
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 7 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 7 Blaze's POV~

It took me a moment to wake myself up and process what had happened. Then I got up and walked to the bathroom. I then asked "Dustin are you okay?" I was wondering what had happened because I don't think he would do this every morning. His response left me stunned for a couple moments. "Hah~ Can you please get me some heat suppressants from the drug store." Oh shit he is in heat. I should hurry and get his suppressants. I went downstairs and grabbed my car keys off the counter. I grabbed a mask and sunglasses. I put on a sweatshirt and I already had on a pair of sweatpants. No one would notice. None of the pack members, not even the elders know where I live. I value my privacy and they know that. All I had to do was go into town and avoid everyone I know. It might be a troubling task since basically everyone knows me since I'm the Pack Leader. I drove to the closest pharmacy in town to get the suppressants. I was walking through the Omega aisle looking for the suppressants when I bumped into someone. Oh no it was the worst possible person I could have bumped into right now. Mason is my best friend. He is also known as the chatterbox of town; no secrets are safe around him. Even though he'd tell your secrets you can't help but love him. He's just one of those people that are funny and nice that you can't stay mad at. "Hey Blaze. Why are you in the omega aisle?" "Oh hey Mason. Well you see my mate is in heat and I need to get his suppressants. Don't tell anyone though." I replied. I know the elders will know I have a mate by the afternoon now. It could work to our advantage or not who knows. "So you finally got a mate! When will I get to meet him?" He exclaimed loudly which got him a few glances from strangers. "Not soon he won't be able to walk for at least a week." I said giving Mason a sly smile. "Eww gross I don't need to know about your love life. Well I have to leave so I'll see you later." "Likewise see you later." I quickly picked out and paid for Dustin's medicine. I drove back the fastest I could without breaking the law. I got home and took off my shoes. When I opened the door I was temporarily overwhelmed by the pheromones that I smelled. Then I heard Dustin somewhat yell to get my attention. "Blaze I-I need your h-help~" I dropped my bag and rushed upstairs. I slammed open the bedroom door. When I thought the pheromones that I smelled when I first entered the house were strong the ones coming out of my room were three times as strong. I was panting a little bit because I rushed up the stairs quickly. He had a desperate and pleading look on his face when I saw him. He then said "Blaze please help me."

~The End Of Chapter~