
Chapter 18

The girl came within an arm's reach of the wolf, and the animal bent its head slightly, its eyes almost seeming to soften. The girl slowly reached out a trembling hand, her fingers hesitantly extended. The wolf stood still, allowing her to make the first move.

The girl's hand gently touched the wolf's snout, and surprisingly, the wolf didn't pull away. Instead, it pressed its nose lightly into her palm, its eyes fluttering shut for a moment. It was a moment of strange tranquility, the girl patting the wolf as if it were a well-trained dog.

The girl continued to stroke the wolf, her hand moving from its snout to its head, gently scratching behind its ears. The wolf stayed still, seeming to enjoy the attention. It let out a soft hum, its tongue lolling out of its mouth, akin to a domestic pet.

The girl looked almost fond, her tension slowly dissolving as she interacted with the wolf. She was now running her hands through the animal's thick fur, a small smile on her lips. The wolf seemed to revel in the touch, its hum growing stronger, like a contented cat purring.

Isaac stood there, stupefied, watching the surreal scene. The girl was now lightly scratching the wolf's neck, her fingers tangling in the coarse fur. The wolf leaned into her touch, its body language completely relaxed, its hum having deepened into a low continuous sound.

The girl now had her arms around the wolf's neck, her body against its broad chest, looking like she was hugging a giant dog. The wolf was completely docile, its eyes closed in apparent contentment. Its hum had now turned into a low, content rumble, the sound filling the cabin.

The girl was now leaning her head against the wolf's shoulder as she hugged it, her eyes closed. The wolf was perfectly still, its hum vibrating through its body, a sign of comfort and tranquility. Isaac couldn't believe what he was seeing. The sight was both mesmerizing and bizarre.

The girl suddenly pulled back slightly and looked at the wolf, her expression softening even more. She said something to the animal, words that seemed to have a deeper meaning. The wolf opened its eyes and looked at her, and for just a second, it seemed as if some kind of understanding was passing between them.

Isaac felt utterly bewildered. It seemed as if the girl was communicating with the wolf, not just in tone, but in words and expressions. The wolf, in turn, was responding to her, its hum still low and steady, its gaze locked with hers.