
Finishing My First Kill Quest

After I screamed I threw myself out of the way as the zombie threw itself at my previous position and because of how clumsy zombies are it could not pick itself up off of the floor. I would not miss this chance as I proceeded to jam my dagger in the back of its skull. After that I sat on the zombies back breathing heavily. All the fear really made me tired. The adrenaline was still pumping through me so I was able to sit back up and grab a chair and lean it against the front door to help block it off. I heard continuous knocking on the door. I knew it was because they were attracted by my loud scream but I couldn't help it.

As I turned around I came face to face with a little girl or what used to be one. She was breathing heavily and groaned before she threw herself at me. I was so panicked that I was unable to respond and was tackled to the ground but because of my natural response my hands were placed on her shoulders keeping her away from actually getting close enough to hurt me. With my renewed adrenaline rush I was able to push her away and stomped on her head over and over again until she stopped moving.

I then leaned against the wall and cried. Seeing what should have been a cute and innocent little girl as a walking corpse really threw me over the edge. I could only see my daughter as I looked at that corpse. Imagining the devastated look of the zombie's mother made my mind plunge deeper into darkness but I couldn't go deeper otherwise I will never achieve anything. So I got up and wiped my tears and placed a flower on the corpse that the system automatically bought for me from a thought.

I then leaned myself against the wall in a standing position and slowly made my way back for more things to block the door. Eventually after what seemed like half an hour of hard work the door was tightly secure. There was the occasional banging on the door but it seemed like quite a few gave up the effort.

I slumped myself on the ground for a quick rest before continuing my massacre. When I thought of the little girl for some reason something flared inside of me willing me to slaughter all of the zombies. My mind was solely focused on killing them. With rolls, stabs, kicks, and flips I was cleaning this place of those vile monsters. I am not sure when but suddenly it became quiet and I was unable to find anymore zombies.

It was making me feel uncomfortable and I for some reason felt fear. Suddenly the ground started to shake causing me to almost fall. I looked around wondering what was happening until about 5 houses away from me the ground started to part ways and the shaking intensified. Then a massive zombie popped out of the ground with a loud roar. It's eyes already locked on to me. Looking at my pitifully small weapons and the hulking body of a zombie the size of a two story house put my mind into a frenzy. How am I supposed to kill that monster.

Even though I was unsure if I could kill it or not I didn't give up no matter how terrified I was. If I didn't face this challenge in front of me how could I say I wouldn't stop in fear of other challenges ahead I would face on my journey to getting stronger. So I did my usual and filled myself with fake confidence. I gripped my daggers tightly and proceeded to climb the house on my side and keeping my eyes locked onto the hulking zombie. With both of our eyes locked on each other I decided to make the first move and sped up my running as I jumped from roof to roof.

As I was coming up on it's side the zombie smashed his fist onto the roof I was standing on. Originally it was aimed to crush me but I jumped into the air and landed on its arm with a flip. I ran up its arm at the fastest speed I could exert. Coming up close to it face I jumped atop its head and jammed my dagger into its right eye. It roared loudly and soon a fist came upon me. With no time I had to let go of my dagger and crouch jump out of the way. The zombie then smashed its fist upon its head dizzying it momentarily allowing me a chance to increase the space between us.

It was then that I noticed what was spawned on the roofs after the boss appeared. It was explosive barrels. I turned and flipped off the boss and dashed towards one of such houses. The boss chased after me and dives towards me as it got close. A perfect chance was created as I launched myself to the side and rolled to a stand watching the zombie destroy the house and causing the fragile barrel to combust bringing the house down on the zombie boss.

I immediately jumped onto it and started to stab it in every known weak spot. As the zombie finally struggled itself free I was already a decent distance away from it because as I expected right when it struggled free it went berserk and threw all caution away with the wind as it madly dashed toward me. With the new speed it had I was unable to completely dodge and was slammed into a nearby house. I almost couldn't stand as I was launched through a window and through a wall. With pure will power I stood up and gripped my last remaining dagger tightly.

I went around the back door and stood atop the backyard fence as I gazed at the zombie boss that finally found me. After it locked eyes with me it roared and launched itself at me. It seems like this boss doesn't have any tricks. I jumped and was able to land on its head as it collided with the ground with a heavy slam. As it lifted its head to get its bearings that is when I decided to strike.

With a hint of disgust I dug my arm deep into his right eye pushing my dagger as far as I could. Luck was on my side as I knew I was getting close to killing it as the zombie boss struggled to stand. Until finally I felt resistance from something but by the time the zombie boss had gotten up and was about to strike I pushed through that last barrier. The zombie boss collapsed instantly afterward. It was finally dead. That was when I lost all strength and collapsed on top of the zombie boss. The adrenaline died and all the pain finally hit me. I groaned in pain as a message from the system popped up.

[Quest Completed!

Notes: Because of going well beyond the quest requirements extra rewards have been included. Finally I as your system can feel slightly proud of you.

Rewards: 500,000sp, Silent Steps Skill Increase, Regeneration Skill Increase, Dagger Mastery Skill Gained, Pain Resistance Skill Gained, +20 Stat Increase]

Second released chapter as an in sorry present. I probably will only be able to release one chapter a week but extras might pop up here and there. Hope you enjoy

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts