
CHAPTER TEN:Saved from the pool.

Dong Ju felt like swimming, he wore his swimming pant and a white long robe on top, he went to the pool area and saw a maid dropping fragrance into the pool, the maid seems lost that she didn't notice when he came close to the water, he removed his robe and dived into the water. Lee SEO yeun was lost in her thought until something splashed into the water and she looked, to her surprise it was her young master, she saw his hot abs and chest down to his stomach, "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "she screamed"I am so sorry young master I didn't notice your presence" She apologized and bowed."what kind of a maid are you ? so it's you again, Lee SEO yeun, you are so incompetent" he said to her, She gritted her teeth in anger"So you gonna blame me now? you were the one that splashed into the water, even when you knew am here" she said, "listen carefully, I am the owner of this house and I don't condone any single mistake, I can fire you on the spot, do your job well" he said to her, "I will only respect you because you are my boss but I won't let anyone trample on me, I am not afraid of you"She responded"You have some guts huh? he said, "it's not Guts it's self-respect "She let out. She was about to leave when the water on the floor slipped her and she fell into the water, Seo yeun can't swim she is drowning, Dong Ju immediately swam to her side and got hold of her, he carried her close to himself and brought her out from the pool, he pressed her chest and shouting her name at the same time "Seo yeun, Seo yeun, Seo yeun! the other maids rushed to the pool and saw SEO Yeun laying unconscious and their young master trying to revive her. He kept pressing her chest and suddenly she coughed out water showing that she is conscious now, Seo yeun kept hearing echoes asking her if she is alright, she opened her eyes and saw the maids gathered around her, she looked up at her front, and saw Dong Ju, she tried to stand up but very weak"Chief maid take care of her and make sure she is alright "Dong Ju said"Yes young master "The chief maid said and gently helped SEO yeun stand up from the floor, she took SEO yeun to her bedroom and ordered one of the maids to prepare herbal tea for SEO yeun, minutes later the maid returned with a glass of herbal tea. Seo Yeun drank the herbal tea, her eyes look pale her body is fragile, "I think you should go home and have some rest, you have gone through a lot today, first young master spilled a cup of coffee on your body and you fell into the pool, you are drenched, I suggest you go home and rest, you can start fully tomorrow"the chief maid said to her", "I am so sorry for all the trouble I have caused today, I don't know how to swim so I could not save myself"Seo yeun said, "just change your clothes and go home, okay? I understand, the chief maid said. She brought SEO Yeun casual cloth and told her to change, she went into the restroom and changed, she hugged the chief maid before leaving, on her way out she met Waldo "I thought you said you work here as a maid so why are you leaving, or are you trying to sneak out "he said to her"Hey listen, I am not a full-time maid here, I work part-time, you have no right to question me, I already had a lot of bad luck today so don't add to it, please" she said with annoyance and left.

It's evening and Seo Yeun's family was sitting outside discussing but she was not among them, just her parents and younger sister, She was inside her room doing a video call with Kim."Seriously Kim today was the worst day of my life "she complained, what happened? Kim asked her, Do you remember that grumpy man I told you about? She asked Kim, "The one that was so mean to you about the fish's stature? Kim said, "Exactly, the one I thought was a bodyguard, he is not a bodyguard but the owner of the house," said SEO Yeun. Kim was shocked, and she gasped"How could this be possible," Kim said, "I went through hell today, he poured a cup of coffee on me, and I also fell into the swimming pool today, thank God he saved me", who saved you? Kim Deok asked, "Young master, he was inside the pool when it occurred, surprisingly, he saved me, the last thing I could remember was his voice shouting out to me," She said, "Wow then he must be a kind person, he might be cruel outside but inside he is caring," said Kim deok, "it is not possible, he is not caring, "Seo yeun said, "he saved your life from drowning friend if he is heartless he won't save your life but leave you to die, "Kim deok said", I know what am saying, he is cruel, maybe he just saved me because I am his worker, he just doesn't want any death record"Seo yeun retorted. Kim Deok told her that her young master must have a reason why he is so cruel and mean, but his saving her expresses that he is kind and caring, "I don't think just the death of his father will make him be that way "Kim said. Seo Yeun heard the loud voice of her father telling her to join them outside, she cut the video call with her friend and went outside, she met her family outside having fun and drinking.

The Kang family was all set for dinner, they were expecting their eldest son who will be coming back from Hongkong tonight, he boarded a night flight, Mr. and Mrs. Kang are in the dining room, and their youngest son jun SEO was there too, they heard the horn of a car from inside which signifies that their elder son is back. They all looked towards the entrance door and their son walked in, tall, handsome, slim, and has a very noticeable pointed nose, Jun SEO ran and hugged him"Welcome bro, I have missed you "Said jun SEO, he hugged him tightly, "Good to see you again kid bro" he said, his mother came closer to him and hugged him tightly"I have missed you a lot ze ming" she said while hugging him, "You both will suffocate him, he just came back, let him eat first "Mr. Kang said Ze ming hugged his father"how was your trip son?"He asked him, "It went well Dad, and I finished my business plan, "Ze Ming said, "that is wonderful" he retorted. They sat down to have their lunch, they asked him about his business trip and Hongkong too."how is doing Ju? ever since I left for the trip I have not been in contact with him "Ze Ming asked his parents." he got involved in a big scandal that almost ruined his company" Mr. Kang said"What! he gasped, "but not to worry about it, the blogger made a video and posted on the internet, he confessed that the scandal was made up by him" Mrs. Kang uttered."what was the scandal? Ze Ming asked, "that he is an illegitimate child who killed his father to gain his property," Jun SEO said. Ze Ming is so concerned about his best friend Dong Ju, he has been on a business trip and didn't have the chance to communicate with him often, Dong Ju was used to keeping his secret to himself without bothering anybody with it, but Ze ming is the only person that discovers when he is distressed, Ze Ming considers him his brother, he loves, and care about him. jun SEO also told him about his new school and new classmates, Mrs. Kang told him to allow Ze Ming to eat then later they can continue with their discussion. Seo Yeun joined her family"How was work today honey? Mrs. Lee asked, "It was fine Mother, I am exhausted"SEO Yeun answered, She also coughed, "Did you catch a cold? Are you alright?"Seo ran asked her, "Of course I am fine, it's just cough nothing else"Seo Yeun uttered, she didn't want her family to know that she caught a cold.