
It’s Not the Same

"It's not the same as it was with you and Father. It's not that Tobin doesn't want to listen to me. It's that he actively enjoys ignoring me." Celia wrung her hands as she tried to explain. "He knows I have ability. He's even admitted I'm more capable than him. But he's determined to keep me silent because he likes making me unhappy."

Violet's face darkened. "He actually said that to you?"

"Yes. Even if he knows I'm right on a matter, he told me he'll never accept my help. He'd rather do the wrong thing than give me any credit."

"Fool." the queen said shortly. "Not just a fool, but a spiteful one. Lord help that kingdom of yours with him as their king."

"But what am I supposed to do then, Mother? If I can't win my husband's respect the way you did with yours?"

"Who are your allies at your court?"

"I have Sabine." Celia replied.

Her mother just rolled her eyes. "That insipid little thing? Aye, I'm sure she's of great use to you."