
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · Fantasía
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29 Chs


The sky had darkened, and the moon and stars were present above to decorate the night. Michael returns to the apartment, feeling tired.

He received too many reports from project workers in the field even though everything was running normally because there had been no irregularities there. The trees can be cut down and their trunks have turned yellow, withered, and may die.

Michael loosened his tie as he entered the elevator. He closed his eyes, put his hands into his trouser pockets, and leaned against the thick, transparent glass that moved up to the top floor of his residence. How many times did he let out a tired sigh? There is no longer a purpose in his life now. Which originally wanted a wedding like in a fairy tale and to live happily with the woman he loves. Turn the flow of life, hope for happiness is destroyed, and all that exists is to teach a lesson to the woman who has deceived him.

The elevator doors opened when he reached his floor. Michael walked slowly, his eyes straight ahead ... his mind was blank and he just wanted to sleep. Michael put his thumb on the sensor to open the door and then—

The door opened and he quickly entered, and then closed it. But unexpectedly, just as the door was about to be closed, someone held it from the outside.

"I want to talk."

For a moment the two stared at each other. Michael wanted to avoid but the love in his heart that couldn't be thrown away turned his grudge against this woman.

"Come in."

Michael opened the door wider and the woman entered quietly and sat on the sofa by the window. Michael looked at the woman as a whole. There was something unusual about her lover's appearance. Because only wearing a kimono towel with her hair tied up. Looking at her smooth long neck and lips that look moist and fresh. Her body also smells of seductive perfume.

"What's wrong, I'm tired I want to take a shower and sleep." He said. The woman stood and opened her kimono towel in front of Michael. She shows her beautiful body shape in sexy lingerie and is very exposed in her sensitive area. Feeling inappropriate to be seen, Michael turned his head to the side.

"You can't kiss me passionately, you don't even want to touch my body, but instead you sleep with that woman who isn't attractive at all. And you say that casually, when I'm angry you don't care either, don't persuade me, just say sorry, what do you want in this relationship, Michael? If from the beginning you didn't want to touch me with the reason of wanting to take care of me. Then now, I give myself to you without you asking, so you don't taste other women out there anymore! "

"That's not a way out and I didn't ask you, I don't even want to," Michael said firmly, making Katherine curse in her heart.(Unlucky! What does he want, how dare he refuse me? There was no longer that awe of that body he had wanted so badly to taste a long time ago.)

Michael had blocked his heart from melting in the charms of a Katherine.

"Put your robes on again, I will not touch you until our wedding and that is if you will marry me."

"Of course, I want to," she answered quickly without thinking because it was already in the plan.

"Then why didn't you answer my apology, I guess you gave up." Katherine stepped forward and Michael stepped back warning.

"Don't approach me in clothes like that, I slept with V because I wasn't aware so now I'm aware, I'm still the old me, I don't like seductive women, so wear polite clothes, you can get close to me." ("You're impudent Michael, you think I'm a beggar, you'll see later. Even an inch of my skin, you will never be able to enjoy it and I will not provide comfort in our marriage.)

Michael nodded his head and raised the corners of his lips upwards. His ears itched when he heard Katherine's inner voice that tore his heart apart. The hatred for Katherine was slowly increasing and he wished he could let go of it.

"Can I sleep here, I miss you Michael, I waited for you all day to decide this. It's not something easy to get rid of ego because you didn't try to take away my anger over your mistake."(My fault, oh no ... not Katherine. How embarrassing you are.)

"Okay, but in your pajamas."

"Can I wear yours?"

"Yes, please. "

Michael walked away leaving Katherine frozen in place. There was curiosity inside Katherine to see the change in Michael's attitude since yesterday after pinning their engagement ring. ("Patience Kath, patience ... Leave immediately after marriage, there will be no first night, obviously everything is in your hands.")


Night or day, this place is still dark because she does not like light. Romeda stands in front of the mirror facing the moonlight looking at her back which has a disfigured wound caused by the dripping water.

"Aargh!" The mirror shattered on the floor because of her anger. Her flawless skin wasn't beautiful anymore and she didn't know what to heal it with.

"Where is that little thing?" Romeda suddenly remembered the little fairy she had caught. She looked for the whereabouts of the bottle containing the tiny, innocent creature.

When she saw a flicker of light, Romeda's eyes immediately went to one point and it turned out to be the fairy who was playing with her bow in the bottle, trying to break the glass of the bottle. Romeda lifted the bottle, the little fairy woke up and stood looking sadly at Romeda who looked at her intently.

"Let me go," she whined in a pitiful tone and her innocent, sad face.

"Are you able to heal the wounds on my body?"

"What wound?"

Romeda showed the burning wound to the fairy and the fairy said, "I can't ... but Elf can," replied the little creature innocent and cute.

"Hrhremm," Romeda groaned when Elf's name was called because it was from Elf that the cause of this wound was.

"You want me to let go?"

"Yes Romeda, please let me go. I want to fly, don't kill me or you will be finished by Elf."

Romeda straightened her body and spat out anger, "How presumptuous of your little mouth to say, no one can finish me off. Elves will also be destroyed if I attack them directly!" Romeda is furious when she is belittled.

"No, Elf is the best ... you're nothing!"

Romeda growled again, "What did you say, say!"

"Ow— aw hot Romeda ... no ... please."

Romeda gripped the glass bottle tightly, so that hot air entered the bottle making this little elf suffer from heat. Her face was red and her wings would gradually burn. This little one's hair ties are tilted upwards. The smooth face of this fairy began to have titi burnt black.

"You could turn to dust right now if I wanted to and they'd never find out because you're in a bottle."

"My ... Romeda ... my mercy!"

"Can you work with me?"

The fairy didn't answer and Romeda was getting mad to punish her.

"Aww ... Romeda hot Romeda."

"Sayyy! "

"Fine ... yes, I can."

Under pressure, this innocent little fairy finally gave up and followed the will of the Demon Queen. What will the Queen want?