
Released From The Abyss

As his consciousness set back in he was unable to see anything other than darkness. Rather than panic the new being in the darkness just continued to sit in place. Continuing to contemplate and think back. The being was full of regrets but sh*t happens and when it does there is nothing you can do to go back to that moment.

The being continued to sit in silence in that endless darkness for what seemed like a millennia or more. While the being thought back to the thing that once gave it light, almost as if by fate a bright flash of white light invaded the darkness. As the light dimmer and soon disappeared, the darkness went back to being so but without the being there.

The being once again gained consciousness but in a place of endless white light and nothing more or so that is what it thought. A soothing masculine voice calmly stated "Welcome worm". The last thing the being expected in such a holy place was such a ridiculing statement. The beings sight finally adjusted to see this voices owner. A man seemingly made of golden light but with horns on his head appeared in his vision.

The voice now with a body to assign it to once again spoke "I don't have a lot of time here work so I am just going to tell you that even though I despise you lower life forms that does not mean I am harsh. As assigned to me by the higher beings I will judge you". The being who was pulled from the darkness was finally able to respond after which seemed like an eternity without another soul "You are the most confusing jumble of a being I have ever seen. How can something so holy be like this?" Without a care the holy like being replied

"Let me do my job. You, Maxwell, have been given a chance by the higher ups to reincarnate with wishes and your memory in which you will spin for here" as he said this 3 wheels popped into existence beside the being with labels. One labeled system, another labeled gender, and the last one labeled world.

The being pulled from the darkness looked at the holy being shocked before saying something the holy being across from him didn't expect "How is my daughter?"

The holy like being laughed in delight for being surprised for the first time in a few hundreds maybe even thousands of years.

"For being the first being who has surprised me in awhile I will answer you little one. Your daughter is happily living her life with your mother. Who would have thought a mother who was abandoned by her son to pursue his dream would be living so happily for his sake."

The man in front of the holy like being smiled a smile full of regret yet the happiness in it seemed genuine. The man with his smile replied "I am glad she can live happily with my mother". Then the man stood up and said "I am ready now" and proceeded to move towards the wheels.

Maxwell looked at the holy like being as he spun the wheels. After that was done the holy like being clapped his hands and a ripple proceeded to suck Maxwell in to his new life. The holy like being smiled "This should be interesting" it said as a cry from a baby pierced the walls of a hospital in a new world.

I am trying to make each chapter as well put together as I can. Hope you liked this chapter!

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts