
The Lord God Descends

In the wake of the apocalypse, spiritual energy resurges, and the Lord God reboots the world, ushering humanity into an era of cultivation. Travelers from other worlds possess unique powers, which isn't unusual. But can someone explain why my system is so... peculiar? Alex, a traveler, finds himself in a parallel world eerily similar to Earth. Soon, he's drawn into the Lord God's space of this world. Interestingly, only he knows the plots of the many worlds within the reincarnation space...

Ati_Lin · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 1

In Zhejiang's Hangzhou City, just after Christmas Eve, the streets are littered with apple box remnants, a testament to last night's frenzy.

Three nights ago, ancient prophecies claimed it was the end of the world. Yet, nothing happened—no changes, except for a flash of colorful light across the sky...

On a bus, Alex sat bored as the vehicle slowly entered a tunnel, the dim yellow lights inducing sleepiness.


A loud bang jolted the bus, and Alex's head slammed into the nearby railing, sending a wave of pain through him.

"Ling Wei! You bastard! Awooo~"

A furious shout mixed with a wolf's howl echoed in Alex's ears, sending a chill down his spine as he felt an immense danger looming over him.

"Heh~ Wang Lin, you're just too stupid!"

A sinister laugh made Alex shiver. The voice's owner didn't seem like a good person.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is this a movie shoot?"

"What's the explosion team doing, getting us involved?"

"A talking wolf!"

"That's a werewolf! And that guy's teeth are so long!"

"Is that a vampire?"

"Is this a werewolf versus vampire battle?"


Chatter filled the air as Alex wobbled to his feet. The scene was chaotic: several cars lay scattered on the roadside, and in the middle of the tunnel stood two figures facing each other. One was a towering black werewolf, nearly two meters tall, like something straight out of a movie.

The werewolf's abdomen bore a strange claw mark, reminiscent of wounds inflicted by Wolverine in the X-Men. Ignoring his injury, he faced off against a small figure who roared with an open mouth.

The small figure had peculiar eyes and elongated canine teeth protruding nearly five centimeters. His hands wielded an odd weapon, resembling a Japanese push dagger, with three sharp silver claws hidden within black gloves, exuding a menacing aura.

A conspicuous hole on one side of the tunnel indicated where these two had emerged from.


Reincarnator No. 25/28, using abilities in the real world and being discovered violates Rule 1024 of the Lord God's Space. You have ten minutes to eliminate all witnesses."

A cold voice echoed simultaneously in the minds of the werewolf and the small vampire, sending shivers down their spines. They exchanged a glance before lunging at the onlookers.

At the same time, everyone present heard a cold voice in their minds, "You have been scanned and meet the conditions for global reincarnation in the Lord God's Space. Do you agree to become a reincarnator? Yes/No..."

Alex saw two glowing words appear in his mind. He instinctively glanced around and saw others looking equally bewildered, confirming he wasn't the only one who heard the voice.





Before he could react, the werewolf and vampire attacked the crowd, causing a scene of horror and carnage.


The bus's large glass panel shattered, and a huge wolf head roared inside.


Fear surged through Alex, leaving his mind blank.


"I don't want to die!"


The cries and chaos snapped Alex back to reality. Faced with life and death, memories flooded his mind. A pungent smell filled his nose as the terrifying wolf head approached within a meter of him.


Alex shouted with all his might, not having time to evade the charging wolf.


A powerful impact sent him crashing into the bus's rear seats, his chest bones cracking. He was sure he'd broken some ribs.


Alex opened his mouth, his throat emitting an indistinct groan before he blacked out.

"Awooo~ There's still one alive!"

The werewolf Wang Lin quickly eliminated everyone else on the bus. Seeing Alex barely alive, he raised his leg to crush his head.


A yellow glow enveloped Alex, blocking the fatal blow.


Wang Lin paused, staring at Alex with a mix of surprise and reluctance before turning to leave.


At Hangzhou Central Hospital, Alex lay in a hospital gown, browsing his phone. The news was filled with reports of yesterday's shocking tunnel incident, a massive multi-car crash on December 25th.

"So this is the power of the Lord God. Is all of this real? Can I ever return?"

Alex muttered to himself, harboring a secret. He was a traveler from a future version of Earth, nearly identical to this world.

In his original world, Lord God's Space and infinite genre novels were ubiquitous. As a veteran reader, he was well-versed in these stories.

Twenty years had blurred those memories, but yesterday's events rekindled many old recollections.

"Three days left, forty-four hours remaining!"

After reading the news, Alex lay back on his pillow. According to the Lord God's mark in his mind, he had seventy-two hours as a pre-reincarnator to complete his first task.

Since the 'accident' yesterday, he had used up a day, leaving him with less than two days to plan his future.

Alex felt anxious and panicked. Despite reading countless infinite genre novels and fantasizing about conquering worlds, the reality was unsettling and terrifying.

Alex had lived in this world for nearly twenty years. All this time, he was a mediocre person with no sign of any special abilities or systems. Though he remembered many great stories, he lacked the talent to reproduce them.

Now, he was just a struggling web novelist with only one signed work.

"Sigh! Xiao Yu, what should I do?"

Alex pulled out a crescent-shaped pendant, stroking its smooth surface in a daze. This pendant had saved his life yesterday, blocking the wolf's fierce blow.

The pendant, named Xiao Yu, had a unique crescent shape divided by a line into pink and light green sections. He found it on December 21st, while collecting stones by a riverbank, a hobby of his since college.


A scream echoed through the hospital, piquing Alex's curiosity. He peeked out to see a cleaning lady pointing at the restroom door, shouting.

"Dead! Someone's dead!"

The hospital fell silent before erupting in chatter.

"How did they die?"

"Sudden illness?"

Death was common in hospitals, but dying in the restroom was unusual. Most thought it was a sudden illness.

"Make way!"

"Move aside!"

"Let me through!"

A stylish young man, flanked by two bodyguards, pushed through the crowd to the restroom door.

"Dad! Dad~"


The young man rushed in, followed by a bodyguard, while the other stood guard, phone in hand.

Alex lost interest, thinking about his own problems. The hospital death had nothing to do with him.

"Something's wrong!"

As he turned away, he noticed a man in a baseball cap watching the young man with a strange look. His heart skipped a beat.

Just then, the man in the baseball cap moved, striking the bodyguard from behind with a powerful punch.


The force sent the bodyguard flying into the crowd, causing chaos.

"No way!"

Alex felt a surge of anxiety. After yesterday's werewolf-vampire encounter, now this? Was he cursed?

The restroom commotion continued as the remaining bodyguard charged out, carrying the young man, yelling, "Young master, run!"


In a panic, the young man ran towards Alex's ward.


The man in the cap kicked the bodyguard aside and chased the young man. He glanced at Alex, their eyes meeting.

"He's an enemy!"

Both men thought simultaneously, Alex quickly withdrawing. They both felt an instinctive urge to kill.

"Kill him! He wants to kill me!"

Alex's subconscious screamed danger. He bolted the door and ran to the window, shouting, "Lord God, enter the Lord God's Space!"

"Ding! Pre-reincarnator No. 111 entering the Lord God's Space. Ensure no other life forms are present. Countdown: ten, nine, eight..."

Alex pulled the curtains, hiding himself, heart pounding. He counted silently, the approaching footsteps echoing in his mind.


A white light flashed, and Alex vanished.


The door was kicked open, but the room was empty.

The man in the cap was puzzled. He had no time to dwell on Alex's disappearance, chasing the young man instead.

"Lord God's Space activated,"


[ID: 111]

[Points: 0]

[Level: One-star]

[Equipment: None]

A series of messages echoed in the Lord God's Space.

[ID 111, staying in the space requires one point per day. Your balance is zero. Start a mission to earn points!]

[Countdown: ten minutes!]



In the Lord God's personal space, Alex's face darkened. He had planned to prepare more before starting his first mission, but now he had no choice. He cursed the man in the cap inwardly.

"Show available worlds!"

A large screen appeared before him. Unlike what he imagined, his ID was in the hundreds, suggesting the Lord God's Space had just opened.

The space's style was also unique. Initial missions allowed him to choose the world, unlike the ruthless spaces he had read about.

"This is..."

Messages flashed before him, excitement lighting up his face.

"Warrior's Legend" (D-level world): Battle of extinction...

"Smiling Proud Wanderer" (C-level sub-world): Annihilation...

"Nine Songs of the Sky" (B-level world): Mystery of Korea...

"One Piece" (B-level trial world): Join the Navy...

"Great Hero Wang Er" (B-level sub-world): Assist Huang Lu...

Familiar and unfamiliar worlds appeared, sparking countless thoughts.

[Pre-reincarnator No. 111, please choose within three minutes!]

The image of the man in the cap flashed in Alex's mind. The danger outside was not over, and he knew the chances of encountering the man again were high.

"Fortune favors the bold!"

Alex's eyes steadied, focusing on the top line. The blood-red text seemed to warn him against rash actions.

"Lord God! Open world nine..."

With Alex's command, a white light flashed, and he vanished.

The screen displayed a bold red warning:

"Nine Cauldrons" (S-level world): Exploration... Extremely dangerous.