
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN:Finally, she did it.

Seo yeun saw waldo the personal bodyguard outside discussing with Park dong ju's personal assistant,she overheard them talking about a very important contract meeting their CEO has tommrow with the foreigners,and they said the contract is very important to him because when he signs their contact and achieve a contract with them his company will get to a greater height, She decided to Know more details on it and interrupted,"Hello"Seo yeun said,"Hi dear"his personal assistant hae Soo replied,"pardon me but I heard you both talk about the contract,wow young master is really a great gem and CEO,he even partners with foreigners"Seo yeun said,"park industry is one of the best in our country,they manufacture great and portable cars,An industry that has stand firm for years with no failing or downfall,of course,foreigners should be happy to do business with them"Assistant hae Soo retorted,"I can see the contract is very important "Seo yeun asked,"Yes it is very important and our boss can't risk to skip the meeting or disappoint them"Assistant hae Soo said,"Alright I understand,I wish him goodluck"Seo yeun said and left."she is a maid here?"Assistant Hae Soo asked Waldo, "Yeah she is, a new maid, why asking?" Waldo said, "Nothing, she is jovial and beautiful, so pitiful, a beautiful and elegant lady like her has to work here as a mere maid, "Assistant Hae Soo said. Lee Seo Yeun went to the garden to trim the flowers, she was trimming and at the same time thinking, "Great, finally, I have gotten my way to revenge, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you don't make it to that meeting, but how will I do that? I couldn't ask his assistant the specific time he will be leaving or she will get suspicious of me, I think I have to come to work early tomorrow, that is what I will do"Seo Yeun said in her mind and smiled, finally she has found a way to revenge on Park dong ju, she asked his assistant all those questions to get more clue about the contract and she succeeded. She finished her work for the day and went home, she told Kim to meet her at her house, Kim came to her house at night, and they were in Seo Yeun's room discussing, "Are you certain this will work?"Kim Deok asked, "It will Kim, I already planned out my strategies, and I will make use of the sleeping pills I have, "Seo Yeun said, "I am scared about this plan of yours, I don't want you to get in trouble, what if you get caught?"Kim asked, "You don't need to worry about me, remember I am very smart and I can handle cases like this, I already made him believe that it's all my fault when I strike he won't have a single clue about what happened, his assistant explained everything to me about the contract and I figured out it is very important to him when he loses the contract, I can't wait to see the loser look, "SEO Yeun said and laughed, "Just be careful and remember don't add too much, just a few drops" Kim advised her, "thanks friend I will remember that"SEO Yeun replied.

Ze Ming was swimming in their house pool, he got out of the pool, tied a towel around his waist, and sat down on the pool chair, he was putting on sunglasses and a glass of milk on a side table beside the pool chair. Mrs. Kang came to the pool area and sat down on the other pool chair beside her Son, "Son, you came back from your trip and have been acting different, are you facing any trials?"Mrs Kang asked him,"I'm fine mother,I just need to think some things through"Ze Ming said,"if you say so sweetheart,We need to talk on something very important "Mrs Kang said,"I am listening mother"he said and sip his milk,"I think it's time you start considering marriage,you are not getting any younger and soon you will take over our family's business,you need a woman by your side"Mrs Kang said,Ze Ming removed his sunglasses and looked into his mother's eye,"Marriage is not my aim now,I know I am the future heir to our family's business but marriage does not guarantee that,but not to worry mother I will think about that"Ze Ming said,"You better do think about it,if you want I can help you arrange for a lady,there are daughter's from noble and rich families,you can choose from them"Mrs Kang said,"I already told you I will think about it mother,can I be left alone now?"he said to his mother and she accepted to leave,After she left Ze Ming sighed,a mere look at him can express that something is bothering him. Lee SEO Yeun went early to work the next day, she saw one of the maids in the kitchen," Hae mi"SEO Yeun said, "hi SEO Yeun, is there a problem?" she asked, "Please can you help me prepare young master's early morning coffee, I feel very weak and I don't think I can go upstairs, "SEO Yeun said and pouted, "oh really? No problem I will do that right away, you are lucky I have nothing to do, you should rest, I will do it"Hae mi said, "thank you so much Hae mi you are such a good soul"SEO Yeun said to her smiling, she left the kitchen and hid at a corner watching the maid make the coffee, a few seconds later, the maid placed the cup of coffee on a side plate and was about to leave with it but SEO Yeun came inside, "I am so sorry for the disturbance, the chief maid called for you, don't worry I will look after the coffee just answer her and come back"SEO Yeun said, "Sure about this? you feel weak and not too good can you manage to look after the coffee?"Hae mi asked her and she nodded expressing that she can wait, She left and SEO Yeun ran and peeped to ensure if anyone is coming, she brought out a liquid sleeping pill and added a few drops to the coffee, she turned it with a spoon and left immediately and she didn't forget to take the liquid pill, Hae mi came back to the kitchen but couldn't find SEO Yeun," she must have got tired to wait and left to rest" She said in her mind and took the coffee and left to their young master's room.

Park dong ju arranged the suit he will be wearing to the meeting on top of his bed, he was wearing his wristwatch when he heard a knock, he didn't reply so the maid came in with the cup of coffee," young master here is your coffee" She said, "you may leave" he said without turning his back and the maid left. He was done wearing his wristwatch and he grabbed the cup of coffee and drank, he sipped it bit by bit till he finished it all, slowly he started feeling dizzy, his eye was shaking and his feet were trembling, he had to lay on the bed and slept real deep, Meanwhile SEO Yeun was downstairs waiting for Hae mi to come down, she saw her moving towards the kitchen that was when she knew that the coffee has been delivered, she smiled mischievously and looked at her wristwatch to predict the time for him to fall asleep, a few minutes later, she went up to his room and gently opened his door just to see him sleeping deeply on top of his bed, "finally, my plan has worked, it's time to clean up my mess and leave no clue" She said in her mind, she tiptoed into his room and collected the empty cup, she closed the door slightly and moved down to the kitchen and she saw Hae mi"thanks, he is done drinking and called me to collect the cup, don't worry I will wash it"SEO Yeun said, "Are you fit now?"She asked, "Yes, I drank my medicines, I am better "SEO Yeun retorted, Hae mi left the kitchen to do other chores and SEO Yeun washed the cup quickly and kept it, she went into her handbag, took out the liquid sleeping pill went outside the mansion and threw it away and then rushed back inside.

Assistant Kim and Waldo were busy waiting for their boss at the garage but there was no sign of him after one hour"What could be keeping him? he is almost late for the meeting"Assistant Hae Soo said, "Let's check"Waldo said, they both went in to check on their boss, they knocked but no answer so they went in surprisingly and shocked to see him sleeping"Gosh, this is unbelievable, how could our boss be sleeping when he has an important meeting to attend"Assistant hae Soo said, "Should we wake him up? Waldo asked with fear, "I don't know if we should, he might get pissed off if we wake him"Assistant Hae Soo said, SEO Yeun came in"I don't understand what's wrong with our young master, he seems sober, he told me to tell everyone not to disturb him, I don't know why, I asked him about his meeting but instead he scolded me and told me to leave, I suspect he fought with his stepmother again, Madam Jun ri"SEO Yeun said to them, "Really? Assistant Hae Soo asked, "Yes "SEO Yeun replied, "And what should happen to the foreigners? they must be waiting, what should we do?"Waldo asked, immediately Assistant hae Soo's phone rang and she picked up, later on, she hung up and looked at Waldo and SEO Yeun," The foreigners just called me to tell me that they are no longer interested in doing business with our boss and they call off the contract "Assistant hae Soo said and Waldo decided that they should leave the room and allow him to sleep properly, SEO Yeun went close to park Dong ju's bed and folded her arms smiling, "So sorry young master park Dong ju, I had to do what I did to revenge the wounds inflicted on my father like I said I don't joke with my family because they are all I got, I am happy to see you this way, wasted, useless, and a loser, this is just the beginning, for pouring cofee on me, kneeling till late at night and hiring thugs to beat up my dad, you chose to play the bad game so I have to play the dangerous game too"She soliloquized and left the room.