
Chapter 9 ☾ Skeleton

Opal POV

I debate with myself on what I should and should not bring with me. I stare at my nearly empty bag and my dresser drawers with heavy shoulders. Nothing seems necessary in the grand scheme of things, but I pack some of it anyway, just to be sure.

Maybe they'll come in handy. I eye the cashmere sweater in my hands. It's one of my favorites, but it's so loose now that it hangs off my body like a sheet. Another obvious reminder of my condition.

Squeezing my eyes shut I shove it in my backpack and zip it up without a second thought. It's easier to disguise my body in the winter when I'm wearing baggy jackets and big coats. I thank the Goddess that I was at least granted that mercy.

I observe my bedroom and think about how much I'll miss my bed and covers and books. The peaceful mornings. The warm nights.