
The Lost Shard of Fate

Shortly after loosing her uncle and her home in a tragic fire incident, Hazel Troyanda finds herself facing severe charges in the Kragon kingdom. She had only been seeking refuge in a town near the border when she was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder on the second prince of Kragon. With no means to defend herself and no evidence or witnesses to prove her innocence, Hazel has no choice but to serve her sentence. But five years down the line, the warden of the no-name prison strikes a deal with her. He offers to set her free, convinced that she's some heir to a very wealthy family in the kingdom of Algarve, in return, she has to reward him handsomely after she has claimed her rightful position. Hazel agrees despite the doubt about the warden's theory. Her goal is to find the person behind her family's demise and her false accusatory. On her search for the perpetrator, she comes across a claim on her as a supposed heir to the Algarve throne and a certain prince that turns her world upside down. He's the brother to the man Hazel has sworn to destroy and he would do anything for his family. Hazel has nothing to loose and is ready to chase after her revenge with everything she has, even if it means going against the royal family of Kragon. Will their oaths and beliefs turn against them as they transcend the path of undeniable attraction and romance, or will they betray their feelings and find their demise in revenge? ***Excerpt***

Arnaliva_Vale · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
51 Chs

First job.

Hazel left Finley's office with more questions than answers. The last part of his statement left her a little disoriented because now she kept wondering what he meant. From a certain angle, Finley seemed to have an underlying meaning to his words because why else would he even say that? But from another perspective, it seemed to be only a speculation.

Hazel was so lost in thought that she forgot she was walking down the stairs and missed a step. She went tumbling forward and she cursed inwardly as she used her hands to shield her head, preparing herself for the final fall. But it never came. Instead of the hard floor or the metal railings of the stairs, she collided with a man's firm chest, strong and sturdy hands going around her slender frame.

"You're not only arrogant but also blind," she looked up to find James staring down at her, mockery filling his eyes.

With a scowl, Hazel pulled herself away from him and stood one step above him, staring down at him with pursed lips.

"Did no one ever teach you gratitude?" James taunted again when she didn't say anything. He had rugged features which made him appear more intimidating, but Hazel was clearly annoyed.

Still frowning, she asked, "Do you have a woman, or have you ever had a woman in your life?"

James was taken aback by the sudden question and opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He was momentarily at a loss then he quickly covered up his speechlessness. "And why would you want to know that? From wanting to fight me to becoming my woman?" He taunted, his lips curling up to a smirk.

Hazel's frown deepened. "I can really beat you in a fight," she tried to ascertain but James only laughed it off. "How long have you trained with master Finley?"

James's answer was immediate, "Long enough."

"Tch! Can't you answer a question properly? I suppose you have never fought a woman before but I can already point out the differences between me and you that make me better."

James scoffed. "Humour me," he folded his hands across his chest and his taut muscles flexed in the process.

"Agility. You're strong but not as fast as me because I'm smaller, meaning I'm more flexible," she remarked and James didn't argue with that because it was a fact. Even he knew that his robust frame could not be agile like that of a slender person.

"Also, I've trained longer than you," James intended to say something to that but Hazel cut him off with a raise of her hand, "Don't even argue with that. I was with master Finley before he relocated to the capital."

James just pursed his lips, his brows knitting above his nose bridge.

"Another thing… tsk! Why am I even explaining this to you. Let's just fight," she suggested and even started descending the last step on the stairs but James remained rooted to the ground.

"You truly believe you can fight me and win?" He asked, putting dramatic pauses in his question.

Hazel clicked her tongue. "There's only one way to find out."

James shook his head, then finally conceded and walked beside her to the training grounds. He would just be lenient with her and take this fight as teaching his junior a lesson. No matter how arrogant this woman was, he still had a conscience and couldn't possibly hurt a woman.

But he was in for a surprise because Hazel was not only fast but also very calculative when fighting. For a moment, he almost started thinking she was using some sort of witchcraft on him because of her scarred eye. When she removed her eye patch, he was slightly startled by the scars but he quickly regained his senses.

"You really have a lot to learn. I already told you I'm supposed to be your superior," Hazel teased him, a playful smile on her face.

The other students and assassins had already stopped whatever they were doing and gathered around to watch the fight. They were curious about this new woman.

Hearing the taunting remark from Hazel, James clenched his jaw as hesitation flashed across his eyes. He wasn't sure whether to go easy on her or go all out because he still believed he could hurt her.

While he was lost in thought, hazel suddenly charged forward, used his folded knee to push herself up and wrapped her legs around his neck. James's reaction was to grab her thighs and try to pull her away but Hazel gritted her teeth and clenched her legs tighter. They had dropped their weapons because they decided it was a friendly fight, but Hazel thought it would be more enjoyable with knives.

James's face was starting to turn red because he wasn't getting enough air and after furtively trying to ease Hazel's chokehold, he decided there was no other way to release himself. Because he was still being a little careful with her, he decided to drop on his back instead of smashing her back on the ground.

Hazel's eyes widened when she felt the both of them falling and she quickly jumped down before she landed face first on the ground.

James was soon on his feet and angrily charged at her, his fierce fists conveying his frustration.

Hazel blocked every attack easily, as if she wasn't using any energy. "Weren't you ever taught to leave your emotions somewhere else when you fight?" She asked with a frown.

Instead of answering, James gritted his teeth and this time when she blocked the attack, he grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back. Hazel made a failed attempt to twist back and do a back flip but James used his strength advantage to hold her down.

"I remember someone saying they're better than me," he whispered in Hazel's ear.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Hazel stomped on his feet to distract him then elbowed him in the face. His hold eased on her and she abruptly turned around but before she could do anything, someone clapped loudly and they all turned to the building's back entrance.

"Hazel," Finley beckoned her with a wave of his hand.

"Alright, James. That fight was too bland. Let's use knives next time," she half-yelled as she walked towards master Finley.

James remained staring at her retreating back, hands planted on his hips. She was right. He also felt the fight wasn't too exciting. He didn't even sweat.

The others seemed to agree as well because they soon dispersed and resumed their activities.

"Did something happen?" Hazel asked as she tried to catch up with Finley as he took the stairs two at a time.

"Yes, there's a job for you," Finley responded without turning back.

"Really?" Hazel's voice turned excited and she looked up with gleaming eyes. "That was fast. What kind of job?"

Finley waited until they were in the confines of his office to answer the question. "It's highly confidential so it'll be kept from the others. I thought you'd be best for this task because I've known you for a while and I trust you."

Finley rummaged through the papers on his desk, then seemingly not finding what he was looking for, started opening one drawer after another.

Hazel had already closed the door and was now facing him, listening attentively.

She was quiet for a moment then asked with a concerned frown, "How much is the pay?"

Finley chuckled.

"If it's highly confidential then they must pay a lot, right?"

"Yes. I'm certain they'll pay a reasonable sum… but let's discuss that later. Ah, finally," he sighed in relief as he brought out a parchment and placed it on the table.

"This is a contract between the client and the organisation," he informed.

Hazel leaned forward and read the contract. There was nothing suspicious in the piece of paper but a frown still marred her forehead.

"Is this necessary or… is it the usual procedure?"

Finley hesitated for a minute. His actions gave the impression that he was in a hurry. "It's not… the usual. But this client insists that this might backfire on us so they want to make sure their safety is guaranteed."

Hazel's eyebrows rose quizzically. What was this so important mission?

"So, you're supposed to make sure that the Crown Prince Leocade Greenock is dead." Hazel's eyebrows shot to her hairline then he added. "Tomorrow."