
The Lonesome Hunter

Our little story surrounds a hunter, but not just any hunter. He was labeled a lunatic by his peers for his wild ideas. He has concocted many remedies to try to heal several different types of illnesses.

He had been cast off into solitude which made him very lonely. Every one had misunderstood his motives and made him become insecure. But with his insecurity, he grew the desire to prove to them that he was right all along.

He had heard of folklore from some immigrants that had moved from Peru. Before the Amazon river was dirtied and polluted there was a bask of crocodiles whose tears were said to have healing factors. Of course, this was only a myth, but to the hunter, it was a real chance at opening people's eyes.

They say there are only one of those crocodiles left, hidden among the dense Peruvian trees. Her name was Cynthia. If found and caught the hunter would receive immense fortunes beyond their wildest imagination.

And so our hunter set out on his adventure.

My friend asked me to write this story for their HW so I decided to put this up on here as well.

LordHermescreators' thoughts