While Cliff, a 27 year old young man, was visiting his grandparents, he was caught in what is called a "summoning" which took him to a forest infested with unknown creatures, he decided that in order to survive, he should be ready to brave all the dangers that would present to him, with his “drain” skill he would fight them to become stronger
Cliff stood frozen, astonished, his eyes wide with surprise as he processed the Serpent Maudit's last words. A heavy truth had just been revealed to him, and he struggled to digest it.
He slowly turned his gaze toward the imposing figure of the black serpent... Or rather, the one he now had to refer to as the Serpent Maudit's daughter. Her averted gaze seemed to avoid his, as if she shared the discomfort that had settled in the air.
Cliff paled, his thoughts swirling in shock at this revelation. He felt shattered, as if the ground had crumbled beneath him.
"Uh... pardon me, sir, I'm a bit confused. Are you certain of what you're saying?" he asked in a measured tone, trying to mask his turmoil.