
Chapter 9

"What is the Hokage?" The teacher asked his class

Sakura raised her hand, "The Hokage is the leader of the village."

Iruka nodded, "Good answer Sakura, but he is more than that."

Naruto raised his hand nearly jumping out of his seat, "The Hokage is the strongest ninja in the village."

Again Iruka nodded, "That isn't always the case but good answer anyway Naruto, anyone else?"

It was silent until a soft spoke from next to Naruto, "The title of Hokage is meaningless." All eyes turned to face the speaker which had been Hoshiro.

Iruka raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry Hoshiro could you elaborate?"

The boy nodded, "Naruto and Sakura are not wrong strength and leadership are needed for the village to live, but in the end the title is meaningless. What the Hokage and everyone ninja or civilian needs is the will of fire. The will that allows people to protect their friends, comrades, and family no matter what the cost as long as everyone in the village has the will of fire the title doesn't matter, the Hokage is the same as the youngest civilian, they are equal. What the Hokage, and everyone else should try to be is a walking example of the will of fire. It was the will of fire that has caused the village to survive and grow over the past century, and as long the will of fire remains everyone is equal and titles are meaningless. Of course the will of fire is different for everyone, but it is who possess the will are Kages", With that he sat down.

Iruka stared dumbfounded for a minute before he blinked, "Okay everyone take an early lunch." As the students filed out of the room Iruka turned toward Anko, "Could you watch the kids I'm got to wrap my head around what was just said."

Anko nodded she too had a hard time wrapping her around what the brat had said, but if anyone could understand the will of fire it would be a Senju.

As the teachers thought things over Naruto was eating his lunch, well Hoshiro was meditating, being the heir of Senju Clan is tough, he sometimes even wonder if he could give the title to someone else, Naruto looked up from his lunch to see a group of girls giggling and pointing at Hoshiro, after all, he has the same black flowing hair and the splitting handsome face of Hashirama

While, Hinata looked at Naruto blushed and quickly looked down

"Girls are weird." The blonde stated

"Don't say that about my best friend", said Hoshiro

"Hey I wasn't talking about Hinata in particular", replied Naruto

"Liar, you were staring at her", said Hoshiro

"I-I wasn't", he waved his arms back and forth with a hint of red on his face


(Lunch break)

Hinata was sitting in the park writing something with a little smile and satisfaction on her face

But her courage betrayed her, and she crumbles the paper and threw it, before going back to the classroom, lunch is about to be over anyway


Hoshiro came alone as he bends and picked the crumble paper and began to read it

Naruto…Do you remember that lesson in class? The one with, "If the end of the world came, who would you spend your last day with?" I wrote no name because my parents hated me, and I only have Hoshiro in my life. He always look after me, But he is not the one I wish to spend my last day with, I couldn't say it, But now I wish to say it. I want to be with you. From now on, I want to spend all and every single one of my days until I die with you, and only you, Naruto." ♡

Hoshiro took a long breath as he read the confession Letter, "Silly Girl, you didn't even wrote your name"

He put it in his Pocket, One day she will have the courage to give it to him, at that time, she will need the Letter, and he will give it to her.


The Rivalry of Senju and Uchiha is quite the entertainment in the academy

Sasuke delivers a barrage of kicks and punches, as he was faster, but apparently Hoshiro didn't even get a single Scratch on his body

Sasuke Stamina wasn't a match for Hoshiro as well, so Hoshiro always won, without even breaking a sweat.

After a win Hoshiro grins and looked at Naruto and Hinata

Hinata wasn't looking at the match, she was looking at Naruto, Naruto too was looking at Hinata.

Hoshiro felt a wave of disappointment, he felt... like a third wheel in his group of three.

He feels like... he is losing her

He meditates alone in the corner, ants, butter flies, and almost every other insect in the yard was crawling or flying around him in circle, even the birds are chirping sitting all over his body.

His chakra disappeared, mixing with the nature, suddenly a burst of wood Chakra came from his body as he opened his eyes suddenly, his already strong Vitality and Defence took another leap forward


After the class ended, he went to home all alone

"HOSHIRO KUUUN", a voice called out to him

Shocked he turned back only to see Hinata running to him


"Hinata, what are you doing here? I thought you will accompany Naruto home"

She blushed and looked down, "I-I like him, but he is not my best friend... you are" she giggled happily

Hoshiro smiled happily, of course, she is his best friend, and no one will take that away


Next day, Tsunade was free from her duties, so she picked him up from Academy... he waved goodbye to both Hinata and Naruto

But not before telling Naruto to accompany Hinata home

Hinata Blushed, and Hoshiro winked at her


As they left the academy Tsuande could feel that people were following them, when she saw a pair of expense shoes under a bush she knew who. Of course they were the fan girls the bane of real female ninja everywhere. She had to put a stop to this, she turned around and slammed her fist into her ground shattering the earth. "Anyone who doesn't stop following us in the next five seconds becomes my target." She said. A moment later half a dozen girls ran from there hiding places as fast as their legs could allow them to.

"Auntie why did you scare them away they weren't hurting anyone." Hoshiro stated

"You knew they were the whole time, why didn't you say sometime?" She asked

Hoshiro shrugged, "Uncle Jiraiya told me It's a good thing to have girls follow you"

Tsunade mouth twitched, she is going to take care of that old toad...


In the Senju Mansion, A Old Toad Sannin felt a chill and a strong urge to flee Konoha right away.


Onoki was in Konoha, because of the attack on hope of Senju, by Ghost Akira and Hokage called both Tsunade and Hoshiro to the Office

It was an hour later after then were done with breakfast, and Hoshiro as well as Tsuande were headed out to meet the Hokage. Hoshiro was pouting in his dark blue kimono with the Senju clan symbol on the back well holding Ton-Ton.

"I look silly Auntie" Hoshiro pouted

"No you look handsome." Tsuande responded who was dressed in her own dark green kimono. She then looked at Ton-Ton, "Brat do we really need to bring Ton-Ton?"

Boy and pig a like glared at her when she said that. On Hoshiro it would have looked intimidating if he wasn't eight years old, as of now it just looked adorable, on Ton-Ton it just looked odd. His answer was simple, "Yes"

Tsuande just rolled her eyes and the three headed out to the Hokage's tower. They had only been there for a few minutes when the door opened to reveal four people. One was a young girl the same age as Hoshiro with short dark hair, brown eyes, and she was wearing a dark red shirt with the right sleeve missing, along with the same colour pants. This was the granddaughter of the Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi, the second was a very tall man dressed in all red with a red Kage hat, and red eyes. The third man had a red moustache and red hair. Tsunade immediately recognized these two men, the first was Han and second was Roshi, she read about them in the bingo book they A to S rank ninja. Literally floating behind them was the third Tsuchikage Ōnoki, he appeared to be the same age of the Third Hokage, he was very short and had a large nose.

Onoki's eyes widened as he muttered, "Hashirama senju", but he shook his head

"So this is the boy who defeated one of my jonin." Onoki spoke his voice slightly higher

"Still being a first year academy student and being able to hold off a jonin even if he is a disgrace one is no easy feat. But I still find it hard to believe, a fight with my granddaughter will easy my thoughts." The Tsuchikage said

Tsuande and the Hokage shared a look before the Hokage spoke, "As you wish, the fight will take place on the roof". The Tsuchikage gave a smile.

"Auntie, should I use Mukoton in it?", asked Hoshiro

"Don't worry about it, This Old man will take care of everything you just go ahead and win this bout", Hokage said smiling

A moment later the group was on the roof and Hoshiro and Kurotsuchi were standing across from each other well Tsuande was the referee.

Ready... set... fight

Kurotsuchi started by throw a few shuriken and started making hand signs, "Earth Style: Earth Spikes"

Hoshiro didn't bother to dodge or block

"Wood style: Chakra Mode"

The Great Life energy covered him, increasing his Vitality and Defence to the frightening Levels.

The Shurikens hit him yet not a single Scratch was on his body

He smiled and tried to make another hand sign

But he could do anything, the spikes came from ground below him but things turn South when the spikes failed to Peirce through him


Everyone except Tsunade was shocked

Lord Hokage, and Lord Tsukikage eyes narrowed, they have seen this kind of defence, it was why Hashirama was so frightening because he couldn't be hurt, even if he gets hurt, he heals back quickly

That Kind of Defence was not a joke

Hoshiro shot his right palm forward

"Wood Style: Laughing Buddha Palm"

From below Kurotsuchi two Huge palms made of green Tree appeared

The palms were fast to come out of earth and coming to her even faster

She jumped towards one of the palm and jump using the space she created


Her eyes widened, a quarter of her Chakra is sucked out of her, she jumped onto the top of the hands and by just tapping a little, she jumped back


She landed on the tiles on her knees

She was Huffing, for half of her Chakra was Sucked out of her in a moment's notice

"Why, why did you Hold Back, are you looking down at me"

"Kurotsuchi, what are you talking about", asked Onoki

"Those Huge hands has the vines Coming out of them, if he wanted to, he could have just made me stick to those hands, I wouldn't be able to make a single hand sign before he could have sucked me dry"

Onoki was shocked, Kurotsuchi was a genius, and that boy easily defeated her, he thought of killing the boy, but shook his head, right now an assassination attempt on the boy will bring political nightmare

"The boy is strong as well as smart Lord Hokage; as expected of a Senju. Now I guess it is time for us to talk about a temporary peace treaty?" The Tsuchikage said. The Hokage nodded.

"You, I will Defeat you one day", challenged Stone Princess

"Hey, if you fulfill my condition, we can fight again", he grins

Her eyes narrowed, " What Condition"


Hoshiro ran over and bowed to the Tsuchikage, "Lord Tsuchikage may I take your granddaughter out, as a praise for an excellent match?" he asked

The Tsuchikage looked over to the Hokage who spoke, "I will have a full group of ANBU watching over him 24/7"

The Tsuchikage nodded, "Fine boy, but do you promise no harm will come over my granddaughter on your watch?"

The boy looked at the Tsuchikage with a stare that caused the old man to skip a breath, "I promise."

The Tsuchikage nodded as Hoshiro smiled and whistled as Ton-Ton appeared and jumped on Hoshiro's shoulder as he ran back to Kutosuchi

"So, that was your Condition huh?", Kutosuchi asked

"Yep", he grins

"Why are you bringing the pig along?" Kutosuchi asked

"Ton-Ton isn't a normal pig, he's a ninja pig!" Hoshiro said as Ton-Ton oinked in agreement. Kutosuchi rolled her eyes as she followed her new rival to the local ice-cream stand.

Both children had just finished their ice-cream and where chatting happily when a member of the Inuzuka clan approached them. He had short black hair, and was wearing a typical genin uniform and had a small black dog at his side.

"Senju-san why are you talking with Earth trash like that next to you?" He asked

Hoshiro turned toward the older boy and stared at him and air around them dropped a few degrees. "What did you just call her?" he asked

"I called her simply what she and all other Earth ninja are... trash." The boy smugly said

The next moment the boy felt Hoshiro's fist in his gut, the boy's dog growled and started to attack but it practically had no affect on him whose defence is incredible.

"You disgrace not only all that died in the Third Great Ninja War, but the village, and most importantly the Will of Fire itself. My ancestors created this village with the idea that it will be a place of peace; it has no place for your hate. Now apologize or I will personally drag you to the Hokage's office, have you kicked out of the ninja program, and have your charka sealed." Hoshiro said

"I'm sorry" The boy whispered

"Louder I want everyone here to hear a fool speak, and hopefully you gain some humility from it." Hoshiro said

"I'M SORRY" The boy yelled

Meanwhile the adults had watched the whole encounter via the Hokage's crystal ball.

"I assume your fears are gone Onoki?" The Third asked

Onoki nodded, "Yes I have no fear that my ninja will be at least tolerated in your village. Fine we have agreed to ten year peace treaty, and trade agreement correct?" The Hokage nodded, "Then we are done here, Han, Roshi let us leave my back is starting to act up."

It was few minutes later that the Earth ninja were leaving well Hoshiro and Ton-Ton were waving goodbye.

"Remember your promise, we will fight again", said Kutosuchi

Hoshiro grins, "Of course"

She huffed, "One day I am going to defeat you"

As the earth village leaves