
Soon to be deleted...

This is a "Second Coming of Gluttony" fanfiction... Alex Diaz, a young man born on Earth in a highly advanced future, where discrimination and human conflicts are things of the past, where resources are infinite, and technology is so advanced that artificial intelligence, immersive virtual reality, and nanotechnology are everyday things. They allow humanity to enjoy experiences such as diving into the depths of the ocean, flying in the immensity of the sky, strolling in space, or immersing themselves in unimaginable adventures in the infinite worlds of virtual reality created. With so many wonderful things that can be done, young Alex cannot enjoy any of them due to a rare birth condition that only allows him to see and hear; the rest of his body has no other function, and despite technological and medical advances, no cure could be found. Therefore, the best specialists in the medical field decide to perform the first brain and soul transplant surgery in human history and give Alex the opportunity to live the life he has not been able to, but things do not always turn out as expected. *NB* *** I AM JUST TRANSLATING THIS WORK... I will try to make a decent translation out of this. Please do point out any error should you find one, I will remedy it as soon as I am able.*** The Original fanfiction is in Spanish by Author 'EOA1'. You can find it here on Webnovel.

Maya_Matengele · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Important Notice!!

Please kindly go back to reading Chapter 42... A cultured reader pointed out that the chapter seemed to be incomplete, so I went back to the original and found that it was indeed so.. I just fixed the mishap and completed the chapter, so please go back and read it. The missed part contains important information dattebayo!!