
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 26 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 26 Blaze's POV~

Once I went into the building I was greeted by Ms. Mary.

"Hello, Mr. Ember, how is your day going?" She asked me.

"It's going good so far. How is your day going?" I asked her.

"So far so good today. Yesterday I caught my ex in bed with some beta from another pack though." She told me.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want me to go beat him up? I know I have some spare time where I could." I said to Ms. Mary.

"I don't think that is good for your reputation Mr. Ember besides I already gave him a piece of my mind." She said with a smile.

I don't even want to imagine what she did to him. I believe the saying is 'Don't mess with an angry woman'.

"Okay, well if you ever need a hitman for hire call me. I give discounts to friends." I said with a laugh.

"Thanks for the suggestion. Now off to work you go, Mr. Ember. You don't want me to send more paperwork to you." Ms. Mary said with a smile.

"Okay I'm off to work have a nice day," I said before scurrying away.

I went upstairs to my office and put my stuff down.

I put my car and house keys into my desk drawer. I pulled up a wedding planner website on my computer monitor. So we won't have to plan invited because everyone is invited. I think the reception will only be held to close friends and family. It will be up to Dustin to ask the people he wants to invite. So I'll print out some wedding invitations for him. I will also find a venue and tailor it for us. I will have Dustin help me with this part since I don't want to choose anything we agree on.

The usual amount of time for Luna training is two to three months. Since Dustin is still in school and doesn't plan on giving it up it will probably be a full three months. Dustin definitely won't be like other omegas or Lunas I've known. I know he wouldn't give up his education or plan for the future to stay home all day. Either way, he will still have a job but it might not be a paying one.

I just remembered that Dustin's parents pay for his college, so I don't know if they will continue paying for it. He's going back to college on Monday so I might want to visit them later. I can add that to my list of things to do. Since I finished a lot of my paperwork yesterday I don't have to do much today involving paperwork. I just have to visit some people. The Pack Elders don't give you a budget for the wedding but they expect you to use the money responsibly.

I spent the next forty minutes reviewing paperwork and signing off Warrior Applicants. Then it was time to go. My first stop is meeting the Elders to discuss Dustin's training. Then go to the Police station to go over the Warrior's training with the officers. I won't stop by the doctor's office today though because he is he has to perform surgery today. I heard he was a prodigy so this year with the training the mentors will be able to go harder on the trainees. The thing that is concerning is the number of times in the past week I've heard about some rouges scent being near the border.

So once they're fully trained it will be helpful to this problem. We could patrol the borders regularly instead of once a week. Most people these days want a high-paying job and sadly being a Warrior isn't one of those. Anyone who applies to be a Warrior is appreciated but making it to become a Warrior is tough. That's why being a Warrior is a respected job. I turned off my computer, took my keys out of my desk, and grabbed my belongings. I went to Ms. Mary's desk to tell her where I'm going so she knows to call me if anything important happens and she needs my help. She nodded and wrote down something on a sticky note.

I went to the building that was designed for housing the Elders and went to Rosemary's dorm. I knocked on her door and waited for a response.

"Who is it?" I heard her say.

"It's Blaze," I responded.

"Oh come on in." She replied.

"Hello, Rosemary. I'm here to talk to you about Dustin's training." I said to her.

"Oh, what do you want to know about his training?" She asked me.

"Well, I wanted to know what you are going to be training him on?" I asked her.

"Well, it will be about pack politics and community service. We will be teaching him how to help the pack and teach him how to help pack members when they're upset or troubled." She informed me.

"Okay, that makes sense. Is there anything that I would need to help him with?" I asked. "No. This is something he should be able to handle on his own and we already have a schedule for him so he can continue his education and his path to becoming the Luna." Rosemary told me.

"Okay, that eases my worries," I told her.

"That's good tell Dustin the next time you see him I look forward to training him." She told me.

"I will. I have to leave now before I am late." I told her.

"Have a good day Blaze."

She said before I left. I walked past Ms. Mary's desk and headed for my car.

I started my car up and drove to the police station. I walked in and it seemed like the officers had their hands full with a couple of cases. The police chief walked up to me and greeted me.

"Hello Mr, Ember, is there a specific reason you wanted to visit the station today?"

"I was wondering if I could see Officer Lance and Officer Parker for a minute to talk about the training of our Warriors," I asked the police chief.

"I apologize but at the moment Officer Lance and Officer Parker are out on a patrol." The police chief told me.

"That's fine. Just have them send me an email of the training regime." I told the police chief before I left.

Now I only have two places left to go. I got back into my car and started heading towards the Midnight Pack's territory. I slowed down at the checkpoint and rolled down my window to talk to the officer. The checkpoint was just recently opened because of the threats of rouges hanging around.

"Hello, sir what are you here for today?" The officer asked me.

"I'm here to visit my significant other's family and shop for gifts," I told the officer.

"Okay," he said as he handed me a pass to put on my dashboard.

I rolled up my window and drove to the jewelry store. When I looked online it said this place had the best reviews out of the two packs. When I entered the jewelry store I was greeted by a cheerful employee.

"Hello, Sir is there anything I can help you with today?"

"Yes, I was wondering if I could look at the necklace chains?"

"Right this way," the employee said as they led me down to the other counter.

There were lights everywhere to make the gems sparkle. There were silver and gold chains that were enclosed in the glass box. I immediately thought Dustin would look best with a silver chain. Plus the silver ring with the small purple stone would look best on a silver chain. I glanced at the chains I wanted a long thin chain instead of one of the bulky chains. I saw a thin silver chain on the left side of the glass box. It was $150 which was one of the cheaper options but it was real silver so that was good.

"I would like to buy the silver chain that is $150," I told the employee.

"Would you like that gift wrapped?" they asked.

"Yes, please," I said.

The employee handed me the neatly gift-wrapped box. The box was small and had a crimson bow on the white packaging. I thanked the employee before heading back to my car. I drove to the apartment complex where Dustin's parents lived.

~The End Of Chapter 26~

I am hoping to upload another chapter tomorrow since I no longer have writers block.

Amber_Satocreators' thoughts