
My weakness was...

In the previous chapter, we read that Robin was telling him about his little weakness let's start the chapter from there:

Robin: ...I am not joking I mean what I say but it's not the point. the point is I am giving you two options I asked what those were he answered:

1. You join us in the bad boy's group and listen to me being the leader or else

I replied, " I would never do such a thing, or else what, huh?" He replied, "Or else I will tell your puny little secret to everyone and by the way in either case you cannot stop us from bullying. Either join us or sit in the corner like a freak. " I was speechless. I didn't want to lose my popularity. I admit that I was thinking selfishly but I eventually gave in.

Robert: Stupid they used you to get popular you are the kind one they are nothing without you

Robin: It's not like that, you don't understand you are just a kid

Robert: Anyways, What is your weakness?

Robin: Ok! (with a deep breath he started) I didn't have any parents and I always thought that why did my parents leave me? So because of that, I got a disease and my weakness was that disease is called haemophilia in which a person can imagine things so I had made my imaginary parents that was the reason I didn't get adopted but I took therapies and overcome that and now I am perfectly fine.

Robert: Don't be disheartened everything will be fine.

When Robert said these words he remembered someone saying these words to him in his mind like a woman or somebody. He covered his head with his hands, Robin asked:

Robin: What happened Robert? What's wrong? What's happening to you?





