
The Love I'm Grateful For

The novel is about the personal ups and downs of my life and how the women i encountered helped and sometimes complicated my phase in life No matter the stories and experiences, they are based on true events and from personal experiences.

Heramb_Kambli · Real
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2 Chs

Chapter 1- Spice

This story is about the day i met the Spice of life, lets call her Spice for now ,we first started talking, i didn't think much of it, the time it took ti get close to her wasn't much since i felt a sort of bond and i didn't wanted her to be hurt in any way; but as life goes on you also realise, that nothing goes as planned. The day i first met her in real life, it all felt surreal. I didn't think that any person could be so energetic and happy going and that just somehow made me smile. Whatever time i had spent, and however long it was; It didnt feel enough to me but we still had to part, so i sang her a song and hugged her from the back. She didn't hug me back as though she didn't want to hug me back, like something was holding her back. That day after she went home, we chatted enough and i brought the topic up asking "Why she didn't hug back" or "was she not comfortable to hug back?". She just replied that "She would hug back if i'd have hugged her properly from the front".

The next time we met, it was at my home in the afternoon when my house was empty. The afternoon sun was warm to the skin as the weather was soft and filled gentle breezes. When she came over we first went into the terrace as she was standing admiring the view and feeling the breezes, I hugged her, it felt right at the moment and i guess she felt the same way cause the moment was pure and it all felt good. She hugged me back as tightly as i hugged her. That day we tried to watch her favourite web series and as we were cuddling and watching she went in for a kiss but something made her back off again. As she went back she complained that i should have stopped her from kissing me but at that moment i couldn't help but comfort her and made her sure to feel every sensation of the love i had with kiss on every inch of her tongue and lips. And after we kissed, i asked her if she wanted to be in a relationship, she yelled and said "We literally kissed, what do you think?" so instead of making this a boring proposal for a relationship i asked her properly with a knee on the ground and holding her hand i asked her if she wanted to be my other half? and she said yes.

It all felt like a dream and it all felt just right, the moment was pure ecstasy and i was overjoyed. But the good things in life never last forever because the same day when we went to eat, she found out about my flirty past that i was not proud of and used as cope-ing mechanism to hide my insecurities and she was hurt. That day i had been the happiest and saddest i had been in years. All the time that i had felt the dreams starting to come true and built into something beautiful, it all came crashing down.

After that it was downhill from there, till her best friend at the time invited me to her birthday party where i thought I'd be able to make up with her for whatever sin i have committed. I was dead serious to have her back in my life as my other half, but when i got there it was all so awkward to try to know her while didn't knowing her. At the same time i got to know the other friends of her Group, The time i spent with them was nice and especially making a new friend with a good music taste was not something i thought of, lets call him 'Chris'. She also had a male bestfriend who came to the party, lets call him 'Jeffrey'. Jeffrey was Bi, more inclined towards boys and Chris was just chill music loving Gen Z. I vibed with Chris not so much with Jeffrey though cause who would get along with their Girl's male best friend. So while at the party, alot of things happened and among them was a memory i'd ratber forget of playing spin the bottle. The bottle landed on her and her best friend as i felt a burning sensation in my chest as she gave him a peck on the lips. It lasted for less than a second but my heart felt like it was being burned by a searing hot iron stick over and over and over and over... until it went numb. But then during the slow dance, we danced and the tension could be cut with a knife. It felt so much that even a feather of weight could cut it.

That day was the beginning of something special again as we started talking more and more as days went by; and again we came to hang out at my house watching a movie she wanted to watch. I was a changed man, i was open to her and trusted her with everything, never hid anything nor did i let her overthink about my loyalty after that. I had her fingerprint on my phone along with trusting her enough to have all the passwords to my socials.

I didn't want to make the same mistake again as i had previously done, neither did i wanted to lose her again cause it was too much losing her once. We began to dance to a romantic song that was playing in the movie as i felt her gentle touch to my heart as we were slow dancing away from the gaze of the world, being in our own company, in our own small but sweet world safe. It all fell back in place as from just patting her head gently to somehow having her on my lap kissing me. The moment was pure and so passionate that my could beat faster and we were back together, this time with me thinking that i would not mess it up.