
The Lost Magic : Revenge of Elimen

You killed them all! I will destroy you and make you my slave. ...................................................................... In a world where humans and mages coexisted harmoniously, a sinister uprising by jealous individuals threatened to extinguish all magic. The mighty mages, known as the chosen ones of Elimen, were forced to abandon the human realm and seek refuge in a hidden, magical world called Harz, created by Lord Valix Grunch. Under his powerful rule, the mages found solace and their existence was erased from human memory. But as time passed, Lord Valix faded into the annals of history, and a new ruling system took over Harz, leaving the future of the mages uncertain. Among them, Edward Grunch, the last descendant of Lord Valix, was born without magic, an anomaly that compelled him to flee to the human world, blending in with their society. Married to a nurse, Edward had three children, unaware that within their midst, the true chosen one of Elimen lay dormant. Mariline Grunch thought that love was all she needed to conquer all until it betrayed her dreadfully. It destroyed her and changed her into a monster. Discover the secrets, power, revenge and legacy in this captivating tale of the Chosen One of Elimen.

Author_Enigwe · Fantasía
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20 Chs

The Letter

Edward Grunch was humming an old memory song he had written to win his wife's heart. The nostalgia of old times filled his mind, and he found himself enjoying the moment. This past week had been particularly tedious for him and his wife, Amelia. They had always hoped for a normal, happy life with their children, but things had taken a complicated turn. Their kids had inherited mage powers, and now their daughter, Mariline, was the great Elimen. It was a lot to handle.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Edward began to sing the song he had been humming aloud. He poured his emotions into the lyrics, hoping to distract himself from the complexities of their lives.

As he sang, there was a sudden knock on the door, startling Edward. He wondered if it was Amelia returning from work and smirked mischievously, anticipating her reaction to his half-dressed appearance. However, when he opened the door, he was met with the sight of an old lady. Her widened eyes and smirk made Edward feel uneasy.

The old lady introduced herself as a representative from Halz Institute and handed Edward a letter meant for their children to begin their new school year in the kingdom. She warned him that any objection would be considered treason, resulting in the beheading of their entire family. Edward's heart sank at the thought of his family's safety being threatened.

As if to add insult to injury, the old lady's hands rubbed against Edward's chest, making him feel disgusted. He warned her to remove her hands, threatening to harm her if she didn't comply. He couldn't stand being touched by someone who sought to blackmail him.

To his surprise, the old lady transformed into Joelin, a woman from his past. Memories of their complicated relationship flooded back, and Edward felt a mix of anger and frustration. He knew that Joelin still harbored feelings for him, but he had chosen Amelia, the love of his life. The situation became even more complicated when Amelia's car approached, and she witnessed the encounter between Edward and Joelin.

Amelia greeted Edward with a loving peck on the lips before turning her attention to Joelin. She addressed her with a hint of sarcasm, mentioning Joelin's failed attempts to seduce Edward and the fact that she had other suitors. Edward couldn't believe that Amelia knew Joelin and that they seemed to have a history together. The situation was spiraling out of control, and Edward couldn't help but feel trapped.

As they settled inside, Amelia refused to discuss the encounter with Joelin. Instead, Edward decided to tell her about the proposal from Halz Institute. He explained the conditions and consequences, causing Amelia to burst into tears. Edward felt a surge of anger towards Joelin and the Institute for making his wife cry.

In that moment, he made a silent vow to protect his family at all costs. They would face this challenge head-on and return to Harz Institute, allowing their children to attend school there. No matter what obstacles they encountered, Edward was determined to keep his family safe and find justice for his parents' untimely deaths.

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