
Chapter 2

The morning saw the chunin Anko Maharishi enter her friend Kurenai Yūhi's apartment. Anko herself had purple hair shaped like a pineapple and pupils less gray eyes. She was also wearing a trench coat with mesh armor. She was a little shocked to see a boy sleeping on Kurenai's couch. None-the-less she made her way to Kurenai's bed and shook her awake.

"Kurenai I knew you liked them younger but that kid is what five years old. Even I find that creepy." Anko said with a grin on her face.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Kurenai replied, "Kami Anko that's disgusting. I am watching him on the Hokage's personal orders. Plus he's six."

Anko raised an eyebrow, "Really what could the old man want with him, the kid doesn't look like much?"

The question never got answered because the two women heard a banging from the other room. They ran into the room expecting an attack, only to see a pan on the floor and an embarrassed Hoshiro blushing.

"What are you doing?" Kurenai asked

"I-I was going to make you breakfast as a thank you for taking care of me...But I dropped the pan."

Kurenai thought that was sweet for a six-year-old to cook, well Anko thought that it was too darn sappy and was mentally throwing up.

"Well that is nice but next tell me. Now come on let's make breakfast." Kurenai said

It was just after they had finished breakfast that Hoshiro asked Anko, "Are you a ninja?"

"You bet your ass I'm ninja why?" Anko asked

"Language", chided Kurenai

"It's just you don't look like a ninja. Ninja's are supposed to blend into their environment, and you stick out like a sore thumb. The only reason ninja dress like you do is if they are super strong, and you don't look super strong." Hoshiro said as if it was a fact

As Hoshiro was speaking Anko was getting angry and angry. Her grip on Kurenai's kitchen table was so great that it was starting to get cracks in it. "Fine, How about we have a friendly spar? and you see how "super strong" I am, brat." Anko said her dangerously low.

"Anko please, he's just a kid." Kurenai started to protest only to get interrupted by Hoshiro.

"Fine, but I choose the training ground," Hoshiro said

Anko just smirked, "Deal brat"

A few minutes later the trio was at a training ground covered by trees expect with a lake that was behind Hoshiro. Kurenai was acting as the referee.

Anko licked her lips, "I'm not going to go easy on you brat."

"Enough of your Childish Fighting, I will have the little Kid back", Suddenly came the voice of white hair ANBU

"Shut up why are you here anyway?" Anko asked while moving her hair out of her eyes.

"The Hokage wishes to see the boy and I have been told to get him, both of you are relieved of the duty. I'll be sure to tell the Hokage all about how you started training him." The ANBU said and one could swear that he was grinning behind the mask.

The ANBU jumped down and gestured for Hoshiro to follow him. With that, he and ANBU left the training ground.

'A wannabe ninja Huh?', Anko thought. As she thought more about it a smirk appeared on her face. She could kill two birds with one stone. With a quick goodbye to Kurenai, she dashed to the academy.

While Anko had her breakthrough, Hoshiro and the ANBU walked toward the Hokage's tower. The ANBU was reading a little orange book and was giggling every now and then. Leaf ninjas are weird Hoshiro decided. His mother was a med-nin and his dad had been a retired member of the Mist ANBU and he never acted like that. To end the silence Hoshiro asked a question.

"ANBU-san do you know why people chase a small blonde hair boy?"

This caused the ANBU to lose a step, and slowly close his book and have his voice change to a serious tone, "Because they are fools who can't tell the difference between a scroll and the kunai in the scroll." The ANBU said his voice getting a little angry at the end.

Hoshiro raised his eyebrow wondering what that meant, "Any way next time I run into him I'm going to ask him to be my friend. He looks like he needs a friend, and so do I. I never really had friends back in my other village. Mom and dad were always worried for some unknown reason" He finished with a smile.

The ANBU nodded smiling behind his mask. "Come one we have to get there quickly." With that, the man grabbed the boy's shoulder and disappeared only to reappear in front of the Hokage's door startling his secretary who mumbled something about "ninja never making a normal entrance".

"I have to learn that," Hoshiro said in slight awe

The ANBU smiled and ruffled his hair, "I have no doubt you will one day. Now the Hokage is expecting us."

With a knock and a come in from the Hokage, both of them entered the room. To see not only the Hokage but his advisors in the room as well.

"Thank you, Dog for getting him so quickly. But I am afraid I must ask you to stay if things turn south." The Hokage said. The ANBU nodded and disappeared into a corner in the office. The Hokage turned to Hoshiro, "Hoshiro in just a few moments your aunt Tsunade Senju will arrive she was one of my students and until recently she was the last Senju. Be respectful okay?" The Hokage said with a gentle smile.

Hoshiro nodded just quickly enough before banging was heard from outside, and the door entering the Hokage's office was kicked off its hinges, which then smashed through the window in the Hokage's office and fell to the ground. Miraculously no one was hurt by the door. In front of all four of them was a blonde woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties, dressed in a green gi with hazel eyes, and she had giant busts. Behind her was a teenager girl with black hair and black eyes wearing a dark green robe, she was also carrying a pig.

"I swear sensei...Hokage or not, if this was just a plan to get me back to this village, I will punch you so hard you will be in Earth country by the time you land." Tsunade said.

Tsunade looked around the room to see the Hokage and his advisors simply staring at her. She then saw Hoshiro peek out from behind the Hokage's legs. Her eyes widened that face it's splitting image of Grandpa Oji san. (First Hokage)

Is the boy some kind of experiment like Tenzo, Tsunade shook her head, "How do I know this isn't some trick sensei."

The Hokage threw Tsunade the file with the blood test. "I had his blood tested and a med-nin of your skill would be able to see if it was faked. Which it was not, he is, in fact, the grandson of Hashirama Senju. It's not like you can't tell from his face, Its the splitting image"

Tsunade's hands started to tremble and with tears in her eyes, she engulfed Hoshiro in a hug, which after a moment of hesitation he returned.


While the two Senju were having a touching moment. At the academy the chunin instructor Iruka Umino was in a moment he wished he could escape. He didn't know how he got into this position, one moment he was planning for the class that was entering the academy in one months' time, and the next Anko was straddling him on the floor. He noticed she was dripping wet and admitted that she did look quite pretty with her purple hair cascading down her back instead of it being in its normal pineapple shape.

"Hey Iruka-kun, I was wondering if you could do me a favor," Anko said licking the scar that ran across Iruka's nose.

"W-W-W hat would that be Anko?" Iruka asked stammering. He cursed his stammering he should be used to this by now. Anko did this at least three times a week, but it was normally at his home or in a side alley that he took as a short court home. Why would she do this now?

Anko pouted "Iruka-kun we talked about this. You can call me Anko-chan but not just Anko. I'll punish you for that later. Anyway back to my favor, I was wondering if I could be your assistant for this year at least. If we enjoy each other's company enough maybe it can continue? I would also owe you a favor. I take my favors very seriously.", Her voice had turned lustful by the end.

"I'll see what I can do Anko.", Iruka said

Anko clapped her hands, "Thanks Iruka-kun" she said. Then took out a kunai cut his cheek lick and then kissed the wound would be healed by tomorrow. She jumped off Iruka and onto the window. "If you want to help me dry off I'll be in the shower, you know where my apartment is." With a wink then she left.

He did know where her apartment was because one night she had broken into his apartment and spray painted the address all over his walls. Iruka took a few deep breaths and picked-up his papers. Why did Anko want to work at the academy? Was this her bizarre way of trying to get closer to him?

Not that Iruka would mind getting to know Anko better. He shrugged it couldn't really hurt, he was fairly sure that he could rein her in if he needed to. He also needed help controlling 20 plus kids, and that only got harder as they got older, how he hated teenage hormones. Plus it wouldn't hurt for the girls to have someone to look up. Even if it was someone as unorthodox as Anko. Not that the other female instructors were bad at their jobs, but it was beneficial for them to see a female ninja that kept trying to move up in the ninja world. Yeah, he could call in a few favors and have her as an assistant for this year at the very least. Now as for her other offer, while it couldn't hurt to stop by her apartment.

*He blushed at that thought

As Iruka was making plans for the future Tsunade was in the present, she had stopped crying but stilled held Hoshiro as if he was a lifejacket.

"How do I know that he is not another Orochimaru Experiment? Who got grandpa's genes because of that"

"You can't, Tsunade, you have to trust this old man, that the boy not one of his experiment"

"What's stopping me from taking him and leaving this village right now?" The Hokage handed her the letter from Hoshiro's parents. Tsunade's face turned from one of anger to surprise, sadness, understanding, and finally defeat. "Fine old man you win I'll stay, but you'll get to find someone else to take the hat. I'm only here for my nephew, I will, however, become chief medic of the hospital and make sure that it is up to par. Shizune, bring Ton-Ton, we are going home." Tsunade said she got to her feet, and she felt a small hand grab onto hers. She looked down to see Hoshiro.

"Home?" he asked

Tsunade smiled, "Yes home, Our Home," She said. With that, the three humans and a pig left the Hokage's office.

A Light bulb suddenly lights up in her head as she asked Hokage to come with them...


In front of the Senju Compound, Tsunade, Hokage, Hoshiro, and Shizune were standing with each other

"So, what am I doing here?", asked Hokage

"Only a Real Senju can open this door, with this young Hoshiro true identity shall be confirmed and this can't be done by even Orochimaru experiments"

Shizune Gently poked Little Hoshiro pinky, and blood came out, as he put the little pinky on the Senju main door.

Tsunade smiled in relief when the door begins to open. This proved Young Child Identity, he is indeed her nephew, she was not alone in this world.

Hokage smiled alongside Tsunade, but after only a moment both their eyes got wide opened...

Trees huge trees grow extremely fast in the compound, as sakura bloomed in the deserted compound

The compound that looked like a ghost yard suddenly started becoming beautiful, trees grow, plants flourish, and the trees somehow bent down like they are bowing, this was a phenomenon that was not seen, since the death of Lord Hashirama

The Kid possesses Mukoton

Holy cow!!!