
Is My Luck Good Or?

I woke up in a slight daze. Having no idea where I was and looking at a familiar but unfamiliar sky startled me into launching myself into a sitting position from my previous position laying down. That is something I soon regretted as pain soon assaulted me. I thought quickly of how to get rid of the pain and remembered I bought health potions previously. Pulling one out I guzzled it down quickly. Even after noticing the gross taste I continued until it was gone.

After it was gone the pain literally disappeared instantly. I was happy momentarily before focusing on the problem at hand. After seeing the boss's corpse below me it all came rushing back but then it made me realize something off. The corpse had yet to disappear and if that wasn't indication enough the boss's chest was slightly glowing. I moved down from its head towards it and placed my hand over it.

I got no reaction and decided to try everything I could but still got nothing. Please tell me I don't have to dig in to get the reward. I almost cried. I closed my eyes and started digging. The gross squish and squelch noises coming from the point I was digging caused me to gag in disgust. It was releasing a putrid smell. Finally after so long digging my hand touched something cold and smooth to the touch and I got an alert from the system.

[Gained 'Low Grade Boss Monster Core'! A rare item that shouldn't be dropped knowing the abysmally small drop rate it has but your luck is wild. The item has no use in this world other than strengthening the host quickly as long as it has some of its energy remaining. Otherwise it can be sold to the system for a hefty sum of 50,000,000sp. It's your choice]

Quite a difficult choice was presented to me. With 50,000,000sp I can buy quite a few skills to further strengthen myself or strengthen my current skills by what it seems like quite a large amount. Both choices has there benefits. The system has always been tricky so I decided to nose dive and take the boss drop. After I collected all the possible loot I was promptly forced out and back into my bed.

After which my mom popped into my room with a casual smile and said "It is time for breakfast honey". She then closed my door. Then I proceeded to change, wash my face, and brush my teeth. When I went into the kitchen after walking down the stairs and saw my mother. For some reason tears started streaming down my face. My moms smile immediately changed to worry as she walked up and embraced me. She hugged me tightly to her chest and started running her hands softly through my hair.

I looked up with my eyes still filled with tears and said "Mom, you know I love you, right?". She smiled and patted my head again and said "I know honey". Then we stood look that for awhile before she kissed my forehead and said "You need something in that tiny tummy of yours so let's eat". She picked me up and sat me down on the chair and sat across from me with her plate.

As soon as the smell of eggs, bacon, and toast hit me it was like a wake up call. My stomach let out a loud gurgle stopping me dead in my tracks as my mom giggles and said "I told you your little tummy was needing food, now eat". I nodded while facing down and after a mouthful my feelings and body finally relaxed. I was safe at home with my mother.

I didn't even notice I was holding so much back from the experience of my first adventure. This will definitely help me with next time. A loving mother and a warm meal to come back to. I couldn't be any luckier. That's how I was feeling until my mom gave me a look. That's when I knew I f*cked up. She could read my like a book and that is frightening.

She then said "So, why was my little sunshine crying this early in the morning". With her elbows on the table, her fingers interlinked together, and the smile that was saying 'Tell the truth or suffer the consequences'. I was stuck in a bind. So I quickly thought of many different ways to go about it and then I finally had my answer.

I looked at her with a sad smile and said "I experienced the scariest thing in my life. There were monsters everywhere, there were dead children, and I was left all alone to face it". At that point because it hit home with my feelings I couldn't stop the tears. Stupid tear ducts. My mother gave me a bright smile and picked me up in her arms and said "How about staying with your momma today?".

I leaned my head into her chest and nodded and made a small noise as my consent. Maybe my luck really is wild to be able to have a mom like her. I hid my smile in her chest as she carried me upstairs.

Man I suck at this. *Uhum* So basically I was already in a rut of how to proceed with this part and had a hard time thinking about it. I read a lot of interesting works and suddenly had an idea and rolled with it. Even though it’s short I hope you can forgive me as I’ll try to roll out more content. I beg for your patience and thank you for the support.

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts