
Start Of A New Beginning

When I lost consciousness I again woke up in darkness but this time I can hear faint voices as I was rushed out of the darkness. It was at this time that a huge amount of information rushed into my head making me cry out. My body hadn't adjusted yet to the atmosphere but I could faintly hear "Congr... ma'am y.. have a beau..... baby....."

So I guess I was born. As soon as I was put into my mothers arms I heard a small ding in my head. [System has been initialized! Welcome New User!] I decided to ignore it for now and look at my mother.

I have never been more shocked. She was a beautiful girl who looked to be barely 21. With her beautiful green emerald eyes looking at me full of love, her creamy brown hair, and a well rounded face with her cute dimples as she smiled down at me. If I could gulp I would have but I was frozen in shock. I decided to give her my brightest smile.

One thing I did notice is that there was no father around as I glanced around the room. Almost as if my mother knew what I was looking for a sad smile fell upon her face. It was at this moment I knew what I wanted to do. I turned my glance back towards her and gave the best hug I could with my limited capabilities and started to fall asleep with the brightest smile I could muster.

————————-Mother's POV-————————

When I looked down at my beautiful baby girl's face with such a huge smile and her little arms softly wrapped on my torso it was like my worries were blown away. I decided to hold my daughter closer. The cute face of my daughter with amber eyes, light dotting of what seemed to be silver hair on her small head and that smile calmed me.

I will give her the world. It was at this time a old man who's light brown hair hasn't faded gray yet which was surprising. He was wearing a lab coat, red button up undershirt, brown pants, and brown shoes and walked into the room after knocking and gaining why voiced permission. His black eyes glanced at the baby in my arms and as he walked closer I could see a smile on his face.

"Hello Emily, what a cute baby" the old man said. I smiled back and replied "Thank you Professor Oak you have no idea how happy I am having her here with me". A silence settled in to the room with the nurse leaving and silently closing the door behind her. The emotion from both of us could be felt.

"I'm sorry he abandoned you in this time of need Emily" Professor Oak said to me with a sad smile on his face. I turned my face and glanced out the hospital window in this plain white room with the bed being the only thing in the room besides a stand holding medical equipment.

"He is living his dream" I all but mumbled back to Professor Oak as my reply. Even I know that not enough for not even once contacting me during the pregnancy but I had to be strong. Then we both just settled in silence.

—————————MC's POV—————————

While I was listening to this conversation it only settled my resolve more. I decided to ask the system some questions with my thoughts. "What type of system are you again system?" then the system replied [The Gamer System Host!].

I was a bit confused why I would need this type of system but it is still a system so it will help me in this world. As I settled down I finally realized something from the conversation going on in the room around me. I'M A GIRL!!!

Hope you like this chapter. Still thinking about how to properly start the mc’s training and other things.

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts