

Khalid pov

Oh shit I've really gone to far "khalidah....nooooooo"

she jumped What the fuck have I done!?

Hud pov

I stumbled out the building about to hail a taxi

when something heavy landed on me I fell flat on my face ouch,

I moved slowly

and I looked at what fell on me,

oma it's khalidah how?

"Khalidah...you alright"

she faintly said

"My arm feels broken"

I hailed a cab we got in akwardly

"hospital quickly...please"

One hour later....

Allah performs miracles 33 stories and only a broken arm.

As for me my foot is ok just a minor wound

take a few weeks to heal.

I'm allowed in khalis room now.

everything is so fucked up.

I peek my head in asking

"Everything ok?"

She was crying breaking my heart

"no... I lost the baby hud...I'm so stupid,

I just wanted to escape.... I never ment to"

Poor girl all because of that bastard

"so sorry cuz,

but I'm glad you are alive,

I told you khali..l bloody warned you...you shoulda married me,