from dangers that threaten faith.

The man's hand pressed Romeda's neck even more and Romeda's hand stroked the man's sensitive part gently. Distracted by that touch, Romeda turned to attack, occupied the man's face, and placed 'hers' right in the man's mouth while her hand stroked the man's sensitive part.

"Ouhhhhsshh," Romeda groaned, satisfied with the caressing of the man's lips on 'hers'. Her body moved sensually and her hands began to strip the clothes this man was wearing.

Unlucky for Romeda, when her hand touched the skin of the lower abdomen of the man. "Errrrgggghhh!"

She screamed with a groan of pain, Romeda was blown away until she fell under her throne. The pleasure did not reach the peak but the pain was so sore and hot she felt. Her hands were blackened, blistered by this man's sacred mark that shone protecting him.

The man stood up, put his clothes back on, and pulled the sword with the strength of his hand until the sword flew and returned to his hand. "I told you, you who don't care about yourself and your uncontrollable wild desires. Look forward to your destruction Romeda!"

"Harsh! You will be destroyed Elf, I will tempt all creatures including you and your kind!"

This man came out of the castle and drew his shining sword, swung deeply slashing dozens of trees until it vanished instantly and his two bodyguards came over. "Are you all right, My Lord?"

This man started to sweat, his strength was drained by Romeda. His body staggered and was caught by his two bodyguards. "Take me straight to the holy baths."

"Yes, My Lord."


Michael came home from work with a happy heart. Being in a relationship with V without love was not bad. V can control herself until they don't break the rules. The beautiful flickering street lights caught his attention.

The car must stop when the traffic light turns red. Michael stared at the dark ledge. His eyes caught something unusual, a pair of humans were engrossed in a shameful act that embarrassed him on a wooden bench under a tree.

"Gosh, where is their common sense."

Looking again in another direction, Michael got the same thing. Young people are not even ashamed to take off their clothes on the side of the road and lie down on the hood of the car.

"Oh no, is this a hallucination? This is not good for young children to see. This city is abnormal ... no!"


A car horn from behind made him realize that the traffic light had turned green. Michael rushed to step on the gas and speed up his steering control. Initially wanting to go home, he instead stopped at the police station to report what he saw. Michael got out of the car hastily and was stopped when someone called his name, "Michael."

Michael turned and was surprised to see who it was. The beautiful girl he saw this morning, apparently knew him. In his mind, he thought, "Who is she, do I know her?"

This beautiful girl who has purple irises, blushing, stands facing the man she likes. Her courage to go to Michael because she was desperate to ask for help.

"Excuse me, can we talk alone."

"Yes, please here?" Michael asked and the girl shook her head.

"Just in your car, I can't be seen by everyone except those I want."

Michael's body tensed, and now he has to face people who can no longer. "After Cupid with arrows, dragon and now what kind is she?" he muttered to himself.